
rdx-fx wrote:

Criticizing CNN is MY pet rant here
They did a great job in the 90's.  They seem to have become too much of a 'ratings whore'...
Allow me to assign to you a fun movie...

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-05-04 16:02:09)

GunSlinger OIF II

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

But honestly,  do you think that we could hold this level of world wide military activity and still maintain an all volunteer force.  Especially since we all know this shit is escalating even more, especially with Iran.
Still, the US is holding back with its conventional powers. Barring nukes, the we could still change our policy to allow for the carpet bombing of any small upstart country into irrelevancy, while withholding funds for rebuilding...not that the UN would approve.
I think we used 70% of our navies guided warheads during shock and awe.  Ofcourse the stockpile has to have been replenished but just goes to show how much we really got. 

You cannot win a war solely through air superiority.  Carpet bombing is effective but only in the long term.  Look at WW2 where the deadly daylight raids proved to have a minimum impact on Germany's warfighting capabilities.  Same goes for vietnam.  You cant sustain conventional military operation without the majority of your forces being boots on the ground.
Am I the only one that realizes this is a joke?

Bert10099 wrote:

I am a senior citizen.

During the Clinton Administration I had a good job.

Since President Bush took office,

I have watched my entire life change for the worse

because of his policies.

I lost my job.

I lost my home.

I lost my health insurance.

I lost my two sons in that terrible War in Iraq.

As a matter of fact, I've lost virtually everything

and become homeless.

Instead of getting some help, I only got arrested.

George W. Bush has to go!

We should do anything that Senators Kennedy, Clinton,

and Kerry want to insure that a Democrat is back in

the White House with the next election.


Saddam Hussein
LMAO....I started reading and was chompin' at the bit to start typing, then I got to the end. good post..

section9 wrote:

Sorry to call you a moron , It just seemed like I had to type a book in here to prove my point and frankly I wasn't in the mood. But just look at how the standard of living for americans trying to live the american dream has fallen and continues to do so.
Our standard of living hasn't fallen quite as much as the victims of terror attacks have I would think.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

But honestly,  do you think that we could hold this level of world wide military activity and still maintain an all volunteer force.  Especially since we all know this shit is escalating even more, especially with Iran.
Still, the US is holding back with its conventional powers. Barring nukes, the we could still change our policy to allow for the carpet bombing of any small upstart country into irrelevancy, while withholding funds for rebuilding...not that the UN would approve.
I think we used 70% of our navies guided warheads during shock and awe.  Ofcourse the stockpile has to have been replenished but just goes to show how much we really got. 

You cannot win a war solely through air superiority.  Carpet bombing is effective but only in the long term.  Look at WW2 where the deadly daylight raids proved to have a minimum impact on Germany's warfighting capabilities.  Same goes for vietnam.  You cant sustain conventional military operation without the majority of your forces being boots on the ground.
Of course! Tanks'n'troops for the win. Patton would slap you on the back for saying such, and so would I. But we do have the capacity to pound cities into rubble, spread the debris out, and direct a river over the remains in good old Mongol fashion. Oh, and to wipe out entire populations...yet we don't.

Three cheers for a kinder, gentler empire.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-05-04 16:20:18)


cat4ever wrote:

Bert10099 wrote:

I am a senior citizen.

During the Clinton Administration I had a good job.

Since President Bush took office,

I have watched my entire life change for the worse

because of his policies.

I lost my job.

I lost my home.

I lost my health insurance.

I lost my two sons in that terrible War in Iraq.

As a matter of fact, I've lost virtually everything

and become homeless.

Instead of getting some help, I only got arrested.

George W. Bush has to go!

We should do anything that Senators Kennedy, Clinton,

and Kerry want to insure that a Democrat is back in

the White House with the next election.


Saddam Hussein
I'm sorry for you sir, and because of your sons, and I think you are right, I agree, Bush must go away of his place! USA needs a new president! Who agrees?
LMAO!!!!!.............yer a democrat ......................right?

