Re-Incarnation. You mean re-spawn right?
+44|6955|Cardiff - Wales - UK
2 mexicans Manuel and Pedro walking through the desert they're thirsty and haven't eaten for 4 days.

Suddenly they come across a tree covered in Bacon and sausages.

Manuel looks to Pedro and says "ay gringo a bacon tree we're saved"

Manuel goes running towards the tree when suddenly:


Manuel gets shot 4 times.  He shouts to Pedro "Pedro stay back.  Is no a bacon tree. is a hambush"
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|7038|Honolulu, HI
4 jokes, in order of length and graphic-ness:

1. (Rated R) Two guys, both of whom haven't eaten or drunk in days, stagger through an endless plain.  Suddenly one sees a shack on the horizon.  "Maybe there's food and water in there!"  So one of them knocks on the door.  It opens quickly, a hand reaches out to pull him in, and closes behind him.

Once inside, he finds himself face-to-face with the ugliest, wrinkliest, smelliest old lady he'd ever seen--and worse, it looks like she's coming on to him!  Wanting desperately to get the hell out of there he blurts, "Ma'am, do you have any food or water?"

"Oh, you can have all the food and water you like.  But first you have to fuck me.  Deal?"

Knowing he was at most a day from dehydrating to death, he reluctantly chokes out a "Yeah".  Casting about for a substitute for his own wang, he finds an ear of corn in the refrigerator.  "Close your eyes and open your legs and you will get a big surprise!" he says, with all the enthusiasm he can muster.  Five minutes of the most awkward dildo later, it's over.  He tosses the corn out the window before she opens her eyes again, and he grabs the food and water and runs outside as quickly as humanly possible.

"Hey man, you wouldn't BELIEVE what I had to go through to get this," he tells his friend, offering him some food and water.

"Really?  That's tough.  Right here, five feet away from the window in this shack, I found some hot buttered corn just lying there!  It sounded like you were having lots of fun in there so I ate it all.  Sorry."

2.  (Rated PG-13) Some guy walks into a bar, and the first thing he notices is this midget sitting down at a half-size piano, plunking out a song.

"Where'd you find him?" he asks the bartender.

"Oh, I just got back from a trip to the Middle East.  Turns out I bought a magic lamp!  Tell you what, have a beer and I'll grab the lamp for you."

So he buys a beer, drinks it, and rubs the lamp.  "I wish for a million bucks!" he says.  "You will find them where you parked," a voice from the lamp replies.

Walking out to the parking lot, the guy sees more ducks than he's ever seen in his life, flocking around his car!

"Bartender, your genie misunderstood me.  I wished for a million bucks, but instead I get a million ducks!"

The bartender grimaces and points to the midget playing the piano.  "I know," he sighs.  "You think I asked for a two-foot pianist?"

3. (Rated PG, but offensive to some) What's the difference between garbage and a girl from New Jersey?

Sometimes the garbage gets picked up.

4. (Rated G) How many BF2 players does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Sixty-four.  Eight will have connection problems, 13 will have lag, 9 will be spawn killed at the grocery store, 3 will stumble into a claymore at the checkout, one will be banned for trying to shoplift the bulb, 10 got their accounts reset for coupon-padding, and 19 will get killed going up the ladder to the light bulb socket.

Last edited by [QXJZ]Capt_Kefra (2006-04-28 04:45:28)

Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7031|Sydney, Australia
An Englishman, Scotsman and Irishman are sitting on a construction site about to eat their home packed lunch.

The Englishman looks at his lunch in disgust. He sais "If my wife packs me another bloody ham sandwich again, i'll jump of this construction site, killing myself."

The Scotsman, and the Irishman also look at their lunch in disgust. They promise the same thing.

Low and behold, at lunch the next day, all 3 men get the same thing. They each walk to the roof of the building and throw themselves off, killing themselves.

At the Englishman's funeral, his wife said "If only I had known that he didn't like the lunches I made, I could have made something different."

At the Scotsman's funeral, his wife said "I would have made something different if he'd have asked. Why didn't he ask..."

At the Irishman's funeral, his wife said "What the hell did he kill himself for... he makes his own lunch."
Eller som danskarna säger: Blodskam er ingen skam så laenge det bliver i familien
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|7038|Honolulu, HI
In the spirit of the above joke...

