
Gawwad wrote:

More intresting game play vs. grinding, more sensible stats on gear, more balanced classes and specs and you can actually play effectively in all of your three specs as opposed to one.
Yeah, the game has gone to shit.
do you have any idea how the game was balanced at the end of vanilla? do you have any idea how fun the game was before battlegroups, when you knew everybody in every battleground, so it was a 'true' battle between egos, characters and well-reputed guilds? do you have any idea how much 'better' it was when people had to get a set of gear, and put in the effort, to be accomplished at 'x' spec or 'y' role? nowadays you farm one set of gear with an ambiguous, catch-all 'spell damage' stat-- gear that takes about 2 days to get of just doing the easiest excuse for an 'heroic' instance imaginable, cmopleted in about 15 minutes-- and then you're ready to rock n roll. there's no challenge, there's no effort, there's no sense of 'accomplishment'.

people complain time and time again about vanilla 'grinding'. the fact is, back in vanilla the treadmill system had an EFFORT:REWARD system that worked AMAZINGLY well. people that played hardcore accessed hardcore content and were rewarded hardcore gear. people that didn't play so hard still had sets of gear and huge, expansive instances to explore, but they obviously weren't putting in the effort to get the top stuff, and so it was still EXCLUSIVE. if anything, TBC and then WoTLK made the game even more GRIND BASED; now you have to do repetitive grinds for little-to-no reward whatsoever. tons of reputations, tons of asinine stats and grinds for 'achievements' (that actually mean nothing), tons of pointless side-grinds for vanity mounts and useless items, titles and buyer-rights. the game has more grinds than ever, only they're not as steep as they used to be, and they don't reward properly for the 'proper' amount of effort. WoW has gone to shit, yes. casuals love it, though. they're welcome to it.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
That Guy
+236|5355|Massachusetts, USA

Uzique wrote:

UnkleRukus wrote:

Morpheus wrote:

Meh. I played.
Not really my style of game... I mean exploring was fun, killing shit was fun...
but i was like "Really? You're like the third fucking person who can't get out of their own damn house to pick flowers that ARE RIGHT OUTSIDE YOUR FUCKING WINDOW." Also, people were like 'OMFG, DERE R SOOOO MANYY QESTZ HURRRRR' and I was like 'Huh?'.
Also, once I hit 30, I was  "Yay! Now I can get my mount! What's next?.... oh.... all this same shit to level 60....."
I dunno, not a bad game, just not my kind of game.... at least, not with a bunch of 'power players'
It's easy mode now ever since WoTLK came out, i had to grind to 40 to get my first mount, and then grind to 60 and farm 500g for my epic mount. Now it's considerably cheaper and easier to level.
did that on 3 chars in vanilla days bro. the epic mount grind in tyr's hand wasn't THAT bad. nor was the badlands-rock grind for your lvl40 mount. a day's work for the lvl40 and about a week's work for the epic mount. doing it on the 2nd and 3rd character was hellish-- luckily i had some random lvl50-60 BoE epics drop whilst leveling them up so i had some AH gold to help .

the thing i miss about vanilla was the pvp system and the difficulty of attaining epic-gear. i ruled that shit.
I never had the luxury of having a BoE epic drop for me, best that dropped was Warmonger and that was a 49 blue. I had to grind for ages to get my epic. Even during BC i never got my epic flier, i did that shortly after WoTLK came out. I may not have had to deal with the pre-bc grind and shit like that, but when you compare BC to WoTLK, BC was a lot tougher.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.

UnkleRukus wrote:

Uzique wrote:

UnkleRukus wrote:

It's easy mode now ever since WoTLK came out, i had to grind to 40 to get my first mount, and then grind to 60 and farm 500g for my epic mount. Now it's considerably cheaper and easier to level.
did that on 3 chars in vanilla days bro. the epic mount grind in tyr's hand wasn't THAT bad. nor was the badlands-rock grind for your lvl40 mount. a day's work for the lvl40 and about a week's work for the epic mount. doing it on the 2nd and 3rd character was hellish-- luckily i had some random lvl50-60 BoE epics drop whilst leveling them up so i had some AH gold to help .