MartinPocrezze wrote:

i don t know how u americans can like bush u are brainwashed by cnn and that shit and i can t belive how could u vote the same president 2- times do u want more of your brothers housbands and sons to die in iraq for who mr. bush and his oil
mr bush attacked iraq why becose of weapons of mass dstr. (didn t found shit)
tell me usa-boys what do u think about your prez and i m not muslim i m from europe
america is runed by jews and u don t even know it
and why don t america attack izrael they occupied land that isn t their gaza west bank
izrael is doing all crimes killing civilians and they say that ppl in palestina are terrorists

america izrael = nazi  country   
jews learned from 1st hand

america get new presiden one that is not so corrupted
I will respond to this rubbish..................by not responding to this rubbish.

Horseman 77 wrote:


Horseman 77 wrote:

Darth_Fleder's Political Science Experience: Watched 1 michael moore movie and became expert.
As opposed to anyone else on here?  How about yourself?  The only political experience most of us here have had is some classes in college, maybe an American Govt. class in high school.  Personally, I am currently pursuing my MA in International Relations.  Unless any person here has ran for office, I think we are all in the same boat here (that is, no real world experience in Poli Sci except for arguing on a BF2 forum).  As opposed to you, who I am sure has ran for office, right?
Sorry meant Sect-9

Actually yes I am Town supervisor (Like a Mayor) of a Small but growing industrial town  lots of Trucking hubs and Airport.

I unseated a Guy who ran it for years (like 20 ) with his buddies. I ran as an independent on a

" Honesty in Government and Environmental Campaign."

   The Town grew too big too fast to cut corners any more on Environmental issues any more like they could when it was a backwater. This Really pissed of Local developers But it would have come back to haunt us in a big way in about 15 years or so.

  All his Cronies are still on the Board and the cops are all his friends so Its pretty touchy. I had to Arm myself and have since joined the NRA when I saw what bullshit it was to Actually get a Gun ( 5 Day cooling off period MY ASS try 16 month wait before I got mine ) I still get Tickets all the Time. Wheels touching curb etc. really imature. Anyway I already got re Elected once and Found over 600k in Missing Public Funds. I also get a Swanky Buick as part of my Salary but it smells so bad of cigarettes that I never drive it. Its getting to be more pleasant as I have won over a lot of loyalty from his people that were left over. It runs smoother now but it is still a lot of bull shit. I want to Televise our Town meetings on local Cable just so they can see how unbelievably Wild these meetings get.  But hey I asked for it.
yeah ok, besides THAT, what have you done ???? lol.....how ya doin' horseman77?

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

you are Right.

I know all the attacks on the USA stopped on a dime but I have it on good authority they are just waiting for better weather.It has very little to do with the fact we are kicking their asses right in their own back yard. Uncovered Sarin Gas depots ( WMDs by anyone's definition )Found Airliners in Iraq's Military Bases  Set up for hijacker training. And we have them now killing each other instead.
Horseman I just don't understand this rational? All the attacks on the US stopped on a dime, what attacks? Aren't our soldiers who are an extension of our country attacked on a day to day basis?
With that logic, WW2 must have been a lost cause since our soldiers were fighting everyday. The point is ( and you know it ) that America and her civilians have not been attacked thanks to the efforts overseas.
BF2s Frat Brother

Bert10099 wrote:

I am a senior citizen.

During the Clinton Administration I had a good job.

Since President Bush took office,

I have watched my entire life change for the worse

because of his policies.

I lost my job.

I lost my home.

I lost my health insurance.

I lost my two sons in that terrible War in Iraq.

As a matter of fact, I've lost virtually everything

and become homeless.

Instead of getting some help, I only got arrested.

George W. Bush has to go!

We should do anything that Senators Kennedy, Clinton,

and Kerry want to insure that a Democrat is back in

the White House with the next election.