5. (Rated PG) An Englishman, a Scotsman and an Irishman are waiting to be executed by firing squad.  The Englishman walks up to the pole, gets hitched to it, and the warden says, "Ready, aim..."

"Tornado!!!" the Englishman yells, distracting the guards.

After taking potshots at the fleeing Englishman the guards tie up the Scotsman next.  "Ready, aim..."

"Tidal wave!!!" the Scotsman yells, and the guards are once more distracted.  The guards realize the other two prisoners were able to escape very easily, and so they secure the Irishman as tightly as possible.

"Damn, these knots are tight," he thinks to himself.  "I need to think of a really serious problem so I have plenty of time to untie them...I got it!"


"Fire!  FIRE!!!!"

6. (Rated PG) An Englishman, a Scotsman and an Irishman are trapped on the tenth story of a burning building.  The American firefighters below are holding a net, instructing the survivors to jump into it.  The Englishman crawls up to the balcony and readies himself to jump.

"Oh, it's a Brit," one of the firefighters comments. "I don't know, them snooty bastards with their sophisticated accents, high tea, and royalty.  I say we let him die."  So they jerk the net away as he jumps.

Somewhat cowed by this display, the Scotsman on the balcony hesitates, looks behind him, realizes the inferno is all around him and so has no choice but to jump.

"Jesus, a Scot," one of the firefighters says.  "You know, the KKK was founded by a bunch of radical Scottish supremacists. Let the racist scum die."  So they jerk the net away as he lands, too.

The Irishman, meanwhile, delivers the firefighters an ultimatum.  "Jump!" the firefighters call up to him.

"Oh, no you don't.  I saw what you did to my friends.  Moving the net away like that.  I won't jump until I know the net isn't going anywhere.  Put it on the ground and then I'll go."

Last edited by [QXJZ]Capt_Kefra (2006-04-28 05:06:03)

here is one mightnt sound right am just tryin to remmeber it

a man dies an goes to heavan will standing at the gates to heaven he ask st.peter what all the clocks on the wall for

st.peter replies thay are lie clocks this clock is virgin mary's clock it has not moved once indercating she never lied

oh ok whos it that clock asks the man

that is abraham linkins clock it has moved 4 time indercating that he lied 4 times

oh ok the man repleies agains just before he leaves he asks which on is john howards

st.peter replies oh hes in gods office he is using it as a celling fan

mightnt b that good id tha only think i could remember

Adams_BJ wrote:

Yo Mama is like a bus, she's big she doesn't smell very good and it's only a dollar to ride

look I'm looking your jokes, and u said u would give me +1!
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6932|Little Bentcock
yes ur looking at my joke and i will still give u +1 LOL
+17|6976|newcastle , N.S.W , Australia
How Many Men Does It Take To Open A Can Of Beer ?

None It Should Already Be Open When She Gives It To You  
+519|6931|Gold coast, Aus.
Two couples go o holidays in a big mansion. The first couple were gays and the second were lesbians. One night, the mansion cought fire. What couple made it out first?

A: the gays coz hey packed there shit the other day.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6932|Little Bentcock
^^^^^^^^^hahahahaha sexist but o so very funny

I can't write jokes because of my english... , but I can enjoy yours!
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6932|Little Bentcock
u can enjoy them yse, but i already karma'd u yesterday, so i cant now coz it less than 24hrs, but i will, be patient
I know, I'm patient!
+557|7043|Oslo, Norway

bad jokes wrote:

how do you get an elefant into a refirgirator?

answer wrote:

open the door and put it in
how do you get a cheetahinto a refrigirator?

answer wrote:

open the door, take outthe elefant and put it in
wich one is faster the elefant or the cheetah?

answer wrote:

the elefant, the cheetah is still in the fridge

Last edited by WilhelmSissener (2006-04-28 06:08:28)

+27|7147|Dundas, ONT, Canada
At the beginig of the school year in 5th grade, teacher gets up at the front of the class and says:

"Every thursday, at the end of the class day, I'm going to ask a quation from higher grades. Whom ever answers corectly will get friday off, as a reward."

Little Billy thinks to himself: "Wow, shit i know everything there is to know. I'll get fridays off till the end of this school year."

Following thursday Teacher says to a class: "As I've promiced, here is a quation: Who wrote War and Peace?"

