Valve wrote:
After our usual delay, we're proud to announce we've finished the utterly impossible task of selecting the winners of the Polycount Contest. These five lucky individuals will soon receive the unbridled adoration of the TF2 community when we release their packs in an update. Unluckily for them, we're also going to attach gameplay attributes (probably of a game destroying nature) to these items, sullying their perfect work with our clumsy attempts at game design.
Polycount wrote:
Narrowing it down to 5 sets for you to eventually unlock in Team Fortress 2 (the release date is unknown but coming in the close future) the winners of the first ever Polycount Pack are, in no particular order:

Source: http://www.polycount.com/2010/07/15/the … ck-winners
Last edited by iNeedUrFace4Soup (2010-07-16 14:29:54)