+194|5492|Markham, Ontario
Mon. May. 3/10                                Pace51

Alrite, all my reviews for bf2 will go into this post and I will update it frequently.

Review index:
Camo Guide
Spotter guide - NEW -
Conquest- A Big success or a huge success?- COMING SOON

Never Saw It Coming- a Review of the BF2 Camouflages.
EF and others- Coming soon


     From experience, the PLA seem to have the best overall camouflage in the game. The infantry all get nice, dark uniforms with green streaks going through. These are absolutely great for hiding in grass and bushes. All of the PLA classes have good camo, barring one exception. The Anti-tank has a good camo pattern, and although there is an orange streak crossing the otherwise green ERYX, it is quite small. The engineer, assault, and Medc classes are also quite well done, except the Red cross symbol on the medic bag and uniform pouches can be a dead giveaway. The PLA uniforms really excel in broad daylight, fading light, and bad conditions, because they don’t stand out from the surrounding terrain. Their single infantry exception is the Spec ops. The special forces trooper has that patriotic but impossible to miss Mao cap on his head. That’s very unfortunate, because this makes the spec ops easy to see. The PLA’s vehicles all excel at hiding in Songhua, as do the infantry. The PLA Z-10 Can be tricky to spot in most maps, and by hiding in a forest away from paths of fighter jets, it can be very easy to miss. The J-10 is also amazing at hiding. Since its role is to be small, light, and fast, its white camo makes it very hard to spot if it attacks you in a dive. It can be a serious harassment to all forms of AA, and can be completely missed by pilots not looking for it and choosing to bomb instead. Overall, the PLA camoflauge is very, very nice. Especially on the WZ551 APC, and on the FAV. The PGZ-95 is also a nice AAA battery, being small and hard to spot.


     All right, we’ve got a problem. The marines like light and fast, but that just doesn’t cut it here. Now, the USMC has a good camoflauge in desert and jungle environments, but with some serious flaws. Flaw one. On every map, the AH-1Z, Black Hawk, and Scout heli’s are shades of silver and black. This makes them impossible to overlook. They give off a serious glare, and stand out among the forested background. They are good only if they operate near the carrier or high in the sky, because otherwise, they’re going to be spotted almost instantly. And since in order to be successful they have to strike inland, they can be picked out by enemy ground troops. The American infantry are camoflauged quite well for their environments, however. The Marine jungle camoflauge is the old digital-print-pattern, great for hiding long distances away. However, since it is dark, it can be spotted at short distances. However, every USMC jungle uniform is consistent. The USMC has good desert uniforms as well. They’re not camouflage, but they don’t stand out against the sand. However, this brings contrast. While the USMC have darker uniforms than china and are harder to locate at long distances, their desert uniforms are lighter than those of the MEC, and therefore, the USMC in the desert are better suited to hiding close to enemy lines.


     The MEC is in possession of what are probably the most constant camouflage scheme’s in the game. Every class wears similar headgear and uniform, and unlike the PLA, although the MEC special forces have a cap coloured differently from their uniform, it is a dark green colour and doesn’t stand out. None of the MEC vehicles are flashy, however, although they are all well camouflaged. Unfortunately, the MEC’s bigest camouflage flaw is the sheer size of several vehicles. The BTR-90 is very easy to spot and hit, due to its large size. The T-90 is quite speedy, and although it doesn’t stand out as a tank, its rapid movement draws massive amounts of attention towards it. Also, the Anti-tank class is very easy to spot, because of the sheer contrast generated by a large green Eryx resting on the brown Uniform. Their bomber jet is too easy to spot if it’s dive bombing, however, if it flies overhead it is easy to miss since its underside is a dull white colour and blends in with the sky. Their scouting helicopter has no sudden jerks, and is easy to miss, since it doesn’t move quickly. The mi-17 and mi-28, however, are impossible to miss, especially the MI-28 with its loud cannon.


     Coming soon.