Saddam Hussein
Sorry about your luck dude, Sometimes you spit, sometimes you swallow and sometimes you just get screwed...........lol

Last edited by Superslim (2006-05-04 16:31:25)

GunSlinger OIF II
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7114|Orlando, FL - Age 43

Spearhead wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

Horseman, if you were German, and you were in Germany, 60 years ago, you would fit right in that society.
I think you are Way way out of line. Give me one example.
You found a Real Safe place to talk like that.  Talk like your face to face or dont talk at all.
The majority of your statements are completely one sided an ignorant, and that's the way people were thinking in Nazi Germany back in the good ol' 1930's
Spearhead, just exactly how do you know how people were thinking in 1930's Germany?
GunSlinger OIF II
we called our targets PLYWOOD-IANS isntead of crazy ivans
I am all that is MOD!

lowing wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:


As opposed to anyone else on here?  How about yourself?  The only political experience most of us here have had is some classes in college, maybe an American Govt. class in high school.  Personally, I am currently pursuing my MA in International Relations.  Unless any person here has ran for office, I think we are all in the same boat here (that is, no real world experience in Poli Sci except for arguing on a BF2 forum).  As opposed to you, who I am sure has ran for office, right?
Sorry meant Sect-9

Actually yes I am Town supervisor (Like a Mayor) of a Small but growing industrial town  lots of Trucking hubs and Airport.

I unseated a Guy who ran it for years (like 20 ) with his buddies. I ran as an independent on a

" Honesty in Government and Environmental Campaign."

   The Town grew too big too fast to cut corners any more on Environmental issues any more like they could when it was a backwater. This Really pissed of Local developers But it would have come back to haunt us in a big way in about 15 years or so.

  All his Cronies are still on the Board and the cops are all his friends so Its pretty touchy. I had to Arm myself and have since joined the NRA when I saw what bullshit it was to Actually get a Gun ( 5 Day cooling off period MY ASS try 16 month wait before I got mine ) I still get Tickets all the Time. Wheels touching curb etc. really imature. Anyway I already got re Elected once and Found over 600k in Missing Public Funds. I also get a Swanky Buick as part of my Salary but it smells so bad of cigarettes that I never drive it. Its getting to be more pleasant as I have won over a lot of loyalty from his people that were left over. It runs smoother now but it is still a lot of bull shit. I want to Televise our Town meetings on local Cable just so they can see how unbelievably Wild these meetings get.  But hey I asked for it.
yeah ok, besides THAT, what have you done ???? lol.....how ya doin' horseman77?
Thats funny Horseman, because you have said in numerous posts you live in NYC.  Which one is it, a small but growing industrial town, or the most populous city in the U.S.?
+302|7043|Salt Lake City


lowing wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

Sorry meant Sect-9

Actually yes I am Town supervisor (Like a Mayor) of a Small but growing industrial town  lots of Trucking hubs and Airport.

I unseated a Guy who ran it for years (like 20 ) with his buddies. I ran as an independent on a

" Honesty in Government and Environmental Campaign."

   The Town grew too big too fast to cut corners any more on Environmental issues any more like they could when it was a backwater. This Really pissed of Local developers But it would have come back to haunt us in a big way in about 15 years or so.

  All his Cronies are still on the Board and the cops are all his friends so Its pretty touchy. I had to Arm myself and have since joined the NRA when I saw what bullshit it was to Actually get a Gun ( 5 Day cooling off period MY ASS try 16 month wait before I got mine ) I still get Tickets all the Time. Wheels touching curb etc. really imature. Anyway I already got re Elected once and Found over 600k in Missing Public Funds. I also get a Swanky Buick as part of my Salary but it smells so bad of cigarettes that I never drive it. Its getting to be more pleasant as I have won over a lot of loyalty from his people that were left over. It runs smoother now but it is still a lot of bull shit. I want to Televise our Town meetings on local Cable just so they can see how unbelievably Wild these meetings get.  But hey I asked for it.
yeah ok, besides THAT, what have you done ???? lol.....how ya doin' horseman77?
Thats funny Horseman, because you have said in numerous posts you live in NYC.  Which one is it, a small but growing industrial town, or the most populous city in the U.S.?
I'm far from being one to defend most of Horseman's posts, but I believe he's said that he lived (past tense) in NYC, but currently resides in Texas.
I am all that is MOD!

