LMFAO. Just leave, Floppy, you obviously have no experience whatsoever about what you're talking about. There's the door, just go.

Last edited by Finray (2010-04-10 17:12:08)
So which one of you is it?Finray wrote:
ITT: A bad player. And it's Me. Or DU.
Last edited by DUnlimited (2010-04-10 17:14:03)
TypoFloppY_ wrote:
So which one of you is it?Finray wrote:
ITT: A bad player. And it's not Me. Or DU.
I got you quoted tho'Finray wrote:
TypoFloppY_ wrote:
So which one of you is it?Finray wrote:
ITT: A bad player. And it's not Me. Or DU.
Meh,, I just can't stand FPS games where it requires 3-5 headshots to kill someone... (aka COD4 vanilla)DUnlimited wrote:
Keep your argument, just the fact that you like HC in CoD4 tells a lot about your credibility in this argument.
DU or Finray would destroy you lol.FloppY_ wrote:
I got you quoted tho'Finray wrote:
TypoFloppY_ wrote:
So which one of you is it?Meh,, I just can't stand FPS games where it requires 3-5 headshots to kill someone... (aka COD4 vanilla)DUnlimited wrote:
Keep your argument, just the fact that you like HC in CoD4 tells a lot about your credibility in this argument.
I just love when people turn to calling others bad players without ever having faced them online...
OMG if you say so Androoz it so HAS to be the truth!!!!!!111oneandrooz wrote:
DU or Finray would destroy you lol.FloppY_ wrote:
I got you quoted tho'Finray wrote:
TypoMeh,, I just can't stand FPS games where it requires 3-5 headshots to kill someone... (aka COD4 vanilla)DUnlimited wrote:
Keep your argument, just the fact that you like HC in CoD4 tells a lot about your credibility in this argument.
I just love when people turn to calling others bad players without ever having faced them online...
Last edited by FloppY_ (2010-04-10 17:18:46)
two to three shotsanywhere on the body = Kill?DUnlimited wrote:
How is two to three shots anywhere in the body too hard to land? (AK47 w/ SP in vanilla)
HC is not balanced at all, consists mostly of camping, and is very easy compared to vanilla or promod.
Last edited by DUnlimited (2010-04-10 17:25:22)
acog m40 says noDUnlimited wrote:
No one uses M4 in promod. The only guns used are AK47, AK74u, Deagle and bolt snipers.
You dont seem to know shit about the game if you don't even know about the RDS bug.
Acog snipers are shit.
Hardcore is just fucking lol.
Get out.
hurrrDUnlimited wrote:
360 has auto-aim so any scope goes
am i the only one that finds it ironic that this guy hates project fail but loves 'hard'core cod lulzFloppY_ wrote:
Cry me a river you twats
Promod is the second most boring fps mod only topped by Project Reality aka walking simulator....
Hardcore was the only worthwile COD4 experience imo
Acog m21 > Any m14
Last time I played a training match with my then-clan I nearly fell asleep mid-game,,, at least the noob tubes of vanilla kept me enraged enough to stay awake...
Last edited by TehMyke (2010-04-10 17:53:14)
Fuck your charts... playing the game you have to put an ungodly amount of bullets into someone to put them down... thats homosexual...DUnlimited wrote:
http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/5117 … oresz2.png
SP multiplies damage by 1.4.
There is no gun in the game that would not kill in 5 bodyshots without SP or 4 with SP
PS. Image in png so you wont see artifacts
Comepletely different games...TehMyke wrote:
am i the only one that finds it ironic that this guy hates project fail but loves 'hard'core cod lulzFloppY_ wrote:
Cry me a river you twats
Promod is the second most boring fps mod only topped by Project Reality aka walking simulator....
Hardcore was the only worthwile COD4 experience imo
Acog m21 > Any m14
Last time I played a training match with my then-clan I nearly fell asleep mid-game,,, at least the noob tubes of vanilla kept me enraged enough to stay awake...
lol. The chart is 100% accurate. I'm beginning to think you are just really bad at this gameFloppY_ wrote:
Fuck your charts... playing the game you have to put an ungodly amount of bullets into someone to put them down... thats homosexual...DUnlimited wrote:
http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/5117 … oresz2.png
SP multiplies damage by 1.4.
There is no gun in the game that would not kill in 5 bodyshots without SP or 4 with SP
PS. Image in png so you wont see artifacts
Well yes... The chart applies for the bullets that hit.FloppY_ wrote:
Fuck your charts... playing the game you have to put an ungodly amount of bullets into someone to put them down... thats homosexual...
Miggle wrote:
lol at floppy complaining about kills requiring too many shots, yet plays BC2.
Truth incoming:
CoD4 sucks. Promod sucks, but less.
Different games you faggotsandrooz wrote:
Miggle wrote:
lol at floppy complaining about kills requiring too many shots, yet plays BC2.
Truth incoming:
CoD4 sucks. Promod sucks, but less.
Ioan92 wrote:
Truth is that all FPS shooters suck arse besides Project Reality and Real Life.
Lets the flames hit the floor'