Mon. May. 3/10                                Pace51

A Complete Guide to BF2 Enemy Spotting- Teamwork without Statpadding

     In BF2, one of the most helpful things you can do is keeping on the lookout for trouble. This doesn’t mean guard an area. It means, if you see something that isn’t right, tell someone! The below strategies are strategies on how to use the spotting feature against any enemy target in order to seriously help out your teammates. The spotting function simply is a menu accessed by pressing Q. Then, by right clicking and selecting the type of enemy spotted, your friends can see the exact position of an enemy!

Recommended spotter classes: If you want to focus on spotting and directing your teammates towards enemies, the best class is almost certainly the sniper class. However, the red dot sight equipped weapons work well too. First, choose a long range sniper, preferably the Barrett M95 or the L96 AWM. The other three snipers are all medium range snipers, and have less of a zoom. Now, go somewhere on the battlefield. Pick a hard to spot but high-up sniping post. Then, snipe! Now, when you spot an enemy infantry troop, take them down. However, since you are high up, you will probably see occasional air vehicles or vehicles like tanks. This is where spotting comes in. Train you crosshairs on the enemy vehicle. Now, only the M95 has any chance against vehicles, and it can only shoot through armored glass. So, you can fight the enemy vehicle. But your buddies can. First, hold Q. Then, select the type of enemy you are “spotting”. For example, if it is a large T-90, select “tank”. Now, a message will be broadcasted and sent in typed form to every member on your team that you spotted the tank. Additionally, a red icon will appear on the map telling your friends exactly where you spotted the tank. Then, a local friendly helicopter gunship or bomber will zoom in and eliminate the threat of the tank.

Warning: You can also use the spotting feature as a warning to friendlies. For example, if a group of enemies are on the coast, your friendly jets will target them. However, if there is a nearby stinger or IGLA site, that can spell bad news for your jets. So, point at the infantry on the IGLA and select “soldier”. An icon will appear on the map. Your friendly jets will see the enemy located where the IGLA site is, and put two and two together. Then, now that your allied jets know where the enemies are, they can avoid them, or sneak in from behind and kill the AA site. Also, spot anti-aircraft vehicles as well. These are a serious threat to jets.

Below are different strategies for spotting and surviving different types of enemies.

Enemy Infantry Spotted: Since infantry are the most common types of enemies that you will encounter in the game, you should probably deal with them yourself. However, if you have units coming behind you, spot the enemy to warn your friends. Also, if your on a helicopter leaving the carrier for example, and spot some infantry, warn your pals.

Enemy Boat Spotted: These are probably the safest to spot. Since, when you see them, they will be a far way away, they are really easy to spot without getting SAW’d, especially since people use them as transport. However, you may not always want to spot them, because they’re easy to kill. Be selfish, but you’ll get a nice score for these!

Enemy Tank Spotted: Tanks are pretty easy targets if you have anti-tank weapons, but pretty deadly if you have no anti-tank weapons. So, what you need to do is, ask yourself if you are prepared. If you are, take on the tank. If you’re not prepared, spot it. Try to get the attention of a friendly bomber jet or fighter. Tanks are easy targets for aircraft, so they will probably come to your aid.

Enemy Jet Spotted: Spotting enemy jets is a huge favor for your teammates. It is tricky to do, since they’re fast. However, concentrate on the nose of the aircraft, and hit the spot button as quickly as possible. Now, your teammates will know where the jet is, and have less to worry about. Also, friendly jets will be able to find and eliminate the jet threat very quickly.

Enemy Helicopter Spotted: To do this, extreme care is needed. If you move too fast, and allow it to see you, prepare to get owned. Since you likely have no weapons to smash it, and since AA is weak, always spot heli’s. This way, you friendly armour and infantry get a “heads-up” before the slick reaches them. Also, if you do not manage to take it down with AA or an HMG, you’re buddies can find and kill it. Also, jets will thank you.
Enemy APC Spotted: APC’s can be disastrous towards infantry. Since they are large targets and move fairly quickly, you should always “spot” them. They are easy kill for any vehicle with anti-armour capabilities, and let your teammates rack up points. To spot, get prone in a grassy bed or behind cover, because they can easily kill you if they see you.

