eleven bravo
+1,399|5567|foggy bottom
I had a dream I was chasing a tortoise across the grass in my back yard at 3 in the morning with a lot of fog.  the fucker was running like a gazelle.
Tu Stultus Es

Last night I dreamed that me and a few friends went out to dinner and for some reason I felt like dressing in a suit and tie. The restaurant was completely booked but we got in immediately because people mistook me for Obama, despite me being white. They kept complimenting me on my suit, and I think it's what fooled them.
+947|6819|Gold Coast
Thats awesome.
noice                                                                                                        https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/awsmsanta.png
+152|6835|London (At Heart)

Last night I dreamed all the teeth on the bottom right side of my mouth were falling out one by one, it was quite disgusting.

I woke up and was actually thankful to remember my teeth are good enough to have never have had a filling.

I brushed my teeth twice this morning ;_;
+1,411|7050|FUCK UBISOFT

I had a dream that everyone on BF2s karmad me, and then I was made a mod.

I spend too much time here.
I dreamt that I was with all of my friends at a bar and then suddenly Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Volcanos, Thunders, Tornados and everything terrible happened. Sort of like an apocalypse and then suddenly i see people getting hit by lightnings, and i start freaking out and screaming.
Then we are all hit by the lightnings and we turn into some kind of a soap thingy for a commercial.
I wake up.
I'm still WTF now.
mmmf mmmf mmmf

aerodynamic wrote:

I dreamt that I was with all of my friends at a bar and then suddenly Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Volcanos, Thunders, Tornados and everything terrible happened. Sort of like an apocalypse and then suddenly i see people getting hit by lightnings, and i start freaking out and screaming.
Then we are all hit by the lightnings and we turn into some kind of a soap thingy for a commercial.
I wake up.
I'm still WTF now.
adverts, theyre invading our dreams.
'Light 'em up!'

Had an utterly bizarre dream last night.

I was at this school somewhere or other, and there was this teacher trying to make my life a living hell and all that. Then I discovered he was a rapist, and tried to prove it. Then for some reason we were in Moscow and suddenly told to head underground while all the teachers went to Stafford (). So all of the students were packed into this tunnel and the rapist guy appears. After that there was a nuclear explosion, and I watched the guy burn away before I shut the hatch.

The subconscious mind produces some weird shit.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6096|Catherine Black
Keep having teeth dreams. Shit sucks, scary as hell, one of my only fears is to have my teeth smashed out. Can't watch the American History X Kerb Stomp scene without feeling seriously sick afterwords.
+947|6819|Gold Coast
Two nights ago dream:
The day kicks off with me being away (at university, presumably). The day goes all and well until I arrive home. Instead of going up the driveway normally, I drive down the back of the house (I'm on acreage and have another gravel type road leading down to the back) where BAM! There is an additional section of the house just made. It is shaped as a V, so there is one length of building at a ~20 degree angle of another length, with a small space in-between the buildings that is still dirt, which I imagine would be for a fountain or something. Then I figure, how is this possible? They must've torn down the shed (which is a pretty big shed), and the tennis court (I have a tennis court in my backyard) and put up this building in one day! Amazing! However, the old pond is where it remains, which I find unusual, since my parents wanted to get rid of it.
So I go exploring, and find it is already fully furnished. Upstairs (it was a two story building) consisted of several bedrooms which were pretty small, a huge living space with a pool table, television, the usual gear and then a bigger bedroom. Mother comes and finds me, and says "you can have any room you want for your bedroom", so I tell her I want the big bedroom, which had its own bathroom, study area and tonnes of space.
Then I woke up.
NB, it'd make more sense if you saw my house/property, but for me it was a big WTF dream.

