Leaving thread open, though the sale's over. -un13
June 24th - July 4th
Valve have just started a 10 day 'Perils of Summer' sale. Every day there are a selection of special sales for that specific day, and the whole time there are also hundreds and hundreds of 'sale-long' sales.
July 4th's specials:
Tales of Monkey Island Complete Pack -66% £8.50/$11.90/11,22€
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 -33% £20.09/$33.49/33,49€
Trine -80% £3.40/$4.00/4.00€
Mass Effect 2 -40% £17.99/$23.99/29,99€
ARMA II -50% £12.49/$19.99/14,99€
Just Cause 2 -50% £14.99/$24.99/24,99€
Bioshock 2 -50% £9.99/$14.99/14.99€
Civilization IV: The Complete Edition -75% £6.24/$9.99/9,99€
World of Goo -75% £4.25/$5.00/5,--€
Borderlands -66% £6.79/$10.19/10,19€
Red Faction Guerrilla -75% £3.75/$5.00/5,--€
Grand Theft Auto IV -75% £4.99/$4.99/7,49€
Killing Floor -75% £3.75/$5.00/4.50€
Thief: Deadly Shadows -85% £2.09/$2.99/2,99€
Left 4 Dead 2 -66% £6.80/$10.19/10,19€
July 3rds specials:
Devil May Cry 4 -75% £3.75
Mount & Blade -66% £8.50
Metro 2033 -50% £14.99
Portal -90% £1.39
Sam & Max: The Devils Playhouse -50% £12.49
World of Goo -75% £4.25
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 -33% £20.09
Freedom Force: Freedom Pack -75% £1.24
Just Cause 2 -50% £14.99
July 2nd's specials:
Beat Hazard -75% £1.74
Saints Row 2 -75% £2.49
Prototype -50% £12.49
Half-Life 2 -66% £2.37
Star Wars Empire at War: Gold Pack -75% £3.74
Max and the Magic Marker -75% £3.25
Day of Defeat Source -75% £1.49
The Bionic Commando Pack -75% £8.74
Borderlands -66% £6.79
July 1st's specials:
Titan Quest -75% £2.49/$4.99/4,99€
Madballs in Babo:Invasion -80% £1.39/$1.99/1,79€
The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom -50% £1.99/$2.49/1,99€
Save on all Dragon Age: Origins -40%
Bioshock -75% £3.49/$4.99/4,99€
Tropico 3 - Steam Special Edition -75% £4.99/$7.49/7,49€
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas -75% £2.49/$3.74/3,74€
Star Wars Galaxies: The Complete Online Adventures -75% £3.74/$4.99/4,99€
X3: Gold -66% £10.19/$10.19/10,19€
Thief: Deadly Shadows -85% £2.09/$2.99/2,99€
June 30th's specials:
Shatter -75% £1.75/$2.50/2,--€
FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage -90% £1.70/$2.00/1,90€
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 -75% £1.75/$2.50/2,50€
Mass Effect 2 -40% £17.99/$23.99/29,99€
Left 4 Dead -66% £4.42/$6.80/6,80€
The Guild II + Pirates of the European Seas -50% £11.49/$6.25/6,25€
Torchlight -75% £3.75/$5.00/4,--€
Red Faction Guerrilla -75% £3.75/$5.00/5,--€
The Void -75% £5.00/$5.00/5,--€
June 29th's specials:
Grand Theft Auto IV -75% £4.99/$4.99/7,49€
Numen: Contest of Heroes -75% £4.24/$7.49/4,99€
Street Fighter IV -75% £7.49/$9.99/9,49€
Osmos -75% £1.74/$2.49/2,24€
ARMA II -50% £12.49/$19.99/14,99€
X-COM: Complete Pack -75% £2.24/$3.74/3,74€
Commandos Collection -75% £3.00/$3.75/3,50€
Team Fortress 2 -66% £4.75/$6.79/6,79€
June 28th's specials:
Tales of Monkey Island Complete Pack -66% £8.50/$11.90/11,22€
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising -85% £3.30/$4.50/4,20€
Order of War -66% £10.20/$10.20/12,92€
King Arthur - The Role-playing Wargame -66% £10.20/$13.60/13,60€
DogFighter -50% £5.99/$8.49/6,99€
Oddworld Pack -75% £2.00/$2.50/2,50€
All Europe Universalis -66%
June 27th's specials:
Dawn of War II Gold Edition -50%- £19.99/$19.99/27,49€ (Nice conversions there THQ)
Flotilla -75% £1.75/$2.50/2,25€
All Civilization -75%
Half-Life -80% £1.19/$1.99/1,99€
Max Payne Bundle -75% £2.49/$3.74/3,74€
Kayne and Lynch: Dead Men -75% £3.49/$4.99/7,49€
EVE Online: Tyrannis -90% £1.49/$1.99/1,99€
June 26th's specials:
City of Heroes: Architect Edition -50% £4.99
Audiosurf -75% £1.50
Supreme Commander 2 -66% £8.49
Company of Heroes Complete Pack -50% £14.98
All Hearts of Iron -66%
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed -75% £4.99
Left 4 Dead 2 -66% £6.80
Zeno Clash -75% £2.81
June 25th's specials:
Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City -50% £9.99
Resident Evil 5 -75% £7.50
Aliens verses Predator Classic 2000 -75% £0.75
Alpha Protocol -33% £16.74
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West -66% £3.40
Galcon Fusion -75% £1.75
Ghostbusters: The Videogame -80% £3.00
June 24th's specials:
Trine -80% £3.40/$4.00/4.00€
Bioshock 2 -50% £9.99/$14.99/14.99€
Killing Floor -75% £3.75/$5.00/4.50€
Overlord Complete Pack -85% £3.75/$4.50/4.50€
Counter-Strike: Source -66% £4.76/$6.80/6.80€
Unreal Deal Pack -66% £7.82/$13.60/13.60€
DiRT 2 -75% £7.50/$10.00/12.50€
Aion Standard Edition -50% £12.49/$19.99/14.99€
Big Ol' Warning
Beware of buying games that aren't in the one day sales. If you buy a random game today that's not in a One Day Sale, tomorrow it might be even cheaper for a day. Save all 'other sales' games until the last day to avoid disappointment and rage. It happened to some of us in the Christmas sale so keep your guard up. A 50% off game might well be 75% off a few days later. Oh yes, and watch out for big bundles, most of the time you won't be able to gift duplicate games if you already own some.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2010-07-05 21:21:28)