the thing i miss about vanilla was the pvp system and the difficulty of attaining epic-gear. i ruled that shit.
I never had the luxury of having a BoE epic drop for me, best that dropped was Warmonger and that was a 49 blue. I had to grind for ages to get my epic. Even during BC i never got my epic flier, i did that shortly after WoTLK came out. I may not have had to deal with the pre-bc grind and shit like that, but when you compare BC to WoTLK, BC was a lot tougher.
i had epic flyer almost first on my server in TBC... AoE-grinded a BE mage to 70, then AoE-farmed elementals when the economy was still new... 35-40g per primal

then i was the first guy on the server to get a netherdrake... grinded neutral->exalted in about 5 days... hardcore egg camping...

none of those grinds felt anywhere near as bad as, say, timbermaw hold or winterspring during classic

Last edited by Uzique (2010-08-21 10:35:28)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Uzique wrote:

UnkleRukus wrote:

Uzique wrote:

did that on 3 chars in vanilla days bro. the epic mount grind in tyr's hand wasn't THAT bad. nor was the badlands-rock grind for your lvl40 mount. a day's work for the lvl40 and about a week's work for the epic mount. doing it on the 2nd and 3rd character was hellish-- luckily i had some random lvl50-60 BoE epics drop whilst leveling them up so i had some AH gold to help .

the thing i miss about vanilla was the pvp system and the difficulty of attaining epic-gear. i ruled that shit.
I never had the luxury of having a BoE epic drop for me, best that dropped was Warmonger and that was a 49 blue. I had to grind for ages to get my epic. Even during BC i never got my epic flier, i did that shortly after WoTLK came out. I may not have had to deal with the pre-bc grind and shit like that, but when you compare BC to WoTLK, BC was a lot tougher.
i had epic flyer almost first on my server in TBC... AoE-grinded a BE mage to 70, then AoE-farmed elementals when the economy was still new... 35-40g per primal

then i was the first guy on the server to get a netherdrake... grinded neutral->exalted in about 5 days... hardcore egg camping...

none of those grinds felt anywhere near as bad as, say, timbermaw hold or winterspring during classic
my mates would go back and grind vanilla reputation with their 80 chars and think that was a grind... er no.

credit to you for getting a netherdrake in 5 days, thats some mad grind and some mad shut in

fuck i miss playing, i get all misty eyed from time to time and then i have to remind myself how many absolute morons are playing now and how pathetic the attitudes towards loot and raids are, i then dont regret leaving for good.
im the exact same. i get nostalgia-vibes for WoW... associative memories from playing it so much...

for example, i can listen back to some u-Ziq tracks, and certain tracks/albums will remind me of a 'zone' in WoW, e.g. Ashenvale

just cause the first time i played through them, back as a young'un, all wide-eyed and "wowowow", that music was the soundtrack.

the game has changed so damn much now, though. i tried to play it casually and just enjoy it for what it was... but there's no skill left.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6942|Little Bentcock

Uzique wrote:

none of those grinds felt anywhere near as bad as, say, timbermaw hold
Fuck that shit
My way or Haddaway!
+212|7004|Espoo, Finland

Uzique wrote:

Gawwad wrote:

More intresting game play vs. grinding, more sensible stats on gear, more balanced classes and specs and you can actually play effectively in all of your three specs as opposed to one.
Yeah, the game has gone to shit.
do you have any idea how the game was balanced at the end of vanilla? do you have any idea how fun the game was before battlegroups, when you knew everybody in every battleground, so it was a 'true' battle between egos, characters and well-reputed guilds? do you have any idea how much 'better' it was when people had to get a set of gear, and put in the effort, to be accomplished at 'x' spec or 'y' role? nowadays you farm one set of gear with an ambiguous, catch-all 'spell damage' stat-- gear that takes about 2 days to get of just doing the easiest excuse for an 'heroic' instance imaginable, cmopleted in about 15 minutes-- and then you're ready to rock n roll. there's no challenge, there's no effort, there's no sense of 'accomplishment'.

