Mass Media Casualty

Okay, well it's coming into May, which is also the Mo month of May at Vic University for me, (so I've stopped shaving - not that I could grow anything anyway,) but more importantly, it is New Zealand Music Month.

Now this is a fairly recent edition to the happenings in this country of mine, I think this is it's fourth year or something. Basicly, what happens is there are a bunch of kick arse shows around the country and NZ music goes on sale for cheap at the CD Store. Basicly, it's the appreciation of our unappreciated, (internationally,) music scene.

It has been brought to my attention that other countries DON'T celebrate New Zealand music month. Honestly I was shocked, so I've taken it upon myself to bring NZ Music month to you, the valuable community at Bf2s.com. Sure it may be blatant self-indulgant crap, (if too much Chuy, just close this and no more needs to be said,) but I think it'd be kind of fun to bring you music that you would never ever have heard otherwise, (unless you're an Australian.)

So what I'm going to be doing here on this thread, about every two days or something like that, (whenever I'm bothered in other words,) is reveal a New Zealand artist or band, and give a little blurb about them. I'll also be including some samples of their music for you to enjoy, because this is pretty pointless otherwise. This way, you can be totaly unique and reveal good music to your mates which will have them going "Who the fuck are those guys?" You should find something you like.
Makes a nice change to the generic crap we have to live through on the radio.

This will cover all genres, from Metal to Hip Hop. We have it all, and it's mostly all good and mostly all unheard.

Play loud,

- Ty.
2007 starts around page two.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
bad touch

a reason to listen to music in school, sweeeet
+42|7151|Waikato, Aotearoa
The Exponents (best sung pissed)
The Muttonbirds
Che Fu
The Datsuns
The D4
Dave Dobbyn
to name a few

Last edited by -101-InvaderZim (2006-04-29 19:26:13)

the Datsuns and Shihad are great but Dave(slice of heaven)Dobbin???????
Mass Media Casualty

Dave has lost my faith. That "Welcome home" shit of his... I mean  honestly. He's already written the secondary New Zealand national anthem - "Loyal" - but then he starts writing the official New Zealand back-from-big-OE song, with some Maori lyrics and whatever.
Hate to break it to you Dave, we HAVE a song like that, it's called "Home Again" by Shihad.

I'm going to get started on this tomorrow once I hand in my Law essay.

First up will be Deja Vodoo as they played the other day, also I'm feeling like writing about beer-swilling bogan-rock. Stay tuned.

Expect a HUGE feature on Shihad.

Once again, this thread is in place to introduce Bf2s patrons to music they would never have heard of otherwise.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Mass Media Casualty

May 1/2
Okay lets do this thing:
(Note, I was ging to start with Deja Voodoo as they played a free gig in the weekend, but really they're not appropriate. I'm pretty sure they would agree with me.)
I've decided to do fifteen bands/artists A-Z.

Autozamm are still pretty new, arriving on the scene in 2002, so there's really not that much to say about them. They play fast, loud, meladoic rock, and they are bloody good at it. Their live act is very solid and they have an excellent sound - however when I saw them they were opening for Shihad and everyone really had their mind set solidly on the main act, (even the band.) They still ruled.
I have chosen the song "You Don't Know Me". Enjoy.

Play Loud.

Autozamm - You Don't Know Me
Click to play----^

Next Time - May 3/4: Blindspott.

Last edited by Tyferra (2006-05-02 00:59:33)

[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
i like it
Mass Media Casualty

May 3/4

Blindspott is New Zealand's answer to I guess, Breaking Benjamin although Blindspott formed quite a bit before BB.
There was a period when liking Blindspott was seen as being musically illiterate. I never really understood that. Blindspot play loud good metal, and are extreamly musical. Sure theres those rasping metal voices at stages, and they do take themselves way too seriously, but show me a metal band that dosnt.

Blindspott formed in 1997 in Auckland before anyone had heard of Linkin Park or Nu Metal. Yes, Blindspott is  quite Nu Metal, but before you condemn it, take a little listen. Drummer Shelton Woolright says about his band, “Many songs are epic, and intricate, although no less hard. We’ve got stuff that’s beautiful, and some songs are just down-right rotten, dirty metal, and there’s even some dub in there.”
Vocalest Damien Alexander is great, he can do the metal rasp, the rap thing, and he has a great voice.

