
Sgt.Gh0st wrote:

haHA! I have found an error in your uber-UBAR!
If you would look @ my stats, you will see im well over 8000 points .
Yet I did not got promoted to Gunnery Sarge .
Try to talk your way outta this one son
I don't have to, some one else has already. See:
I hate bitching but i cnt figure out why I dont have first sergent, maybe cause I don't have the helo ribbon?
here are my stats

Last edited by Coryphaeus (2005-10-20 09:45:05)

I saw UBAR didn't had the requirements for the navy cros, golden scimitar and people's medaillon and I am almost positive that i know what to do for them. For Navy Cross it is 250 hours(i am 100% sure) as USMC, 500 wins as USMC(also 100% sure) and a best round score of at least 100 with USMC(cant prove this but it was before the patch and i think it didnt change, almost everyone got above 100 so its difficult to see if it is changed). Some friends of mine got the navy cross as soon as they got 250 hours with USMC except for 1, he got it when he also got 500 wins. For golden scimitar its the same but then with MEC and peoples medaillion is with CHINA.
It appears the requirments for the Army Medals (Navy Cross etc.) is 250 hours played in that army, 250 wins and 100 best round score. 

This seems to be the buzz going around alot of the EA forums and I've looked a few people up who had the medals and they all met the requirment, no one was under that.  One guy actually had 256 hours as american and had been awarded the medal the previous night.  Not sure what all you guys have to do to verify but theres ya a lil push in the right direction.

i think it is 500 wins and not 250 because last week i saw a guy with 260 hours and 481 wins and he didnt have the peoples medaillion( he had round score above 100). The day after i look and the guy had 504 wins and he had the medal.
I think your right, I may have gotten that backwards.

Thanks for the sharp eye!
Ok, I know it has nothing to do with your medals converstaion but this guy is first sergent, and im not I cant figure, time on maps?
+1|7079|Colo. Springs
Just to chime in on the Far East & Middle East ribbons, I'm far from having 250hrs in the game and was awarded both ribbons with in a day of each other, I think it has to do with the time spent in each theatre.  I think it actually happened on a server I was playing that shuffled though each map in the theatre 2-3 times, so if you play all the maps at least twice and your team wins the majority of the battles then you get it? I think you also have to play each army as well, just my 2 cents, course if you ask my wife then I'm

Last edited by Galen1066 (2005-10-24 19:17:31)

The ribbons were downgraded with 1.03, it's very low now.

The kits page is incorrect.  I know for sure the M95, M24, Type 88, & SVD have different stats according to the tweak files.  Standing / Crouching / Prone for the sniper rifles are 2 / 1.5 / .8.

The formula may also be wrong because it does not seem to take into account the recoilForceLeftRight variables and the recoilForceUp has three settings instead of just one (the middle value is what seems to appear on the kits page).

I used the weapon tweak files found in the file.  I'm sure there are some more inconsistencies, but I don't have time to go through the files right now.

Last edited by Xiver (2005-10-25 07:45:19)

+0|7138|Tacoma, Wa

Coryphaeus wrote:

I hate bitching but i cnt figure out why I dont have first sergent, maybe cause I don't have the helo ribbon?
here are my stats
It's a bug, you got your basic and vet pistol badges at the same time, so EA didn't report
that you actually had your basic badge, and now that you're a master sgt it's not possible
for you to gain rank to First Sgt. It sucks. Makes me glad I got all my basic badges while
I was a peon Lance Corporal.
Im gonna sue the bastards at  EA, that is just too lame. Way to lame i hope the bug dosent transfer to my next rank, but i got an itch that it will. Anyone hear anything about anything will fixin it?
+0|7076|Province of Quebec, Canada
Ok... So what should my current rank really be? Is it a bug? Or am I just missing some basic badges?

TheFaust :-)


Last edited by TheFaust (2005-10-27 14:23:47)

You have to have all of your basic badges before the promotion.  If you do not, it is impossible to get First Sarge.

Cougar wrote:

You have to have all of your basic badges before the promotion.  If you do not, it is impossible to get First Sarge.
aka me and TheFaust are screwed :-D THANKS EA, anyone got a link I should go too and bitch at em?
+17|7113|Dayton, Ohio

Coryphaeus wrote:

Ok, I know it has nothing to do with your medals converstaion but this guy is first sergent, and im not I cant figure, time on maps?
you will likely find the reason why you didn't make first sgt. when you hit 20k here.

anymore questions?

same is likely true of the 50k promotion.

Last edited by WormGuts (2005-10-27 21:12:41)

Aliens Ate My Babysitter
I don't think UBAR is wrong as such, but I have some additional information with regards to the Far East and Middle East Service ribbons. A colleague (Alphane) had managed to acquire the Far East ribbon, but not the Middle East version until last night. There was a couple of factors it could have been as he only had 8-ish hours as MEC, but he also hadn't played Zatar Wetlands.

He now has the Middle East ribbon after playing one round on Zatar Wetlands. He was playing as MEC, I don't know if that's important, but part of the requirement is:

[*] Must have played at least one round on each MEC/China (delete as appropriate) map
+0|7076|Province of Quebec, Canada
So, is this still true in 1.03??
<if you hit 20k without your badges then you get master sergeant and will NOT then be promoted to 1st sgt. when you achieve them later. is that clear?>

If I get the 2 missing basic badges, now that's I'm above 20K points I will not get the promotion????

If true I think I'm going to stop playing bf2... pissed I would be...