Enemy Car Spotted: Cars are quick, and if you spot them, you will know where they are going, which is usually a CP. Spotting them is good, so that you can keep track of them and hunt them, and so that infantry know to watch out.

Enemy AA Spotted: Always spot AA vehicles. These are a serious threat to jets and can be deadly to infantry as well. By spotting them, your jets know to give them a wide berth, and your ground forces can eliminate these vehicles quickly.

Enemy Sniper Spotted: Sometimes, you might not have time to stop and deal with a sniper. So, spot them and warn your buddies. Also, if your base is under sniper fire, try to find the sniper and spot him so that he poses no further threat to your team. Although, if you have a sniper, do some counter sniping and keep the points to yourself.

Last edited by pace51 (2010-05-04 09:11:53)

good job.

I like the fact that this game is so popular, people are still writing FAQs for it.
+194|5492|Markham, Ontario

MrKwantos wrote:

good job.

I like the fact that this game is so popular, people are still writing FAQs for it.
Technically, its just a few people writing guides, but your right. This game is totally awesome.
+1,716|7051|St. Andrews / Oslo

MrKwantos wrote:

good job.

I like the fact that this game is so popular, people are still writing FAQs for it.
except it's not, and they aren't
+194|5492|Markham, Ontario

Jenspm wrote:

MrKwantos wrote:

good job.

I like the fact that this game is so popular, people are still writing FAQs for it.
except it's not, and they aren't
Your entitled to your opinion. However, how would you know if people are writing guides? They still do. And just tell that to me next time, let the user have his opinion, eh.
+194|5492|Markham, Ontario
Alrite, spotter guide uploaded.
+632|6935|do not disturb

I always thought EU camo was best. MEC get only desert camo while PLA only get forest. USMC and the EU get both, even their armor have different skins.
+194|5492|Markham, Ontario

Phrozenbot wrote:

I always thought EU camo was best. MEC get only desert camo while PLA only get forest. USMC and the EU get both, even their armor have different skins.
Wwell, the U outfits are a little flashy. Plus the red caps.
+632|6935|do not disturb

lol everyone sticks out unless you are a sniper hidden in the trees.
+194|5492|Markham, Ontario

Phrozenbot wrote:

lol everyone sticks out unless you are a sniper hidden in the trees.
"Ohh, grass. I cannot see anyone. Wait a minute, chaps, a dude with a red cap and a cup of tea is sticking out in the grass, behind that guy I cannot see because his cap is not red. In a green field. Lets kill the red cap." -PLA soldier
+590|6259|Kentucky, USA

Fuck off with your useless shitty failed attempts at trolling.
+194|5492|Markham, Ontario

alexb wrote:

Fuck off with your useless shitty failed attempts at trolling.
First of all, I attempt to help others. Secondly, what do you do for the forum? Thirdly...
+590|6259|Kentucky, USA

pace51 wrote:

First of all, I attempt to help others.
Sure thing, bro.

Last edited by alexb (2010-05-04 13:23:52)

Compensation of Reactive Power in the grid
Where is MEC from? Whats their story?
الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام me the schematic
+354|6318|Vortex Ring State
the AA is not fucking weak tbh.
+194|5492|Markham, Ontario

Trotskygrad wrote:

the AA is not fucking weak tbh.
Not always. You have to focus on the enemy, let em' drop their flares, then fire when they're flying straight away from you, or if they're in a heli
+354|6318|Vortex Ring State

pace51 wrote:

Trotskygrad wrote:

the AA is not fucking weak tbh.
Not always. You have to focus on the enemy, let em' drop their flares, then fire when they're flying straight away from you, or if they're in a heli
I said NOT fucking weak, did you fail at reading?
+194|5492|Markham, Ontario

Trotskygrad wrote:

pace51 wrote:

Trotskygrad wrote:

the AA is not fucking weak tbh.
Not always. You have to focus on the enemy, let em' drop their flares, then fire when they're flying straight away from you, or if they're in a heli
I said NOT fucking weak, did you fail at reading?
No, I was agreeing with you.

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