If you like Nu Metal, you'll like this, if you don't like Nu Metal and think that all Nu Metal artists are whiney little bitches, you'll see a bit of that in Blindspott, but chances are you'll like their music too.

Blindspott have a new album out later this month entitled "End the Silence." It has an awesome image on the front cover. They're also opening for Korn when they play in New Zealand in a day or two.

I have chosen the song "Mind Dependancy" off Bindspott's first and self-titled album because it pretty much sums up what the band do. Their sound is repeditive, but it's good. Have a listen.

Play Loud.

Blindspott - Mind Dependancy
Click to play----^

Also you can check out their website to hear their latest single, (Drown,) from their new album, (which has the most awesome album art. That grenade looks kick arse!)

Next time - May 5/6: The Datsuns.

Last edited by Tyferra (2006-05-17 03:14:01)

[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
will have to check out some of these albums when i come over to play paintball next month
Mass Media Casualty

May 5/6
The Datsuns hail from the Waikato - middle of the North Island.
They are Rock n' Roll the way it should be played by white boys. They re-introduced guitar lead breaks after the powers that be deemed them unpopular in the early-mid nineties, (and then bands like The Darkness took all credit with their whole 'we were a Queen covers band' schtik - no shit Justin.)
The band they sound much like - and I'm sure you'll agree with me - is Deep Purple.

The Datsuns have achieved some success in terms of New Zealand musicians, they were taken under the wing of Richard Branson and given a nice little Virgin Music label, (or something related to him anyway.) they've had a pretty good resume, opening for Metallica and having their second album produced by John Paul Jones, (of Led Zeppelin fame.)

I have chosen the song "Motherfucker from Hell" because:
A) It embodies the raw power and rock-ness of The Datsuns and,
B) Because it was the only song I had on my computer.

I would have probably put the song "Blacken my Thumb" on too, (it's probably my favourite Datsuns song,) but I seem to have lost my CD, (Which is odd because the CD's title is "Out of Sight, Out of Mind.")

Play Loud.

The Datsuns - Motherfucker From Hell
Click to play----^

Next time - May 7/8: Dimmer

Last edited by Tyferra (2006-05-08 00:31:05)

[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

I Like Autozamm.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Any rugby?
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7078|AUS, Canberra

polarbearz wrote:

Any rugby?
dude, its NZ! there will be rugby
Mass Media Casualty

May 7/8
Dimmer is a hybrid of a lot of New Zealand artists. First and formost there is Shayne Carter, who is becoming somewhat of a legend. Dimmer won Best Group and Best Rock album at the Tuis, (New Zealand music awards,) although I definatly wouldn't consider them a rock group. They are in a genre of their own.
The members are:
Shayne Carter - Colaberates with almost everyone, of 'Straitjacket Fits' fame.
Anika Moa - former solo star.
Mike Hall - from the band 'Pluto' which will be covered later on.
Andy Morton and Willy Scott - both work with Hip-Hop and Pacifica star King Kapisi, (Morton also works with Hip-Hop group 'Feelstyle'.)
Heather Mansfield - of the 'Brunettes'.

I don't expect you to know these names, I don't know most of them, but the different groups span from oddball 21st Century Rock to Hip-Hop, Pacifica Beats, Electronica, Pop - and Dimmer's music is a mix of all of them. Unexpectedly, it's a recipe for something pretty damn awesome.

I have picked two songs this time. The first, "Getting What You Give" is kind of upbeat, but still quite mellow. "Case" is quite beautiful. It's very simple at first listen, but it has many 'layers'... anyway, I hardly know what I'm talking about here, so just have a listen.
They're both tracks you can really get in to anyway.
Shayne Carter's soothing voice plays a major and distinctive role in the music.

Play... not quite so loud.

Dimmer - Getting What You Give

Dimmer - Case

I don't need to add this 'Click to play' bullshit any more do I?

Next time - 9/10 May: Evermore

Last edited by Tyferra (2006-05-07 23:52:05)

[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Raiders of the Lost Bear


I like this installment.
Mass Media Casualty

May 9/10
Social experiment. Take three brothers, imprison them in a small New Zealand town and Homeschool them. What do we come up with? Either:
A) Three serial killers
B) Three Michael Jacksons
C) A band which makes alternative award-winning music.

