mans game.Yellowman03 wrote:
You're not the first to suggest that. Rugby that is.Superior Mind wrote:
Rugby. Your group name shall be The Texas Partial Blacks.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
mans game.Yellowman03 wrote:
You're not the first to suggest that. Rugby that is.Superior Mind wrote:
Rugby. Your group name shall be The Texas Partial Blacks.
Yep, I have it for PC, got a copy for my brothers-in-law too, never did play though. They claimed it was too easy to cheat, they would rather spend 8 hours sitting around a kitchen table.War Man wrote:
Is that the old turn based strategy game?Canin wrote:
Axis and Allies
I play it from time to time ... imo it's not a good game to play alone, you need friends that play well together for this game to be good ... and a team playing together can totally dominate ...Flaming_Maniac wrote:
Varegg I remember trying the demo for QW when it came out around the same time as 2142, and not being impressed...I haven't heard about it in a long time too. Is it good/alive?
Since it's you asking I will check out the number of servers and players this weekendFlaming_Maniac wrote:
I just don't want it to be like UT3, we got that earlier this summer and while I had quite a bit of fun with it, there are less than 20 human players at any time these days.
Forgot I had inventory at work and was finishing the last wall in the living room this weekend so no gaming for meVaregg wrote:
Since it's you asking I will check out the number of servers and players this weekendFlaming_Maniac wrote:
I just don't want it to be like UT3, we got that earlier this summer and while I had quite a bit of fun with it, there are less than 20 human players at any time these days.
Sisco10 wrote:
Shattered Horizon. It´s great fun and rather cheap.