The new update is an alternate ending where you get dragged away by a robot

zomg... Is there any specific requirement or does it happen nomatter what?Lucien wrote:
The new update is an alternate ending where you get dragged away by a robot
brb sleep, then portal!henno13 wrote:
I think it happens no matter what.
holy shit chell noooo D:Spidery_Yoda wrote: … ZE39Q7yPow
Yes it does.
Try just loading the last map instead of a saved game.
The game just updated a few hours ago, adding that ending.Commie Killer wrote:
Damn. Pretty cool, beat the game yesterday, didn't have it then. Does it require you to get the new achievement?
QFTPoseidon wrote:
-prays for HL2 Ep 3 to be announced as well-
dittoburnzz wrote:
QFTPoseidon wrote:
-prays for HL2 Ep 3 to be announced as well-
the half life series kept me sane when i thought i was going blind.
On the BBS line people saw that GlaDOS is now v3.11, making some think that yes, during Gabe's acceptance speech for his award on the 11th of March he'll announce something. I really hope so.Poseidon wrote:
Looks like Portal 2 is being announced at the GDC 2010.
March 11th for the announcement. Count on it.
-prays for HL2 Ep 3 to be announced as well-
Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2010-03-04 04:52:36)
Seems more like a 'countup' to meSpidery_Yoda wrote:
On the BBS line people saw that GlaDOS is now v3.11, making some think that yes, during Gabe's acceptance speech for his award on the 11th of March he'll announce something. I really hope so.Poseidon wrote:
Looks like Portal 2 is being announced at the GDC 2010.
March 11th for the announcement. Count on it.
-prays for HL2 Ep 3 to be announced as well-
Others think its a Windows 3.11 joke .
Looks like we now have a definitive countdown:
Last edited by henno13 (2010-03-05 01:08:09)
Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2010-03-05 03:36:39)
Last edited by henno13 (2010-03-05 10:30:17)
Gotta hand it to valve, they really know how to market their stuff creatively.Spidery_Yoda wrote:
The final BBS images.