No one in class would not put there hands up, exept little Billy. Teacher thinks to herself:"This kid is a class clown and nothing but trouble. I ask him and he's gona make me look like full."

"Suzy" teacher said"who write it?"

Suzy with unsure voice:" Leo Tolstoy?"

"That's rigth. Good girl, you'll get to stay home tomorow. Rest of you better luck next time."

Billy thinks:" My hand was up, why didn't she ask me? oh well there is always next time."

Next thursday, teacher asks again: "Who can tell me the formula of reletivity?"

Onec again, no hands but Billy's.

Teacher think: "Oh no not him again."

"Any one elase? Come on David what is the formula of reletivity?"

David, with unure voice:"E=MC^2?"

"That is correct. You got yourself friday off"

Billy is getting pissed off. He thinks to himself: " I see what is going on. But don't worry I'll teach you a lesson."

On wednesday he atke two golf balls paints them black and takes them to school the next day. Rigth before teache was about ask her thursdays quation, he throws thous balls at the front of the class.

Teacher goes:" OK. Whos the comedian with the black balls?"

Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7055|Houston, TX

gene_pool wrote:

Two couples go o holidays in a big mansion. The first couple were gays and the second were lesbians. One night, the mansion cought fire. What couple made it out first?

A: the gays coz hey packed there shit the other day.
LOl  I thought the Lesbians got out lickity split while the gay guys were still packin....
OK, so a panda walks into a restaurant. He orders a sandwich and eats it. The waiter comes to give the panda his bill, and the panda pulls a gun and shoots him. As the panda walks out, the owner yells "What do you think you're doing! You just shot my waiter!" Thye panda says "I'm a panda, look it up!"
So the owner gets a dictionary and looks up "panda". It says "large asian mammal. Eats shoots and leaves."
lame yet HILARIOUS!!! +1
+54|6908|Newfoundland, Canada
Adams_BJ, I seriously never have laughed so hard in my life at some of the jokes you've posted, Thank you! i needed a good laugh! +1!!!!!!!!
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6932|Little Bentcock
There was an old man named Bozo, and all he had was a female donkey. One day he wins the lottery and gets $50,000. He doesn't know what to do with his money, so he decides to spend a night in a five star hotel. He asks for the finest room and starts going up the stairs with his female donkey. The manager sees him and asks where he's going with his donkey.
"Anywhere I go, she goes."
"I'm sorry, sir," said the manager, "but you can't take the donkey upstairs. Leave it down here with us and we'll take good care of her." So Bozo goes up to his room and opens the door. Everything is made of gold, there is a table full of food, and a huge television. He doesn't want to ruin anything so he takes his raggedy coat off and sleeps on the floor. The next morning the manager comes up to the room and asks how his night was.
''Great!'' replied Bozo. ''How much do I have to pay?'' he asks.
''One thousand dollars for the food.''
''But I haven't touched the food."
''It was right there, so you should have. Two thousand dollars for the TV."
''But I didn't even know how to turn the damn thing on!''
''It was there, so you should have. Five thousand for sleeping on the bed."
''But I slept on the floor!''
''It was there. Your total is eight thousand dollars."
''You owe me ten thousand dollars for screwing my donkey.''
''But sir, I didn't screw your donkey.''
''It was there. You should have!''
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6932|Little Bentcock

-=]V[-i-n-i-o-n=- wrote:

Adams_BJ, I seriously never have laughed so hard in my life at some of the jokes you've posted, Thank you! i needed a good laugh! +1!!!!!!!!
THankyou thankyou, i will post more and more whenever i get around to them

P.S. i posted a new 1 while u were posting
+54|6908|Newfoundland, Canada
lmao!! just read it! thanks again!
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6932|Little Bentcock
There was a cop on his horse waiting to cross the road when a little boy on his new shiny bike stopped beside him.
''Nice bike,'' the cop said, ''did Santa bring it to you?''

''Yep,'' the little boy said, ''he sure did!''

The cop looked at the bike and while handing the boy a $20 ticket he said, ''Next year, tell Santa to put a license plate on the back of it.''

To go along with the cop, the little boy said, ''Nice horse you got there sir, did Santa bring it to you?'' ''Yes, He sure did,'' said the cop.

The little boy looked up at the cop and said, ''Next year tell Santa to put the dick underneath the horse instead of on top.''
I love your jokes !

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