Last nights dream:
Part 1:
For some pecuiliar reason, I was driving a friends BMW, but had lost my way. I also needed to urinate badly, and found a piece of land that appeared to belong to nobody that was close to the riverside. For some reason, I brought a few audio CDs with me. On the way to relieve myself, I walked past a CD player that was playing some old '40s jazz. I took that CD out, and put one of my CDs in. I then went over to a tree, and started to go pee. Then, some elderly woman came out of the house that was just to the side (it had an old, wooden fence 20 metres from the stereo), looked around, and took my CD out and put hers back in. I was basically finished urinating, and yelled "excuse me maddam, but thats my CD". She then said "you should'nt touch other peoples belongings", to which I replied "I'm sorry, I didnt know it was yours". We then had a conversation about something, and then I said sorry again and goodbye. I then drove off in my friends BMW.
Part 2:
On the Gold Coast there is this place called Paradise Point, which has this strip of land of parks/walkways along the beach. In my dream, I had won the lottery and bought a piece of that land from the council, and then built a post-modern house on it. It looked very... nice. However being the teen I am, I hosted many parties on it. In one specific time, I had a few friends over. Since it was basically on the water/beachfront, we just fished from the patio. However, instead of using bait, my friend decided to use a plastic bag. However, a man that lives across the river (there is a bridge that spans the river and is pretty close to the house I built) comes over and knocks on the door. A friend answers, and the man charges in yelling "WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT TO THE SEALIFE? DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING?!?" My friends were high or something, and said "chill out bro ahaha". The man then said "Who is the owner of this house?", and I said drowsly "me, what do you want?" (I had just woken up, despite the time being 5pm or so in the dream, and for some reason I was cooking bacon) The man said "I hope you're happy", and stormed off. I then got angry, despite him already leaving and said "yeah, fuck off c***!" Everyone thought this was hilarious and then started laughing.

Another man, obviously security from the place over the bridge then came over and said "I heard something was happening here earlier today", and we replied, "yeah, some nutter came over and stormed in yelling at us for using a plastic bag as fishing bait". He said "yeah, thats Norman (WTF), he's a big hardtime enviro (envronmentalist, I'm assuming)."  I then took him to the side and said that I was planning to have a party over sometime later tonight, and that he might want to have security come down and across the bridge every so often to make sure nothings happening to their bridge and whatnot. He said "yeah, thanks for the heads up", and left.

Then some hours later, people started arriving. Some people wanted to hide their drinks (Dont know if its universal, but here, if you dont bury, hide, or have your drinks on you, they basically get stolen and drunk), I said "sure, you can put it in my fridge upstairs if you want". Plus they were really hot chicks, so I had to say yes.

Fast forward more hours, and the security man comes over and says something of a noise complaint. I say yeah, we'll turn it down now since its 1130. He said thanks, and moved on. Again, about an hour or two later, the same guy comes over and says "we got a light complaint, how fucking stupid. they're old, but they also threatened with the police, so would you mind?" I said "sure, but do you mind if I know who it is? I'll send something over to say sorry tomorrow", to which the seccy replies "sure, its xxxx at xxxx street". I say thanks, and he moves along.
When he is gone, I go out to this house, and yell at the window "IS THE FUCKING MOON TOO BRIGHT TOO? WANT ME TO TURN THE FUCKING MOON OFF FOR YA? HUH? HUH YA PRICK?!" and I then ran off like the little girl I am.
We all then crash and sleep.

Part 3:
The following day, I decide to send flowers (lolwtf) to the old lady's house from part 1.

I then woke up.
noice                                                                                                        https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/awsmsanta.png
plundering yee booty
+510|5782|Ventura, California

Finray wrote:

Keep having teeth dreams. Shit sucks, scary as hell, one of my only fears is to have my teeth smashed out. Can't watch the American History X Kerb Stomp scene without feeling seriously sick afterwords.
STFU you give me sympathy pain!

I can't imagine how it must feel to be curb stomped.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
There is.
+1,380|6999|Devon, England
Had a weird one last night. Dreamt I was in my room, but I had this weird box that kept giving me puzzles to solve. The last one's the only one I remember, but this red and white scorpion thing came out of it, and I was told I had to suffocate it, but watch out for it's deadly sting. Also told I could hold it by the sides of the stinger to be safe.

So I grabbed this thing by the sides of the stinger and tried to blow down it's mouth, as I know that's how you suffocate babies (don't ask how I know). It got kinda pissed, and I was too tired to carry on holding it, so I threw it away and tried to go back sleep.

Then I realised it will probably kill me, so I got up and tried to look for it.

It was on the wall laughing at me. Then it jumped at me, so I just legged it, then realised I was dreaming and went back to sleep.

Was weird.
+354|6307|Vortex Ring State
Keep on dreaming that I'm blind, and all I hear are sounds


but i'm too lazy to put all that work into it.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"

FFLink wrote:

Had a weird one last night. Dreamt I was in my room, but I had this weird box that kept giving me puzzles to solve. The last one's the only one I remember, but this red and white scorpion thing came out of it, and I was told I had to suffocate it, but watch out for it's deadly sting. Also told I could hold it by the sides of the stinger to be safe.

