Pew Pew!
+216|7155|San Francisco

Just ran across this recently, a short rant from Tim of the webcomic Ctrl+Alt+Del, mostly about the whining factions in the MMO community. I found it rather similar to the BF2 community as a whole and brings up some good points about us as consumers.

I'm sure most of you will complain about the length, but it is worthy of a read imo.

Tim wrote:

Ranty McRant Rant
12:47 PM - Friday, May 5, 2006 - by Tim

E3 is less than a week away now. I've been getting some requests for a fan-meet like we did last year, and I have no problem doing something similar this year. I'll see what I can arrange.

Lucasfilm will be releasing the original versions of the first Star Wars trilogy on DVD for a limited time later this year, despite George Lucas' adamant statements a couple of years back that the special editions would be the only versions available. The DVD's will be go on sale September 12th, at the same time the new Lego Star Wars launches. Lucasfilm will then stop distributing the original version on December 31st, similar to how Disney releases their movies on DVD for a limited time only.

The original versions will feature state of the art remastering techniques as of 1993, the last time the original trilogy was remastered. Meaning it will still be pretty fuzzy.

I'm glad they're releasing the original versions, not because I give a shit about owning them, but so the whiny fans will finally shut up about it. Now, I liked it better when Han shot first. I thought it fit with his character better. But it's not my movie. If George Lucas wants to change it, that's entirely within his right. Frankly, I liked the versions that were released on DVD last year. I was stunned at how clean the films looked. I couldn't believe that they were thirty years old. They look like they were filmed yesterday.

Personally I think too many people don't understand where their boundaries as a consumer lay. Take MMO's for example, and I've touched on this before. In a problem that has been getting worse and worse over the last five years, most MMO communities are represented by the particularly vocal whining jackasses who complain about everything under the sun.

A patch goes in, and they scream nerf. They get beat in pvp and they scream that their class is under-powered, another class is over-powered, whatever. They curse the developers, call them stupid, throw insults because things aren't how they want them. If there is downtime, they are the first morons on the message board demanding that the hosting developer refund the whole $0.50 a day that most MMO's average out to. Talking about suing and shit just because they can't play their game.

This goes beyond being a paying customer with certain rights as a consumer. If you buy a movie or a video game from a store, take it home and the disc doesn't work, you have the right to take it back to the store and ask for an exchange. We, as consumers, have the right to expect the functioning, as-advertised product that we paid for. This is true.

However there seems to be this growing mentality amongst certain people that simply paying for something somehow automatically puts you on the board of directors. That buying that DVD gives you the right to demand that the director give you something different. Or that the game developer has "broken" the game just because you don't like how it plays.

Of course everyone is enititled to discuss their opinions of anything under the sun. And there are constructive ways to do that, but that's not what I'm talking about here. I'm referring to the percentage of people who act like they're entitled, and I think most of you know the kind of people I'm talking about.

If George Lucas decides that his movies as-is don't accurately reflect his vision, and he wants to change them, that's his right. If you don't agree, just don't buy the films. Don't act like you're forced to purchase the movies, and you're pissed because they aren't the versions you want.

If an MMO developer decides to alter a class somehow, it's because that's in accordance with their overall vision for their game. Paying a monthly fee entitles you access to the play the game, not a right to have it cater to your personal wants. If a rogue in Game A doesn't play like a Rogue in Game B, don't go to Game A and start bitching that the class should be more like in Game B. Just go fucking play Game B if you've got such a hard-on for how they did things.

As I said earlier, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and here is mine. We need to be more tolerant, and less demanding. Stop acting like wanting to play a game is the same thing as being forced to play a game, and acting like victims when the game doesn't evolve how we want it to.

Instead of spending countless hours in various forums complaining and whining that things aren't going how you want them to, just stop playing. Go play a game that you DO enjoy. Or better yet, create your own game/movie/website/book/whatever.

Just my $0.02.
+447|7155|Seattle, Washington, USA

Hm. A good read and a good point.
Mod Incarnate
You mean I can't sue Dice for nerfing helicopters?

