A duck walks into a bar, looks around suspiciously and walks determined towards the counter.
The duck asks the bartender: Got bread?
Bartender: Eh.. no? (naturally the bartender is a bit confused over the fact that a talking duck has just entered his bar)
Duck: Got bread?
Bartender: No, talking duck, We don't have bread.
Duck: Got bread?
Bartender: I said no! We have no bread here!
Duck: Got bread?
Bartender: Dammit, duck! I told you already! There's no bread!
Duck: Got bread?
Bartender: Goddamit, what the f**k is your problem? NO BREAD!
Duck: Got bread?
Bartender: Listen up, you f***ing duck! If you f***ing say "got bread" one more time I'll hammer your f**king beak down to this counter!
Duck: Got nails?
Bartender: No
Duck: Got bread?
And another one, this one you probably have heard before, but here goes:
Two hunters go looking for some game in the forest.
After a while they decide to take a break and have some coffee. As the other one sets his rifle down on a treestub, the rifle accidentally fires, hitting the other hunter in the chest.
In shock, the hunter calls 911.
"911 emergency, how can I help you"
"Jesus Christ! I think I just killed my friend!"
"Try to relax, and tell me where you are"
"Seriously, what do I do, he's not moving!"
"Sir, you need to give me some information"
"F****!! He's not moving!"
After a while, the operator succeeds in calming the man down slightly.
"So, what do I do?"
"Sir, first, check that he in fact is dead"
BOOM!"Ok, now what?"
Last edited by DonFck (2006-04-28 04:17:13)
I need around tree fiddy.