So I grabbed this thing by the sides of the stinger and tried to blow down it's mouth, as I know that's how you suffocate babies (don't ask how I know). It got kinda pissed, and I was too tired to carry on holding it, so I threw it away and tried to go back sleep.

Then I realised it will probably kill me, so I got up and tried to look for it.

It was on the wall laughing at me. Then it jumped at me, so I just legged it, then realised I was dreaming and went back to sleep.

Was weird.
The red and white scorpion represents male sexuality. The stinger and the sting represent the penis and ejaculation. Being able to safely hold the scorpion means being able to control male sexual desires. However, you blew on the scorpion's mouth and then left it deliberately. This is the realization that resistance is futile. In reality you WANT to be stung. You are then confronted with the consequences of neglecting to resist: the laughing scorpion on the wall. The scorpion is happy, yet you mistakenly interpret as it laughing at you. Fear of ridicule takes over and you decide to neither resist the scorpion nor let it sting you.

Spoiler (highlight to read):
You're gay and in denial

I was on a bike ride across the country, on a little bmx bike with nothing but the clothes on my back. I stopped at a famous burger joint in Utah that was right next to the mountains and a lake. I could hear and see waves from the lake sloshing up against the nice houses nearby, and the sun was setting so that the tips of the mountains were illuminated in red, orange, and pink.

I was sitting outside at a table, waiting. Don't know what I was waiting for, but eventually a lonely old man came up to me and introduced himself and sat down. We shook hands but he held on for an extremely long and awkward time. I kept trying to pull my hand away but he wouldn't let ago for a good 30 to 60 seconds; way longer than a handshake should last. Then I got up to go order my food. There were some people already in line but they didn't know what they wanted so they let me go ahead. The woman at the cashier was a total bitch and asked me in a polite-but-with-a-bitchy-undertone manner, "Please step back and wait your turn." I tried explaining to her that the people let me cut in line but she wouldn't have any of that.

I waited for the people to make up their minds and order, and right as I was about to step up and order, some douchebag cut in front of me. I almost loudly protested and had a fit but the cashier was equally bitchy to that cutter, and I got to go ahead and order.

I picked up my bag of food and the lady at the counter threw in two containers of ketchup and smiled nicely and told me to have a good day. The ketchup was refrigerated and didn't come in packets; instead they were in plastic containers with a seal on the top, like containers of ranch dressing or garlic sauce from Papa John's.

I sat down back at my original seat and the old man had a bunch of his friends with him who were laughing and joking around. I awkwardly ate my meal and answered any questions they had for me.

After I was done eating we said goodbye and I went on my way. The sun was setting and it was getting dark and I started hiking on a trail near the mountains. I made it about 100 yards before I realized that the whole purpose of my trip was the bike ride, and I completely forgot. I made it back to the restaurant right as it got completely dark and found my bike.

I was riding my bike down a steep and narrow trail. I had to go very slow since there were lots of drops as well as people walking around. The trail was lit by the glow of orange street lamps (even though the trail was all dirt and tree roots). At one point I rode by a Jewish music camp. There were kids walking in and out with various instruments and there was a sign in Hebrew on the wall.

Finally, I made it to a building that looked like an old Mexican mission/church. Next thing I knew, I was playing with some remote controlled cars, a platoon of them. I would control one and the other 3 would follow; oh and these were little plastic toy cars, not like actual cars. There was a little girl playing with her own remote controlled toy. Hers was a polar bear in a ballerina tutu, and it would roll around balanced on one leg with the other leg sticking out, it would spin around, like it was a figure skater. Eventually my cars got too close and our signals started interfering with each other. I would try to move my cars and her bear would freak out. She would try to move her bear and my cars would start spinning around going crazy.

Then it ended.