In this case, (thankfully,) it was C that prooved true. Evermore is a band made up of the Hume brothers from Fielding. They play I guess what could be called Alternative -= it fits in with that genre than anything else anyway.
If you watch "The OC", (I don't,) you may have heard Evermore before - their song "It's Too Late" was featured on one or two episodes or something.

In 2005, Evermore won the Silver Scroll, which is a prestiegious award for songwriting. They're currently working on their next album, and are being produced by barret jones, who also has worked with Nirvana and the Foo Fighters - although Evermore is completely different in their style.

I suppose there's not really much to say. it's very hard to explain their music, so just have a listen. i've included "it's Too Late" because it's the most well known, and Silver Scroll winning one. It's pretty awesome too.
if you want to hear more of the band they pretty much have their whole album "Dreams" playing on their website, www.evermoreband.com .

It dosn't really call to be played loud, but you can try it.

Evermore - It's Too Late

Next time - May 11-12: Fat Freddy's Drop.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
New Zealand is a country?!?!

: )
Mass Media Casualty

May 11/12

Fad Freddy's Drop is a home-town group for me. Apparently according to the NZ Music powers that be, they define the "Wellington" sound, which I guess means the I live in a city that pulses to the sounds of Dub.
FFD are a Dub group... I guess.
Okay, I think that's how to classify them, the Dub guys like claiming them as their own anyway, but if you go to a FFD performance you'll even find old people. I asked them and apparently they wern't lost either.

Fat Freddy's Drop make he smoothest, grooviest coolest music here. The released their album early last year, 'Based on a true Story' which I'm pretty sure is still in the charts.
So Fat Freddy's is really what you get when you have a shit-load of musical talent, money enough to produce your own CD and a kick arse live show. Like I said, everyone from rockers like myself to old people can be found at their gigs.

I've chosen the single "Wandering Eye" because it's fucking awesome. Honestly the recording dosn't do full justice to the horn section, but it's still excellent, and these guys did it all themselves. It's a long one, best listened to while having a barbeque on a hot summer evening with some mates and a cold one by your side. Soul music.

Play however you want to play it.

Fat Freddy's Drop - Wandering Eye

Next time - May 13/14: Pluto
(Yeah, I know it's a big leap alphabetically speaking, and not to say the artists in the middle arn't deserving, it's just fucken hard to get music from them.)
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
+788|6963|Brisbane, Australia

You bastard! Im hooked now!

Rawr! Spend the last couple of hours listening to that stuff!
+52|7062|Christchurch New Zealand
Hey Ty
not to steal your thunder but Inoticed  you have missed out the greatest live act to come out of nz bar the Exponents. - I am talking of course about The Feelers.

I am obviously far lazier than Tyferra so i'll simpy provide you with a link to a couple of songs and their website.

Click here to watch The-Feelers---Larger-than-life

THis one is a bit more laid back

Click here to watch The-Feelers---Venus

and their website

Mass Media Casualty

I dunno, I wasn't really a fan of The Feelers since after Supersystem. Supersystem was awesome but now I think the ol' Feelers have had their run. "The Fear" was a shitty song, I'm not a fan of "Larger than Life", (Although I like their use of the New Zealand airforce in there video. Go our two choppers!)
"Astronaut" or whatever that song was, is when it all started going downhill.

Yeah, I will be including the Exponents though. I'll include them in the 'oldies' post I'll do after I've done the alphabet thing, (I will not be doing Zed. Sorry, but that teenie-bopper shit is not New Zealand music.)
But yeah, you've gotta have the best beer-swilling-est song out there: "DRRRIIIII-IINK YOURSELF MORE BLIII-IISS!! FAR-GET ABOUT THE LAST ONE, GET YA-SELF A-NUTH-AH!!"

Cheers for adding the Feelers stuff though.

I'm glad of got a few people hooked. Rock on!

- Ty.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Mass Media Casualty

May 13/14

Pluto have been around since 2000, but not really made a huge impact until recently with their album "Pipeline Under the Ocean."
They're an extreamly creative group of guys and they experiment with their chosen medium to create some non-generic music that's pretty awesome. In that way, they sort of peronify what New Zealand music is about. Sure it's not marketable, the artists definatly don't do it for the money, so without the strain of trying to get a massive record label with generic crap, artists are free to do things that havn't been done before.