fair enough

Horseman 77 wrote:

I gotta hire an Engineer for a home inspection, Because if I don't get my GF's little boys out of NYC soon they will come home with their hats on sideways and underwear showing above the waistband of their jeans. ( they already say " Fo real ? ) While I am gone I suggest..
then again, his GF may live in NYC but he in Texas.  I just find it hard to believe that he runs a small town, but never mentions it until I call him out.  Ok though, I will believe, for Agent Scully.

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2006-05-05 12:39:18)

Horseman 77

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:


lowing wrote:

yeah ok, besides THAT, what have you done ???? lol.....how ya doin' horseman77?
Thats funny Horseman, because you have said in numerous posts you live in NYC.  Which one is it, a small but growing industrial town, or the most populous city in the U.S.?
I'm far from being one to defend most of Horseman's posts, but I believe he's said that he lived (past tense) in NYC, but currently resides in Texas.
OK quick Bio lived in and near NYC as child 61 to 88
88 to 95 VT.  Divorced
95 96 NJ
96 to 99 NYC Bronx/GF lives in Harlem NYC.
Moved upstate 1.5 hrs from manahattan Hell Commute in by car n train
Left that Job for one last mentioned,
Have been trying to Get house up in area for about a year
Gave up on anything with River View. settled for 2.5 acres instead
in large but Run down home.
Landscaper/College Grad 82
Tech for a consulting Engineering 82 84
Teamster 84 85
Lineman 85 88
Retired Horse Trainer/Breeder 88 95
Divorced Started over 95
Phone comapany/Riding instructor/Backdrop painter /Artist/ Small acting parts As Rider/ Opera Carmen for Example 95 to 2002
Ran for Town Supervisor in Fit of Rage.
Not the great political coup it looks like on paper Believe me. Residing over a lot of little petty feuds. At the last board meeting I had to listen for ten minutes as some woman proposed we "Reserve land for a mono Rail " The one intercection has a Lumber store and 6 miles away is a pizzeria and We need a mono rail to connect them?
Our Annual budget for side walks was $800 and we came in under it at $300

Believe it or not we have hookers. Where these girls come from I have no idea but they hang out near the big gas station trucks use near the Airport. I get 76k and a Car. I only did it because It was such bullshit The other people were doing.
My sister is an Environmental Engineer and acts as my conscience and watch dog.
My Brother who is a Large paving Contractor tells me if we are getting ripped off on Bids.
My friend from college who is Really smart is My tele Chenny. Pretty simple system.

And Its all about installing Proper Septic fields really, that's all it is. What we fuk up now will be Beyond repaire later.
That was my Whole platform. But it isnt really politics it about Turds

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-05-05 13:56:34)

+302|7043|Salt Lake City

Horseman 77 wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:


Thats funny Horseman, because you have said in numerous posts you live in NYC.  Which one is it, a small but growing industrial town, or the most populous city in the U.S.?
I'm far from being one to defend most of Horseman's posts, but I believe he's said that he lived (past tense) in NYC, but currently resides in Texas.
OK quick Bio lived in and near NYC as child 61 to 88
88 to 95 VT.  Divorced
95 96 NJ
96 to 99 NYC Bronx/GF lives in Harlem NYC.
Moved upstate 1.5 hrs from manahattan Hell Commute in by car n train
Left that Job for one last mentioned,
Have been trying to Get house up in area for about a year
Gave up on anything with River View. settled for 2.5 acres instead
in large but Run down home.
Landscaper/College Grad 82
Tech for a consulting Engineering 82 84
Teamster 84 85
Lineman 85 88
Retired Horse Trainer/Breeder 88 95
Divorced Started over 95
Phone comapany/Riding instructor/Backdrop painter /Artist/ Small acting parts As Rider/ Opera Carmen for Example 95 to 2002
Ran for Town Supervisor in Fit of Rage.
Not the great political coup it looks like on paper Believe me. Residing over a lot of little petty feuds. At the last board meeting I had to listen for ten minutes as some woman proposed we "Reserve land for a mono Rail " The one intercection has a Lumber store and 6 miles away is a pizzeria and We need a mono rail to connect them?
Our Annual budget for side walks was $800 and we came in under it at $300