Official EVGA Fanboy
+94|6422|SC | USA |
I had a dream that I actually talked to that girl down in St. Lucia and that wasn't regretting every second of every day.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
Me and my brother were looking after my sisters house for a few weeks, after a friend, another battlefield addict had a few too many drinks we woke him up and he blurted out

"there's one on the flag!"

he still hasn't lived that one down
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

mtb0minime wrote:

Last night I dreamed that me and a few friends went out to dinner and for some reason I felt like dressing in a suit and tie. The restaurant was completely booked but we got in immediately because people mistook me for Obama, despite me being white. They kept complimenting me on my suit, and I think it's what fooled them.
Works for him.
+718|6829|Austin, Texas
I dreamed I was at the beach, at some sort of school function. High school probably, but the people around me weren't all from my highschool. My best (girl) friend, and a bunch of other dancers and stuff, and a few people I had no clue who they were, a few people I've seen a few times in my life but can't remember for the life of me where I know them.

Anywho. I was chillin out at the beach, except the beach was more like a jetty. It went out into the ocean for about 3-400 yards, couldn't really tell, and was a fairly thin strip. Ocean came in on either side, it was fucking cool. Anyway, I digress. I was just kind of standing around, admiring what was what when I got caught by a giant ass wave. I was on my ass at first, and then stood up on a 15ish or so foot wave, it took me a good 7-800 yards away. Except it didn't come in from the sea, it went kind of perpendicular to the sea, I rode it along the shoreline. I was so pumped, I ran back to where I was originally, and there were a few people who ran with me as I rode the wave giving me high-fives on the way back. There was an awkward high five with one of the girls, she didn't know what to do. And then another one grabbed my wrist instead of high fiving me, in some sort of I-want-you-in-me way. I broke away.

Then my best (girl) friend shows up with a foldable tent. She's got like shittons of food, a plate of cupcakes that were sitting ontop of one of those small travel BBQ things, and a bunch of other stuff. I just kind of watch her struggle to get the foldable tent open and up, but sure enough it makes a handly blue tent. She set it up indoors though, in a place that looked like it would be a tool shed, but with a single wall knocked out so that it was open all the time. I went outside the shed-area and stuck my head in the sand to find a small series of tunnels. I remembered that I hid a can of fresca down there to keep it cool (i guess). This was all with half of me still above ground, by the way. Not real deep.

Then I was sitting around some sort of meeting area, with some sort of authority figure making food. I told him he was doing it wrong (it was casserole - there was meat, onions, and noodles), so I picked up the pan and attempted to fix it. However after trying to fix it, everything in the pan pretty much disappeared out of thin air. I was pretty confused - like where the fuck did it go? Then some other people started coming over, from the house behind me, that appeared out of nowhere. Now I recall it's a sorority house that's a few blocks away, but it seemed like a good place for it at the beach. I looked back at the pan and then woke up

I can haz titanium paancakez?
Crappy dream last night. Me and a very close friend of mine were fighting for the resistance during the nazi oppression period. Long story short, friend gets killed in battle, and I had to tell the shitty news to his mother and father... woke up almost crying. meh
+718|6829|Austin, Texas
After writing down that previous dream, I remembered my dream from last night as well. Freakin' cool, seeing as I hardly remember my dreams. Going to keep them in a folder.

Also thanks for everyone who contributed, I read this entire thread last night on my phone, provided much lulz.

Last edited by Bevo (2010-07-25 11:22:28)


Bevo wrote:

After writing down that previous dream, I remembered my dream from last night as well. Freakin' cool, seeing as I hardly remember my dreams. Going to keep them in a folder.

Also thanks for everyone who contributed, I read this entire thread last night on my phone, provided much lulz.
Yeah, if you keep it up and write down your dreams the moment you wake up the next day, and write down as much detail as you can, you'll be amazed. At my best, I was remembering 3 to 5 dreams a night.

Had a lucid dream last night But it was so brief it was utterly disappointing.

Got into the dream and was like, "Sweet! I'm dreaming!" I was in front of a huge computer monitor, like 30 or 40 feet high. I tried jumping up to it (it was my dream, so surely my jumping ability would be amazing) but I couldn't grab onto the top to climb up. Then I went blind in one eye, which made me realize I was probably leaving the dream So I tried looking around to get my vision back, but then I went blind in my other eye. The next thing I saw was my dark room and bed and I had woken up shortly after going to sleep

I also recently had a dream during which I ripped my shirt. It was so realistic that when I woke up I checked my drawer to make sure I didn't really rip my shirt.

Last edited by mtb0minime (2010-08-09 16:16:26)

Had a dream about BF2S this morning. I say this morning because I woke up part-way through it and got up for breakfast.

'twas just a normal day and everyone was posting stuff. It was more like a memory, tbh.

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