I've chosen two songs again, the first one was their first single from 'Pipeline' caled "Dance Stamina". It's pretty cool. The verses are lyricaly brilliant.

The second, "Long White Cross" got them nominated for a Silver Scroll, (which Evermore won,) and is pretty cool, and again, lyricaly excellent.

Pluto - Dance Stamina

Pluto - Long White Cross

Next time - May 15/16: Rhombus.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Mass Media Casualty

My computers, (both of them,) are on the fritz at the moment, so I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to continue this as sceduled, (I'm using a university computer at the moment by the way.) However, when/if it is up and running again I'll put a bunch of them on and get up to date.

After Rhombus is Shihad and I don't want to miss that one.

- Ty.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Mass Media Casualty

'Kay, got it all working again, a bit late but oh well.
May 15/16

To be honest I don't know that much about Rhombus. I know that they are a Wellington Dub band, and I know one of the members' parents are friends with my Mum and Dad, (which meant we got three free signed copies of their latest CD,) and that like Fat Freddy's Drop they apparently typify the 'Wellington Sound.'
But yeah... my sister is the big Dub fan realy, and she's not answering her phone right now so I can't ask her about them, (fair enough, it's past midnight.)

What I do know though is that their music, although completely not my style, is good and as my folks would say, (who have recently become big Rhombus fans,) musically 'tight.' I don't know exactly what that means, but they're good. They're funky and they experiment with sounds to create some awesome music.
I have included two tracks. The first one is kind of not so serious but fun and funky called "Mile High", and the second one I don't know the name of, (thats how much I know about these guys, but it's track ten off their latest album.) it's more experimental and uses everything from pacific drums to those kind of twangy asian sounding instruments. It's quite cool though  - it would probably be my favourite track off the album.

Rhombus - Mile High

Rhombus - Track 10

Next time - May 17/18: Shihad.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Mass Media Casualty

May 17/18

Okay if you havn't been keeping up with this thread, now's the time to start.

This is gonna be a long one.

Shihad are arguably the best band to ever come out of New Zealand. Shihad consists of Jon Toogood, Tom Larkin, Phil Knight and Karl Kippenberger.

I'll start from the beginning. Shihad was 'officially' formed in 1988 by Jon and Tom. Tom, who is the drummer, was interested in starting a band and Jon happened to look like a good frontman, which was a considerable amount of forsight by Larkin, as Toogood didn't even know how to play a guitar at that stage. They were joined by Phil Knight on lead Guitar and initially Hamish Laing on Bass. They were playing in venues all around Wellington, in bars and clubs. When the Cops came in for inspections the sixteen-year-old rockers had to be hidden behind the bar.

The band really started to hit their stride in 1990, they released their first EP, "Devolve" which sold remakably well, considering how New Zealand music wasn't appreciated as much as it is now, and the fact that there was no radio plays, no video, and no press coverage - all word of mouth from some kick-arse shows.
Laing left the band in 1991 to be replaced by Karl Kippenberger, who's first gig with the band happened to be alongside legends AC/DC.

In 1993 Shihad had emerged to have their own distinctive sound, and released their first full-length album "Churn". At this stage Shihad's genre could be said to be 'Thrash Metal' or 'Industrial', and 'Churn' was an incredibly experimental album which was clearly on the cutting edge of modern rock. The follow up album "Killjoy" in 1994 scored them a tour of Europe where they managed to gather a large fanbase there.

Shihad spent the next few years touring extensivly and playing alongside some awesome international acts, including Rage Against the Machine, the Offspring and Soundgarden. They released their next album in 1998, (if memory serves, it may have been late 1997,) which wasn't at all their usual style and got them a whole different fanbase. Toogood dubbed it 'Cheeseball Rock' and vowed never to do it again, although the album, (self-titled,) did have a bunch of awesome songs on it, and included 'kiwi classic' "Home Again".

The next album, "The General Electric", (oddly named after the two reaccuring chords in the title track, G and E,) was a masterpiece and in my opinion their best to date, (although narrowly.) It started getting people talking, and a reaccuring line was 'If Shihad were American, they'd be huge." I tend to agree.