people complain time and time again about vanilla 'grinding'. the fact is, back in vanilla the treadmill system had an EFFORT:REWARD system that worked AMAZINGLY well. people that played hardcore accessed hardcore content and were rewarded hardcore gear. people that didn't play so hard still had sets of gear and huge, expansive instances to explore, but they obviously weren't putting in the effort to get the top stuff, and so it was still EXCLUSIVE. if anything, TBC and then WoTLK made the game even more GRIND BASED; now you have to do repetitive grinds for little-to-no reward whatsoever. tons of reputations, tons of asinine stats and grinds for 'achievements' (that actually mean nothing), tons of pointless side-grinds for vanity mounts and useless items, titles and buyer-rights. the game has more grinds than ever, only they're not as steep as they used to be, and they don't reward properly for the 'proper' amount of effort. WoW has gone to shit, yes. casuals love it, though. they're welcome to it.
I played in vanilla and the game is a million times better now.
I'm sure it's a huge let down you can't spend your days standing in town trying to impress people with your gear anymore,
but most people don't care about that sort of stuff anyway.
My way or Haddaway!
+212|7004|Espoo, Finland

Uzique wrote:

im the exact same. i get nostalgia-vibes for WoW... associative memories from playing it so much...

for example, i can listen back to some u-Ziq tracks, and certain tracks/albums will remind me of a 'zone' in WoW, e.g. Ashenvale

just cause the first time i played through them, back as a young'un, all wide-eyed and "wowowow", that music was the soundtrack.

the game has changed so damn much now, though. i tried to play it casually and just enjoy it for what it was... but there's no skill left.
What skill did you need in original wow compared to now?
One shotting clothies PVP? Stand still and nuke bosses?

Gawwad wrote:

Uzique wrote:

im the exact same. i get nostalgia-vibes for WoW... associative memories from playing it so much...

for example, i can listen back to some u-Ziq tracks, and certain tracks/albums will remind me of a 'zone' in WoW, e.g. Ashenvale

just cause the first time i played through them, back as a young'un, all wide-eyed and "wowowow", that music was the soundtrack.

the game has changed so damn much now, though. i tried to play it casually and just enjoy it for what it was... but there's no skill left.
What skill did you need in original wow compared to now?
One shotting clothies PVP? Stand still and nuke bosses?
talk to me when you've even downed neffy in BWL. stand still and nuke? lol. c'thun, horsemen and original KT were some of the hardest fights WoW has ever had-- period. 40 people with intense coordination. pvp took dedication and a lot of teamwork, again-- rinsing premade BG's was a lot more effort than simply doing 10 arena matches a week, facerolling with your FOTM combo/spec and then getting freebie epics. getting pvp epics took 2-3 months of grinding, hard, with a team of people backing you up. the game was better then- the treadmill and 'gradient' was a lot steeper, which is generally more conducive to a fun MMORPG experience. MMO's need winners and losers; they need hardcore elements so that people with lots of time, effort and dedication can shine. when everybody has access to the same gear and everybody can roll through the same instances, it's boring. period.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6942|Little Bentcock

Uzique wrote:

Gawwad wrote:

Uzique wrote:

im the exact same. i get nostalgia-vibes for WoW... associative memories from playing it so much...

for example, i can listen back to some u-Ziq tracks, and certain tracks/albums will remind me of a 'zone' in WoW, e.g. Ashenvale

just cause the first time i played through them, back as a young'un, all wide-eyed and "wowowow", that music was the soundtrack.

the game has changed so damn much now, though. i tried to play it casually and just enjoy it for what it was... but there's no skill left.
What skill did you need in original wow compared to now?
One shotting clothies PVP? Stand still and nuke bosses?
talk to me when you've even downed neffy in BWL. stand still and nuke? lol. c'thun, horsemen and original KT were some of the hardest fights WoW has ever had-- period. 40 people with intense coordination. pvp took dedication and a lot of teamwork, again-- rinsing premade BG's was a lot more effort than simply doing 10 arena matches a week, facerolling with your FOTM combo/spec and then getting freebie epics. getting pvp epics took 2-3 months of grinding, hard, with a team of people backing you up. the game was better then- the treadmill and 'gradient' was a lot steeper, which is generally more conducive to a fun MMORPG experience. MMO's need winners and losers; they need hardcore elements so that people with lots of time, effort and dedication can shine. when everybody has access to the same gear and everybody can roll through the same instances, it's boring. period.
My way or Haddaway!
+212|7004|Espoo, Finland
You take this so seriously
riiight... so after 2-3 paragraph long responses ardently denying my points... you come out with that?