Believe it or not we have hookers. Where these girls come from I have no idea but they hang out near the big gas station trucks use near the Airport. I get 76k and a Car. I only did it because It was such bullshit The other people were doing.
My sister is an Environmental Engineer and acts as my conscience and watch dog.
My Brother who is a Large paving Contractor tells me if we are getting ripped off on Bids.
My friend from college who is Really smart is My tele Chenny. Pretty simple system.

And Its all about installing Proper Septic fields really, that's all it is. What we fuk up now will be Beyond repaire later.
That was my Whole platform. But it isnt really politics it about Turds
Oh, okay.  I thought one of your posts said you were currently living in Texas...my bad. 

As for the hookers, anywhere you have a truck route you will have "Lot Lizards", as the truckers call them.
Junglist Massive


I just find it hard to believe that he runs a small town,
Now, if he'd said he'd been run out of a small town by a lynch mob, that I'd believe....
Horseman 77

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:


I just find it hard to believe that he runs a small town,
Now, if he'd said he'd been run out of a small town by a lynch mob, that I'd believe....
" lynch mob " Is this supposed to be funny ?

Its really a Town board,  There needs to be a Quorum to even have a Meeting none of us act alone. Do you know anything About Roberts Rules? I just keep people Honest is all I do.

It was more my point that the Campaigns were so Low down and dirty, Mud Slinging, Threats Etc. They kept referring to my sister as a "Failed actress " Because she had been a model actress before she Went back to School. I mean WTF ?

Besides I. Ran my own business From 88 to 95 I had 6 full time and 16 part time employees. That aint to shabby.

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-05-05 19:51:23)


This isn't intended to have a go at you or anything horseman, just curious, but do you believe America has done anything wrong during it's entire existance? Because based on what you always post, it sounds like it.

ghettoperson wrote:

This isn't intended to have a go at you or anything horseman, just curious, but do you believe America has done anything wrong during it's entire existance? Because based on what you always post, it sounds like it.
Nope, America isn't perfect. It is, however, striving to be everything to everyone, with both ends of the political spectrum represented. How many other countries can claim that?

Not to mention that with all our faults, illegals are flocking in by the droves COMING here, not FLEEING from here.

Last edited by lowing (2006-05-07 05:46:11)

Horseman 77

ghettoperson wrote:

This isn't intended to have a go at you or anything horseman, just curious, but do you believe America has done anything wrong during it's entire existance? Because based on what you always post, it sounds like it.
Subj: Getto person 

Then you must not really read my posts.
I believe you skim it to see if It is merely pro or Con to What someone who calls himself a "Getto person " wants to hear.

The USA is not perfect but I will not be Spoken down to, Preached to or Chided by the Continent that Plunged the World into Global War on With their Assumed forward thinking and Higher Level of morals and intellect.
The Continent Who gave us Death Camps, Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing, Gulags etc.

Converse with, Debate but not " Spoken down to, Preached to, or Chided " You get it now ?

Your post was condescending in tone.

I never insult. But I will counter an insult with a Harsher tone. It is my experience that those who insult can usually be laid low easily by carefully inspecting what they have written and using their very own words.

Do you get me?

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-05-07 08:45:47)

+72|6895|Chelmsford, UK
I hate bush because..........I am a libralist. i also dont like blair much but hes better than any conservative

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