FloppY_ wrote:
Big McLargehuge wrote:
New DLC is coming!
CVG wrote:
The pack, titled 'Claptrap's New Robot Revolution', will require players to suppress a deadly Claptrap attack using the unique abilities of their chosen vault hunter. he add-on takes place during a civil war between the Hyperion Corporation and the Claptraps, who are led by the cunning kung-fu Claptrap known only as Ninja Assassin.
The add-on takes place during a civil war between the Hyperion Corporation and the Claptraps, who are led by the cunning kung-fu Claptrap known only as Ninja Assassin.
The contents of this add-on were of course originally discovered when a player dug into the 1.3 PC patch and found details on new quests, weapons and characters.
The patch also hinted at the return of a number of other Borderland characters, while they will probably show up in this pack, it may be that more DLC is on the way.
http://www.computerandvideogames.com/ar … ?id=259532
Sounds exiting
Lets hope it's more content like Zombie Island and Knoxx... and not more crap like moxxi sounds to be
Yeah, Knoxx and Zombie Island were awesome, Moxxi not so much. I bought Mad Moxxi during the Steam summer sale for less than $4.00. It was pretty meh.
I'd really like Gearbox to raise the level cap again but I won't get my hopes up.
Last edited by Big McLargehuge (14 years, 7 months ago)