Well if I were paying a subsciption rather than a lump sum, surely I would play as much as possible to get my money's worth because I've got a limited (granted it it's a long time) period in which to play. I'm sure that's what I would be doing because whenever I play any sort of RPG, I've got the urge to complete the whole damn game, 100%, nothing left undone, and I imagine that would be quite expensive here.
i also imagine it would be quite impossible.... such is the nature of an MMORPG
the subscription kinda contributes majorly to that never-completeable, always refreshed with new-content aspect
the subscription kinda contributes majorly to that never-completeable, always refreshed with new-content aspect
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
You can hit level 80 on one months sub, then get fully geared (at least PvE) in half a sub..

especially on galakrondFinray wrote:
You can hit level 80 on one months sub, then get fully geared (at least PvE) in half a sub..
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
LOLBrasso wrote:
especially on galakrondFinray wrote:
You can hit level 80 on one months sub, then get fully geared (at least PvE) in half a sub..
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Are you drunk?

no our fucking realm sucks that's allFinray wrote:
Are you drunk?
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
2 80s now
almost 4 80s now
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
well, you never did it? didn't see you in ICC25M hard-mode once...Finray wrote:
You can hit level 80 on one months sub, then get fully geared (at least PvE) in half a sub..
half a month, you say?
game is easy and simplified for the oldschool hardcore, but not really for you to say . . .
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
I think he might need triumph gearedUzique wrote:
well, you never did it? didn't see you in ICC25M hard-mode once...Finray wrote:
You can hit level 80 on one months sub, then get fully geared (at least PvE) in half a sub..
half a month, you say?
game is easy and simplified for the oldschool hardcore, but not really for you to say . . .
t9 ilvl 232 lol
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
265. pimp
Silly meaningless numbers

silly meaningless gear in silly meaningless content in a silly meaningless easy expansion.
blizz should release 'vanilla' servers that just lets people level, experience and raid at lvl60. lvl60 talents only, lvl60 stat-mechanisms, etc.
it would be pimp and all the newcomers to the game would learn to appreciate how much of a gravytrain it is nowadays...
blizz should release 'vanilla' servers that just lets people level, experience and raid at lvl60. lvl60 talents only, lvl60 stat-mechanisms, etc.
it would be pimp and all the newcomers to the game would learn to appreciate how much of a gravytrain it is nowadays...
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
If enough people complain about it blizzard will do it
They cave at everything
They cave at everything

People were already pushing for it, if they got enough people to say they would play on those servers, they would do it. As it stands now they wont, not enough people.Uzique wrote:
silly meaningless gear in silly meaningless content in a silly meaningless easy expansion.
blizz should release 'vanilla' servers that just lets people level, experience and raid at lvl60. lvl60 talents only, lvl60 stat-mechanisms, etc.
it would be pimp and all the newcomers to the game would learn to appreciate how much of a gravytrain it is nowadays...
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
Id play on a vanilla server, give me something new to do

Unfortunately you need several thousand people to say they will play and keep playing for a long time on one of those servers.Mutantbear wrote:
Id play on a vanilla server, give me something new to do
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.

Meh. I played.
Not really my style of game... I mean exploring was fun, killing shit was fun...
but i was like "Really? You're like the third fucking person who can't get out of their own damn house to pick flowers that ARE RIGHT OUTSIDE YOUR FUCKING WINDOW." Also, people were like 'OMFG, DERE R SOOOO MANYY QESTZ HURRRRR' and I was like 'Huh?'.
Also, once I hit 30, I was "Yay! Now I can get my mount! What's next?.... oh.... all this same shit to level 60....."
I dunno, not a bad game, just not my kind of game.... at least, not with a bunch of 'power players'
Not really my style of game... I mean exploring was fun, killing shit was fun...
but i was like "Really? You're like the third fucking person who can't get out of their own damn house to pick flowers that ARE RIGHT OUTSIDE YOUR FUCKING WINDOW." Also, people were like 'OMFG, DERE R SOOOO MANYY QESTZ HURRRRR' and I was like 'Huh?'.
Also, once I hit 30, I was "Yay! Now I can get my mount! What's next?.... oh.... all this same shit to level 60....."
I dunno, not a bad game, just not my kind of game.... at least, not with a bunch of 'power players'
EE (hats
It's easy mode now ever since WoTLK came out, i had to grind to 40 to get my first mount, and then grind to 60 and farm 500g for my epic mount. Now it's considerably cheaper and easier to level.Morpheus wrote:
Meh. I played.
Not really my style of game... I mean exploring was fun, killing shit was fun...
but i was like "Really? You're like the third fucking person who can't get out of their own damn house to pick flowers that ARE RIGHT OUTSIDE YOUR FUCKING WINDOW." Also, people were like 'OMFG, DERE R SOOOO MANYY QESTZ HURRRRR' and I was like 'Huh?'.
Also, once I hit 30, I was "Yay! Now I can get my mount! What's next?.... oh.... all this same shit to level 60....."
I dunno, not a bad game, just not my kind of game.... at least, not with a bunch of 'power players'
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
I think that's when I started...? I dunno. I bought the warchest - WoW and TBC in one box... but the reason I bought it was because of one of my other friends, i think he started playing because of WotLK... anyway. Meh, i just didn't like the grind. I liked the exploring and the fighting, but grinding was just like twisting a knife in a wound.UnkleRukus wrote:
It's easy mode now ever since WoTLK came out, i had to grind to 40 to get my first mount, and then grind to 60 and farm 500g for my epic mount. Now it's considerably cheaper and easier to level.Morpheus wrote:
Meh. I played.
Not really my style of game... I mean exploring was fun, killing shit was fun...
but i was like "Really? You're like the third fucking person who can't get out of their own damn house to pick flowers that ARE RIGHT OUTSIDE YOUR FUCKING WINDOW." Also, people were like 'OMFG, DERE R SOOOO MANYY QESTZ HURRRRR' and I was like 'Huh?'.
Also, once I hit 30, I was "Yay! Now I can get my mount! What's next?.... oh.... all this same shit to level 60....."
I dunno, not a bad game, just not my kind of game.... at least, not with a bunch of 'power players'
EE (hats
did that on 3 chars in vanilla days bro. the epic mount grind in tyr's hand wasn't THAT bad. nor was the badlands-rock grind for your lvl40 mount. a day's work for the lvl40 and about a week's work for the epic mount. doing it on the 2nd and 3rd character was hellish-- luckily i had some random lvl50-60 BoE epics drop whilst leveling them up so i had some AH gold to help .UnkleRukus wrote:
It's easy mode now ever since WoTLK came out, i had to grind to 40 to get my first mount, and then grind to 60 and farm 500g for my epic mount. Now it's considerably cheaper and easier to level.Morpheus wrote:
Meh. I played.
Not really my style of game... I mean exploring was fun, killing shit was fun...
but i was like "Really? You're like the third fucking person who can't get out of their own damn house to pick flowers that ARE RIGHT OUTSIDE YOUR FUCKING WINDOW." Also, people were like 'OMFG, DERE R SOOOO MANYY QESTZ HURRRRR' and I was like 'Huh?'.
Also, once I hit 30, I was "Yay! Now I can get my mount! What's next?.... oh.... all this same shit to level 60....."
I dunno, not a bad game, just not my kind of game.... at least, not with a bunch of 'power players'
the thing i miss about vanilla was the pvp system and the difficulty of attaining epic-gear. i ruled that shit.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
More intresting game play vs. grinding, more sensible stats on gear, more balanced classes and specs and you can actually play effectively in all of your three specs as opposed to one.
Yeah, the game has gone to shit.
Yeah, the game has gone to shit.