
So, what do you think are the most underrated and overrated perks in Duty Calls 2: Modern Warfare?

Here's a list:
Sleight of Hand
One Man Army

Stopping Power
Danger Close

Steady Aim
Last Stand

IMO, by far the most underrated perk is SitRep Pro (has to be the Pro version though). It's a great perk for both offense and defense, and let's you track people down way too easily.

Most overrated perk is probably Stopping Power. Everyone and their mother uses it. Hell, even I use it on basic assault kits. But for specialty kits, it's wasting a valuable slot.
+605|6415|Birmingham, UK
Yeah i've got to agree with you there on both. I've never came close to the pro for SitRep though, quick quesiton though... does it cancel out ninja pro to make normal footsteps?

Also i think commando pro is very useful for maps like quarry...

edit: i've never seen anyone with SitRep pro, only seen sitrep a few times too, but even then normal sitrep comes in handy, its saved me quite a few times

Last edited by SEREVENT (2010-02-15 14:33:15)

+149|6530|teh FIN-land
never use stopping power after I get the challenge. Prefer cold-blooded tbh or lightweight.

But most perks have certain combos that work well...although I must say I DO NOT see the point of sitrep...what is the point, exactly? Just so you can avoid gaymores more easily yeah? How do you track people down with it?

No, I don't think it cancels out Ninja Pro.

As far as commando goes, it's hilarious to use, but honestly I go with Ninja Pro for my knifing. With commando, by the time they hear you, you're already within the 100yds range to knife, but I'm uber-stealth and would prefer them to never even know I'm there (Plus you don't get given away by the enemy shooting off his gun and alerting his teammates). And yes, I realize you said commando pro, which means no falling damage, which I guess can be useful on highrise and quarry, but I don't do a whole lot of skydiving

@ruis: the basic version of SitRep is mostly useless, but the Pro version makes enemy footsteps louder, a lot louder. You can easily get the drop on people who think they're getting the drop on you.

Last edited by mtb0minime (2010-02-15 14:36:06)

+605|6415|Birmingham, UK
yeah i honestly don't care about the extra knifing ability but some maps... you just have to act awsm and jump off things
One man army is the dumbest perk ever. It takes up a perk and a secondary weapon slot. Just plain stupid. It should only take up a weapon slot.

I hate commando, Im not a big fan of CoD series knifing, and this just makes it worst. You can be shooting the hell out of someone then they knife you from 20 feet away. Thats the most retarded thing ever. Combine that with tactical knife and one ass clown can kill a whole team in CQB.

I do have to wonder, sometimes I'll actually watch the kill cam and see nothing as the third perk. Im wondering if these guys are glitching somehow.

IMO noob kit is:
Bling Pro + hearbeat sensor and thermal scope (any gun)/ tactical knife FMJ Magnum or akimbo FMJ 1887 shotgun
Mostly Cold blooded pro or stopping power
Commando pro

If use this any of these in combinations you are not good enough to burn in hell and I hope you die in real life.

Last edited by Evil_Black_Fox (2010-02-15 19:23:36)

+149|6530|teh FIN-land
Would be cool if there was a way to have certain servers with specific rukles, like limitig certain perks, no camping, or no noobtoobing. Would make life much more enjoyable.
+1,411|7050|FUCK UBISOFT

ruisleipa wrote:

Would be cool if there was a way to have certain servers with specific rukles, like limitig certain perks, no camping, or no noobtoobing. Would make life much more enjoyable.
ever played a real PC game?
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6273|London, England

ruisleipa wrote:

Would be cool if there was a way to have certain servers with specific rukles, like limitig certain perks, no camping, or no noobtoobing. Would make life much more enjoyable.

+149|6530|teh FIN-land

Miggle wrote:

ruisleipa wrote:

Would be cool if there was a way to have certain servers with specific rukles, like limitig certain perks, no camping, or no noobtoobing. Would make life much more enjoyable.
ever played a real PC game?
err...yeah. like BF2 ya mean? At least there they can set server rules. As I understand it even on MW2 on PC (I play on PS3) you can't set server rules. But I'm talking about MW2, so what's your point?

Mutantbear wrote:


Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6748|Brisbane, Australia

Evil_Black_Fox wrote:

One man army is the dumbest perk ever.
No way. One man army pro takes hardly any longer than a reload and you get all your ammo back.

Best perk for a tubing class bar none.

ruisleipa: u dum
+149|6530|teh FIN-land

TimmmmaaaaH wrote:

ruisleipa: u dum
wtf is your problem? So stupid trolling like that. Back up your daft statement or don't bother. Or are you as retarded as the cartoon character you're named after?
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6273|London, England

How about a gametype where you cant shoot. Or move out of the way from enemy fire. Or maybe a gametype where you cant move and the enemy team can just kill you

More enjoyable imo
+149|6530|teh FIN-land

Mutantbear wrote:

How about a gametype where you cant shoot. Or move out of the way from enemy fire. Or maybe a gametype where you cant move and the enemy team can just kill you

More enjoyable imo
hahaha! sarcasm! I love it.

What exactly would be wrong with choosing which maps you play on, or even having a game mode with NO PERKS? Or no weapons (which I admit I use) like the noobtoob but let's face it don't add a whole lot to the game experience other than allowing noobs easy kills? What would be your problem with that? Or with stopping people just sitting in a dark corner and shooting everyone from the same place round after round? with having the OPTION to play the game different ways?
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6273|London, England

A. Noobtoobers are easy to kill, which is funny to me

B. Campers are easy to kill, If you get killed from a guy camping in a corner... Respawn and kill him

C. You bought this game, its a massive pile of console, good luck getting any kind of custom rules or gametype.
+149|6530|teh FIN-land

Mutantbear wrote:

A. Noobtoobers are easy to kill, which is funny to me

B. Campers are easy to kill, If you get killed from a guy camping in a corner... Respawn and kill him

C. You bought this game, its a massive pile of console, good luck getting any kind of custom rules or gametype.
a. fine. your opinion.

b. fine. except when someone else camping in another corner kills you straight away. but whatever. your opinion.

c. jeez man it was just an idle thought. the chance of anything happening are basically zero but you don't need to be so rude. it was just a thought not a practical idea. You still haven't said what is wrong with the idea of having the option to play how you would like, and, y'know, getting more fun from the game you paid for (if you paid for it that is). I never said it was a realistic suggestion did I?
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6273|London, England

Believe me I'm all for customizing how you want to play

I was also a fan of dedicated servers

C. still applies
+149|6530|teh FIN-land
so, you agree with me.

thanks for that pointless discussion then!
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6273|London, England

I also believe that complaining about noobtoobing and camping warrants a massive lol
+149|6530|teh FIN-land
bleh bleh, I'm not complaining, I live with it, I do it myself too, again, it was just a suggestion.

Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6273|London, England

Meh, its a Call of Duty thread. Derailing it is probably a good idea
+1,411|7050|FUCK UBISOFT

So are you guys watching the olympics?
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6273|London, England

fuck no
got any popo lolo intersting?

Noobtubes are ridiculous in this game though. I see no reason to complain about BF2 noobtubes but in this game you do not have to hit anywhere near with them. especially with Danger Close and OMA for infinite ammo
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6096|Catherine Black
Hey Miggle how's your search for a new desk?

Have you cleaned your room yet, or are you trying to beat Freezer?

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