guess i was right all along, then. just as i thought! business as usual in azeroth...
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+1,510|6449|Carnoustie MASSIF
I got to lvl50 and got bored.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6942|Little Bentcock
well my rogue has been 80 for just over a week and I have almost reach 5k gear score. I work 6 days a week with overtime. I play for only a few hours if I have the time. If you still think this game hasn't become casual friendly then I dunno. Not saying its a bad thing, just no more room for the elitists - which I think the game needs. You need to be able to aspire to something... seemingly unattainable, where only the top echelon of players get.

I do enjoy having a my purrrty gear though :>

Last edited by Adams_BJ (2010-08-24 09:38:45)

+3,936|6819|so randum

Adams_BJ wrote:

well my rogue has been 80 for just over a week and I have almost reach 5k gear score. I work 6 days a week with overtime. I play for only a few hours if I have the time. If you still think this game hasn't become casual friendly then I dunno. Not saying its a bad thing, just no more room for the elitists - which I think the game needs. You need to be able to aspire to something... seemingly unattainable, where only the top echelon of players get.

I do enjoy having a my purrrty gear though :>
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

Hey so what's the best strategy for getting a nuke? What killstreaks should I use?

This is officially the official thread about the greatest game right?
nah apparently this is the official thread where you regurgitate the same unfunny shit that you do all over this forum
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7033|Purplicious Wisconsin
Killstreaks suck
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
sometimes my brain and entertainment-wants just fall into this 'funk', this nostalgic hazy longing, where it literally CRAVES to play this game again. i don't mean in the addictive sense... i just mean that when you have a lot of free time on your hands, your brain really starts to consider spending a few hours a day on this game. it literally offers a second life and never really has a dull moment, if you commit to it and get 'into' it. then i have to rationalize not playing it with all the real-world shit i could be doing in that time. oh, warcraft... such perfect escapism!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
I got to lvl 10 then said why am i doing this.
i actually get dissatisfied with spending lots of time practicing/matching on fps games...

it's nice to have a cumulative, .constantly building towards something., gaming experience.

i suppose that's a short answer as to why "people do it". all the time and effort you spend has a direct, tangible result.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Latter Alcoholic
Hey guys wondering if you could help me out here. We got my bro WoW for his birthday, and it seems we have to install from the web, which takes like 5 hours.

Anyway, the first few times just failed abismally and I was just wondering if there are specific steps to install this fucking game without any errors or such. Currently on XP, and the errors are so so bad. Tried claiming ownership of folder without success, tried resintalling in safe mode, disabled norton for the duration of install and run.

Fuck... it's so fucking complicated. Any help is greatly received.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5803|Bolingbrook, Illinois

Airwolf wrote:

Hey guys wondering if you could help me out here. We got my bro WoW for his birthday, and it seems we have to install from the web, which takes like 5 hours.

Anyway, the first few times just failed abismally and I was just wondering if there are specific steps to install this fucking game without any errors or such. Currently on XP, and the errors are so so bad. Tried claiming ownership of folder without success, tried resintalling in safe mode, disabled norton for the duration of install and run.

Fuck... it's so fucking complicated. Any help is greatly received.
it wasn't complicated at all for me.

also, you never told us the problem, you just said it fails.  that isn't descriptive enough.
you can download the WoW client from anywhere... not necessarily blizzard's site

the cd you buy gives you a cd key which means you can start an account with .make sure you're downloading/registering the key on the EUROPEAN site and not the AMERICAN go to account management on wow-europe and start an account and register your CD-key. download the client and install it from literally anywhere... do a complete uninstall beforehand if windows is being retarded about it.

oh yeah and tell your "brother" to have fun

Last edited by Uzique (2010-09-02 10:25:30)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

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