Yes. You only get once change to get that "extra" rank when you hit the 20k and 50k marks. If you miss it, you're outta luck.
+-1|7162|Indiana, US

Krauser98 wrote:

If you think something has been mistakenly placed in UBAR or if you think the requirements may be wrong, this is the place to let them know (in an adult fashion) what exactly the problem is.
Now I can't "prove" this, but I believe that the damage amount shown for the M24 sniper rifle just has to be wrong.  The M24 currently shows as having a Damage score of 95, but this seems too high, given that the M95 (which fires a .50 cal bullet) has that same damage score (i.e. a damage of 95), but the G3 - which in real life fires the same cartridge (.308 cal) as the M24 - shows a damage of 40.

As a feature request for UBAR - it would be cool if all the weapons listed real-life caliber and manufacturer, where applicable.  In other words, for example, for the MP-5 it would list Caliber as 9mm and manufacturer as H&K, along with the other statistics.  Just a thought.


Last edited by SodaBob (2005-10-28 09:01:05)

First Sergeant rank is inaccurate.  Requirements that you state are :

Rank: Gunnery Sergeant
Score: 20000
Awards: Basic Knife Combat Badge, Basic Pistol Combat Badge, Basic Assault Combat Badge, Basic Anti-tank Combat Badge, Basic Sniper Combat Badge, Basic Spec Ops Combat Badge, Basic Support Combat Badge, Basic Engineer Combat Badge, Basic Medic Combat Badge

As you can see in my signature, I have over 20000 points, I have passed Gunnery Sergeant to Master Sergeant, and I got all the basic badges well before I reached 20000 points.  Yet I have not recieved this rank.

SodaBob wrote:

Krauser98 wrote:

If you think something has been mistakenly placed in UBAR or if you think the requirements may be wrong, this is the place to let them know (in an adult fashion) what exactly the problem is.
Now I can't "prove" this, but I believe that the damage amount shown for the M24 sniper rifle just has to be wrong.  The M24 currently shows as having a Damage score of 95, but this seems too high, given that the M95 (which fires a .50 cal bullet) has that same damage score (i.e. a damage of 95), but the G3 - which in real life fires the same cartridge (.308 cal) as the M24 - shows a damage of 40.
No, the two rifles do the same damage. It's dumb, we know, but it's also true. If you really want, you can dig through the ZIP files, find the weapon.tweak files for the m95/m24 and see that they have the (same) damage ratings.


First Sergeant rank is inaccurate.  Requirements that you state are :

As you can see in my signature, I have over 20000 points, I have passed Gunnery Sergeant to Master Sergeant, and I got all the basic badges well before I reached 20000 points.  Yet I have not recieved this rank.
I can't find my previous posts about this, so I guess I can say "search for it, noob"

Basically this is how it works. You got you basic knife sometime around the 11th of Oct. (So says the server). And just about at that same time, according to my graph, you got to 20,000 points. With Master/First Srg you only get ONE or the OTHER rank. It's not a "level up" kinda thing. If, at 20k, you have the awards, you get first, if not, you get master. It looks like in YOUR case, on the 11th you ranked up to Master, said "wtf" and then went and got your badge.

Sadly, you and many other do not get another chance to get first srg. Just make sure you have the badges you need before you get to 50,000 or you'll miss another split rank.
I had them all before the rank up, All of them. its a bug cause I had asome second leve and somehow the first level did not register.
Flying Solo
+98|7090|Canada, Ont
I dunno if this has been Cover'd yet on this Website but by Viewing Samples of People with these Medals...

Navy Cross - USMC
Golden Scimitar - MEC
Peoples Medalion - China

I Found the Requirements For Them. On Your Website Its Posted As...

"Notes: Participant -- As best as we can tell, you get this simply for playing the game for an extended period."

The Way to Get These Is To Have 500+ Match Wins With That Country. I Do Belive That is The Only Requirement.

But Im 100% Sure Thats One Of Them.

The Other Requirement Could Be 200 Hours As That Country or 250 Hours As That Country. But I Can Assure You 80% Of The People That Will Manage To Get 500 Wins Will Have About That Many Hours In That Country Already. This Is Why Im Unsure.

Please Give Credit To Me On My Work If You Plan To Use This Information. Thank You.

(Edit: I Also Relize Before the Patch It Mentioned Something About Being #1 For Your Team 100 Times, This May Also Be a Factor Leading to The Medal, Because I notice all The People That Have It Are Skilled and Not Just People With No Life Playing For A Long Time Playing Lots Of Matches)

Last edited by JeSTeR_Player1 (2005-10-28 18:39:13)



First Sergeant rank is inaccurate.  Requirements that you state are :

As you can see in my signature, I have over 20000 points, I have passed Gunnery Sergeant to Master Sergeant, and I got all the basic badges well before I reached 20000 points.  Yet I have not recieved this rank.
I can't find my previous posts about this, so I guess I can say "search for it, noob"

Basically this is how it works. You got you basic knife sometime around the 11th of Oct. (So says the server). And just about at that same time, according to my graph, you got to 20,000 points. With Master/First Srg you only get ONE or the OTHER rank. It's not a "level up" kinda thing. If, at 20k, you have the awards, you get first, if not, you get master. It looks like in YOUR case, on the 11th you ranked up to Master, said "wtf" and then went and got your badge.

Sadly, you and many other do not get another chance to get first srg. Just make sure you have the badges you need before you get to 50,000 or you'll miss another split rank.
Well I did do a search, and since YOU couldnt find YOUR previous posts then maybe thats why I couldnt find them niether.  And by the graph I guess it does appear that I may have had about 20010 points when i got my knife badge   .  I didnt realize that it worked that way.
But I do have all the badges for sergeant major already for when I get 50000.  Thx. oh well, so close.

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