Shihad finally got to try their luck in America - the 'Holy Grail' for musicians. Unfortunatly, soon after they got there, the September 11 attacks occurred. This got sirens ringing for everyone at the Shihad camp. Before 9/11 few people even knew what a Jihad was, but apparently Shihad was just too damn similar. They were forced to change their name to 'Pacifier', a hit single of the last album. They made two CDs in America, the first being dubbed not market-worthy enough and scrapped, (I will never ever forgive whoever gave that order.)
Shihad got to work again and produced their second self-titled album. In New Zealand it was dubbed 'too generaic' and 'not our Shihad. A lot of the songs wern't even written by the band. Toogood admitted that they didn't know what they were doing in such a commercial environment and just agreed with everything they were told.

In late 2004 however, a message was left on the bands website before they again left for Vancouver to record their next album. The news was that they were continuing how they had began - under the name Shihad. To quote the band:

"The events surrounding the name change and our choice to be known as Pacifier are well documented. As much as we believed in what we were doing, and the reasons for doing it at the time - the truth is we were wrong."

The release for the next album at the beginning of last New Zealand Music month, "Love is the new Hate," was unprecedented. May first. Aotea Square Auckland. Free Shihad gig.
It was a historic moment. I suppose you really have to be a Kiwi and know what this band is about, but it was intense. Wish I could have been there, but instead I watched it on C4 music TV.

Shihad's live act is legendary, especially living in their home town as I do, they always seem to step it up for the home crowd, and some Shihad gigs become things of legend. My sister's boyfriend remembers one time during a particularly energetic song, Toogood violently knocked over and broke the mic stand. Never halting he proceeded to writhe on the ground still singing into the Mic.
For the release of the Live album, (between "Pacifier" and "Love is the new Hate",) the live version of Home Again was put to footage of the band in action. It included Toogood climbing sideways over the historical plasterwork of the St James in Wellington hi-fiving the fans in the balcony before loosing grip and being surfed back to the stage. They havn't been allowed back there to perform since.
At the 2005 Big Day Out music festival Toogood proceeded to actually walk on the upraised hands of the seething fans to deliver "Run". in short, the guy's an amazing performer. Sure the stage banter may only be limited to "FOCK YEAH!" and "I WANNA SEE UVRYUONE FOCKIN' JUMPING!" but we like it anyway.
This is just an awesome picture.^

So before I write too much, (too late,) here are the songs I've chosen. It is impossible to pick one song that sums up the band, so I've taken one song from each album, except 'The General Electric' where I've taken three songs.

If you don't want to listen to all of them, (although I reckon you should,) I suggest. My Mind's Sedate, Pacifier, Run and Alive.

1) "Stations" - Churn 1993: Not my first pick off this album, but copy protection limited me. Dosn't quite communicate the industrial metal of this stage as well as my first choice, but is still an excellent song.

2) "You Again" - Killjoy 1994: Had to include this one. This is one of the most reckognisable riffs in rock, and blows you away when played live. Grunge Metal.

3) "Home Again" - Shihad 1997, (or '98): Kiwi classic apparently. Not the best recording, which is the result of a bag of Amsterdam's finest, which also accounts for the weird rabbit noises heard in the background of the later tracks. I wanted to include the live version 'cause it's 100 times better, but the live CD has copy protection. Come's from the 'Cheeseball Rock' period.

4) "My Mind's Sedate" - The General Electric 2000: As some of you may have noticed this is, (was,) my forum title. Had to include it. Incredibly energetic and kick-arse live. Almost died in the mosh pit.

5) "The General Electric" - The General Electric 2000: I'm sure the band had fun experimenting with this one. Another distinctive Shihad riff, and sums up a lot of what the Shihad sound is.

6) "Pacifier" - The General Electric 2000: Had to include a Shihad ballad. Well put together, excellent sounding - in a word, epic. Prooves Jon Toogood is a fucken amazing singer.

7) "Run" - Pacifier 2002: From the Pacifier era. One of the decent Shihad-ian tracks of the CD. Very generic but very good. Also another one that prooves how amazing Toogood's vocals are.

8) "Alive" - Love is the new Hate 2005: This one is the big fuck you to commercial rock. Completely new stuff, and completely different from the commercially viable rock of 'Pacifer'. They got their old name back and their old style. Sums up what Shihad is quite well, (to someone who has known the band for a while anyway,) with the hard fast verses to the chorus which just smacks you in the chest. Prooves how good Larkin's druming is, and is fucken amazing live.

I could add more, but I won't.

Play Loud!

Next time - May 19/20: Steriogram.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon

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