
krazed wrote:

so guess who has the #1 leaderboard spot for blacktail score?
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7088|Great Brown North
no not warman


shot it with the new 12 gauge SxS  with a slug
+354|6307|Vortex Ring State
someone made a BF2 mod that is like this, blackforest hunt is the name
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6931|Little Bentcock
I wish I had access to the net so I could DL and play this. Been getting my bow hunting fix with DHT
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5697|Fuck this.

Adams_BJ wrote:

I wish I had access to the net so I could DL and play this. Been getting my bow hunting fix with DHT
My suckass vid card won't run this ;_;
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7088|Great Brown North
Wrench turnin' fool
Playing this makes me want to go out and hunt for real. I guess it's a good thing i DL'd it so I'll get off my ass more.
"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5697|Fuck this.
MUST. GET. NEW. VIDEO. CARD. FOR. CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!  SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

So would the Nvidia 7600 be a good choice?
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6273|London, England


_______________________________________________________________________________________________ https://i.imgur.com/Xj4f2.png
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6968|The darkside of Denver

Blade4509 wrote:

Playing this makes me want to go out and hunt for real. I guess it's a good thing i DL'd it so I'll get off my ass more.
Im going after Elk here in like two weeks
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7088|Great Brown North
yeah fraps recorded it with the black bars, don't know why......

anyway, this is the leaderboard buck

+263|6830|North Norway

downloading this atm... well, trying... going sloowwwwww

But anyways... by looking at some of the screenshots here... You people would all be in jail by now if you came to Norway and hunted like that
So many rules broken

Not sure why I never heard about this game before, I do enjoy hunting each fall... Now I can hunt all year Althou a bit different prey...
I hunt these:
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7088|Great Brown North
sadly thanks to massive over hunting a few years back.....not by licensed hunters i might add

moose here are by draw only, which it's damn near impossible to get picked for
More screenies, Krazed?
+263|6830|North Norway

some areas here are crawling with them... in fact some places there are so many that we have to hunt them or there will be an overpopulation... Like where I hunt, my dad owns land, and he and several other land-owners team up. There are no natural predators, it's on a island. The last bear on the island vanished several generations ago... Once in a while a lynx manages to swim over, but they don't really have any hopes of taking down even a calf as they stick to their mother and older siblings until they are quite grown up.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7088|Great Brown North
...can i come to visit? lol

as for more screenshots... i don't really have any of interest left:/

+263|6830|North Norway

well, spent a few hours in it so far. Taken down 3 deers. Seen 10 deer (all female) and 4 elks... sucks you have to pay to take down other animals

Last edited by Hallvard (2010-10-14 15:10:02)

Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7088|Great Brown North
yeah but if we didn't we would get no new animals lol, it's really cheap anyway

hallvard what is your name on the site? i have nobody to talk to while hunting anymore

Status Update wrote:

Wednesday, 13th October 2010

Status Updates are weekly posts made in the community forum where the team share insights into the development of theHunter.

How's the pheasant hunting going? Got that big rooster on the wing yet?

One thing I wrote before the release was that it was theoretically possible to use the compound bow on the clay pigeon range but it was close to impossible actually hitting one. Of course it didn't take long before a video appeared where a target was hit with the bow? Hey, I said it was close to impossible, not that it was impossible! ;-)

ColoradoKid posted a great video tutorial in the forum on how to use the pheasant caller. Want to locate those pheasant? Make sure to check it out!
The Road Ahead

Until now we've tried to communicate what we are doing in terms of development and what we are working on. We will now take this to yet another level being even more open and transparent. Previously we've mostly talked about things once they've been well underway to make sure we could communicate a definitive release date.

This will now change! Now we'll start communicating our roadmap ahead even on things yet to come. There may be more uncertainties in the roadmap, but we will do our outmost to meet the dates without compromising quality!

While we're working on longer term things like updating the game engine, refactoring the game server to be able to extend it (with achivements, just to mention one thing) and developing the new antler and scoring system we do also want to provide a steady flow of updates and content to the game, without delaying the "big" important things.

Beside features the actual content of the game is important. We want more locations and we want more animals! Moose and bear is our top priority in regard to animals, and those we want to put in an environment that today has the working name "Canadian Woods".

But let's talk about what is coming up the next few months. We still want to keep some surprises so I don't want to reveal everything, but basically we are every week going to release something. What's coming up are new mission packs, items and features such as TrackIR support and free-look.

The big thing will be the release of a new location 13th of December with working name Old Farmlands (this is done in parallell with the development of the much larger Canadian Woods environment that also will introduce the moose and bear).

Already starting next week we will release a new payment method, Paysafecard. Paysafecard is prepaid cash for the Internet, without using a bank account or credit card. You buy a card in one of the thousand sales outlets around the world and then use it to purchase your membership or em$ online - no personal data or bank account details required.

Up for next week are also the pheasant competitions...
Pheasant Competitions

Frequent Flyer

Harvest high-scoring Pheasants highest average of 4 first male submissions wins.

Weapons: Side by Side Shotgun w. Birdshot
Scoring: Highest average score, air shots
Tie Break: Submission date
Tail Gunner

Harvest the heaviest Pheasant (both males and hens are valid) to win the competition. Only the best of your first 6 birds will count.

Weapons: Side by Side Shotgun w. Birdshot
Scoring: Weight, air shots
Tie Break: Submission date

Harvest the highest scoring Pheasant at 98ft minimum to win.

Weapons: .357 Magnum
Scoring: Score, air shots
Tie Break: Submission date
Beek Havoc

Harvest as many Pheasants as you can, highest total weight wins.

Weapons: Side by Side Shotgun, Pump Action Shotgun, .357 Magnum
Scoring: Highest total weight,air shots
Tie Break: Total score
Birdie Black Jack

Harvest a pheasant as close to 21m (68.8976 ft) as possible, longer kills will not count.

Weapons: Pump Action Shotgun w. Birdshot
Scoring: Distance, closest to 21m (68.8976 ft), air shots
Tie Break: Submission date

Happy hunting till next week!
+354|6307|Vortex Ring State
+263|6830|North Norway

name is B4Hallvard.... seriously considering paying for this... spent a hour trying to track down those little buggers, but I kept runing into big herds and one of em always spotted me and made all of them run away... had one fun moment thou, I saw 3 mule deer in front of me, so I went to prone, suddenly I hear sounds to my right and left and I see I'm surrounded by at least 7 mule deer, lol...

Finally managed to hear a buck for the first time.. tracked it down and stalked it for about 30 minutes before I could get a clear shot.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7088|Great Brown North
i'm getting a lot of use out of the double barrel shotgun

dropping a herd of piggies in one go
Good stuff, Krazed
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5666|London, England
Game needs a run button.

Edit - Found it. Now what? I just sit in a tree stand and wait for something to wander by?

Last edited by JohnG@lt (2010-10-15 17:33:57)

"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7088|Great Brown North
it has one?

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