Zapata1982 wrote:
yes its true cpt fass im not saying that immigration is not a problem, ITS a problem, the problem is the way our goverment deals with immigrants, they turn a blind eye to the problem, they know that the econmy prospers from immigrants, you can build the highest wall put an electric fence on the border do whatever, if there is jobs they will come (ah ah movie joke) if theres a will there a way, we need to stop, the companies that make profit of the immigrants, beef up the border pratrol, have fees for companies that hire illegals. and have deportations, making illegal immagrants an Felony is a joke, do they really care? there here illegaly if we deport they will come back. the goverment need a stonger stance in immigration, better immigration reform for people that have been here for years and made their life here in the US. like i said in my other post, the American government wont do shit to deport immigrants because they rely on them, CHEAP LABOR = PROFIT, get better electted officials with balls
So which is it a PROBLEM? Or a simple FACT of life? Or both?
Only Native Americans are true Americans and not immigrants (but genocide took care of that little problem; almost completely) - everyone else: an immigrant (like you said).
If there is a depressed area somewhere in the world and a more prosperous area somewhere else - is it not logical to assume there will always be a migration (by people) towards the more prosperous areas?
And doesn't this America[n Empire] have a different goal - than say the Roman Empire. We are simply looking to make everywhere/everyone in the world more prosperous (like us) - because it is in our National Interests to do so (this is why we helped re-build [and defend at our expense/and continuing expense] Japan and Germany). Ideology often amounts to BS; so just do something simple instead, give a man a prosperous-life and see how that truly effects our National Security - suddenly the reasons to do harm against your neighbors began to dissappear.
And I don't respect the numbers presented in this thread as anything meaningful. 8-10%, 15 billion, blah, blah, blah. . . Our national budget is trillions - we waste in such excessive ways - it's hard to say what is being wasted/used-up in a so-called WORST WAY (or manner)?
Anyone can claim American's Wages (even the government; in so called reputable government reports) are being driven down by Illegal Immigration, but this is the same government that has/is selling out it's techno-industrial base (which is far more significant).
Since Nixon, everything Americans did (and did well) has been undercut by poor decision making, and the downright selling-out (of American intrests; and its Industrial Base):
Imports (we are saturated - common knowledge)
Steel Industry (A shadow of what it was)
Wood Mills (we actully send American wood overseas to mill it someplace else!)
The car Industry (been to Detroit; or Flint; maybe Mr. Moores unreasonable chip on his shoulder - has a reason?)
US Trade Commission(s) (what a Joke, as if Mr. American Inventor/Inventiveness has a chance against Japan-Co. who by the way has an American FACE [a sellout] who just happened to work for the Trade Commission, before he/she got their Multi-National Japan-Co. Job).
There is no doubt America TODAY is not the America of YESTERDAY, but Immigration is a FACT, it will continue, it might even be in our best interests and is certainly part of our National Identity. Some rules need to changed but certain problems are region specific; a temporary hard-stance in say Southern Calif. may be necessary - in regards to those trying to cross our borders - but that same HARD-line stance seems ridiculous and innappropiate to those who are already here (irregardless of any fact of LAW). A punitive stance against human-beings castes the America (I love) in a light I would rather it not see it caste in. Punitive action against immigrants seems historically disjointed and also seems more like missapplied & unjustified rage.
I agree with your first subtle inwardly-known-to-you conclusion: scapegoat.
Of course we are focusing on these Immigrants NOW after 30 years of National Decline, somegroup must be a focal point (inappropriate diversion) for our RAGE against the failings of the techno-industrial-corporate-war machince; that and other current corporate culture. Computers/Productivity due to Computerization may offset the loss of our Industrial base; but it isn't keeping up by a longshot; nor offsetting the massive income earnings lost by American Workers - but you can't place blaim on this group - as opposed to where the real problem lies (our government + corporate structure culture; and their effect on our Trade/Industrial complexes).
Last edited by topal63 (2006-05-03 12:38:04)