Excuse me, I have to call my lawyer...
+6|6874|PA, USA
Well said.  I love BF2 and I intend to keep playing it for a long time.  When EA/DICE changes something in a patch, I adapt to it.  I change my tactics to account for the changes whether I like them or not.  And it has worked out fine for me so far.  I think that there are a lot of players like myself that can deal with changes patches make and we keep playing BF2 enjoyable.  We're loyal to BF2 and we know how to have fun.  Now if only the other half of the BF2 community would shut up and stop complaining about EA/DICE changing stuff, maybe they could spend some more time fixing bugs rather than wasting time catering to the whiners/noobs needs, such as nerfing this weapon or making this class more powerful or blah blah blah.  For example, if you don't like the fact that the chopper is too weak or squad hopping is gone or whatever, shut the hell up and adapt.  If you were a good player, you could deal with it and adjust your tactics accordingly and not ruin the game for the rest of us.  Obviously, you whiners are the crappy players anyway.  Go play something else and let the good BF2 player populate the servers.  Enough said.
Headshot Specialist
+104|7144|Woodland Hills, Ca
voodoochild for president lol.
Pew Pew!
+216|7155|San Francisco

137[CSi] wrote:

voodoochild for president lol.
Not my words, just my sentiment...
Headshot Specialist
+104|7144|Woodland Hills, Ca

tF-voodoochild wrote:

137[CSi] wrote:

voodoochild for president lol.
Not my words, just my sentiment...
Never said they were your words... It was funny and you shared it, hence my comment. *makes a note to stay away from future posts of yours*
Pew Pew!
+216|7155|San Francisco

137[CSi] wrote:

tF-voodoochild wrote:

137[CSi] wrote:

voodoochild for president lol.
Not my words, just my sentiment...
Never said they were your words... It was funny and you shared it, hence my comment. *makes a note to stay away from future posts of yours*
eesh, no need to take offence... in your defense I do suppose presidents simply read speeches given to them by others, perhaps I could run afterall.
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|7001|San Francisco
Tim is awesome.  I love that comic!
Support fanatic :-)

Looks like a post everyone should be obligated to read before they post anything at all.
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Raiders of the Lost Bear

I don't get the title?

But I'm going to start quoting bits of that to people in no time.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7148|Cologne, Germany

I just pressed Ctrl + Alt + Del. No rant appeared. what am I doing wrong ?

EDIT: Just had a lengthy conversation with our IT dept. about not pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del too often while working. It seems to bug them....
+139|6980|Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia
Ctrl + Alt + Del is sweat
I only saw it a week or so ago
and I downloaded like 50 of the comics
ther the best, this ones pretty good::
[Expert Smoke Grenade]
+44|7081|Hamburg, Germany
I'll just repeat myself:
What would all the whiners do if EA/Dice didn't patch?
A:find a new game to whine about
B:whine anyway
C:whine some more
D:whine again
E:complain about things
F:back to A

basicly everything that keeps them from looking at themselves and and finding out the reason why they are bitching....

Last edited by Aruba-Prime (2006-05-08 01:33:42)

Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

You forgot to add: "and in between these complaints, they're still playing BF2."

Coolbeano wrote:

You forgot to add: "and in between these complaints, they're still playing BF2."
thats the funny thing about most whiners in bf2... whine whine zomg black hawk too powerful!!! nerfz!!! and still plays until patch is released... and still complains....

Well im only whining about the bugs, not the feutures/classes in the game

I read that the other day and thought of BF2. Ctrl+Alt+Del rocks!
+1,716|7039|St. Andrews / Oslo

Nice post! +1 to voodoochild
Say wat!?
Good post however, its still our right to bitch, its the way we cool ourselfs down when we hear about changes, without bitching our heads would explode.
Ambitious but Rubbish
Thing is if that nobody whined on these forums anymore, it would only be full of Award and sniper video threads.

I find the complaining threads some of the funniest stuff on BF2s, they make me laugh on how they don't like some thing and when Dice change it, they still complain.

Its funny stuff, reading these threads.
a fly
+105|6951|The netherlands
you made my day!!! +1 for you xD
+16|6952|my dads balls
i agree, no whining=oo sniper vids.  i also liked how people still complained about the claymores, complaining about exaclty what i told them would happen, let me think, oh yes
rAnDoMnOoB:im so glad EA is fixing the claymores, noobs that place them need to be slapped by a glove.
kingusjordanus:the only thing that is gonna happen is people are gonna learn how to place them better, so the "fix" will make it worse.  (and i have noticed a lot less claymores facing the wall)

and what happens, the noobs still complain that they die from claymores, everyone knows the warlord TV station has claymores so packed its like running through pudding, if you bull-rush the place, you will die, dont whine about it.

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