iPod is broken.
+1,048|6984|NT, like Mick Dundee

Spark wrote:

AussieReaper wrote:

"We will not increase any taxes" - Abbott.

The only thing can do, is propose Nuclear facilities. Which were unpopular the last time they were proposed because nobody wanted a Nuclear facility anywhere near them.
I'm wondering how they'll pay for the many new nuclear power plants without raising taxes.
Probs with private industry investment or loans that could be paid back with the money they charge for electricity. Who knows.

Btw, they can put nuke plants in the NT/ACT without having to ask.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Germans did 911
+427|7000|Disaster Free Zone

AussieReaper wrote:

"We will not increase any taxes" - Abbott.

The only thing can do, is propose Nuclear facilities. Which were unpopular the last time they were proposed because nobody wanted a Nuclear facility anywhere near them.
Do you want a coal power plant near you??
The question or statement is so loaded with bias its stupid.

If I had to have one, I'd choose the nuclear option every time, but given a choice I'd have neither (near me).

Last edited by DrunkFace (2009-12-02 00:06:21)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6994|Canberra, AUS

Flecco wrote:

Spark wrote:

AussieReaper wrote:

"We will not increase any taxes" - Abbott.

The only thing can do, is propose Nuclear facilities. Which were unpopular the last time they were proposed because nobody wanted a Nuclear facility anywhere near them.
I'm wondering how they'll pay for the many new nuclear power plants without raising taxes.
Probs with private industry investment or loans that could be paid back with the money they charge for electricity. Who knows.

Btw, they can put nuke plants in the NT/ACT without having to ask.
I think there are special laws applying to the ACT with regards to 'dirty' zoning such as mining, heavy industry or power generation.

NT may be different, but are those marginal CLP seats up there?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6984|NT, like Mick Dundee

Spark wrote:

Flecco wrote:

Spark wrote:

I'm wondering how they'll pay for the many new nuclear power plants without raising taxes.
Probs with private industry investment or loans that could be paid back with the money they charge for electricity. Who knows.

Btw, they can put nuke plants in the NT/ACT without having to ask.
I think there are special laws applying to the ACT with regards to 'dirty' zoning such as mining, heavy industry or power generation.

NT may be different, but are those marginal CLP seats up there?
Marginal? Doesn't matter mate, was made clear by Howard's last govt. that the NT doesn't have a choice when it comes to nuclear power. If they want to set up a waste dump or power plant here they do consult the local people and community leaders, but ultimately they don't give a shit. They got very, very close to establishing one near Tennant Creek.

For over 20 years the CLP held the Territory govt. unbroken. The LA was almost hung earlier this year, with the CLP holding 11 seats, labor holding 12 and two independents. Two of labors MLAs quit, one only rejoining to avoid having a hung parliament. She lost most of her credibility when she did.

On a Federal level, there's one CLP Senator, one Labor Senator and 2 Labor party members in the House of Reps. Over the last 10 years the NT has swung toward Labor but the current NT Labor govt. is very unstable.

In general though, NT politics are more like a Saturday Night Variety show or a bad political drama. Worth a laugh but that's about it.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6984|NT, like Mick Dundee

Hmm. Wonder if the Mad Monk will put out some sort of consolidated climate change policy. Bit of a deal breaker for me.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6994|Canberra, AUS

Flecco wrote:

Spark wrote:

Flecco wrote:

Probs with private industry investment or loans that could be paid back with the money they charge for electricity. Who knows.

Btw, they can put nuke plants in the NT/ACT without having to ask.
I think there are special laws applying to the ACT with regards to 'dirty' zoning such as mining, heavy industry or power generation.

NT may be different, but are those marginal CLP seats up there?
Marginal? Doesn't matter mate, was made clear by Howard's last govt. that the NT doesn't have a choice when it comes to nuclear power. If they want to set up a waste dump or power plant here they do consult the local people and community leaders, but ultimately they don't give a shit. They got very, very close to establishing one near Tennant Creek.

For over 20 years the CLP held the Territory govt. unbroken. The LA was almost hung earlier this year, with the CLP holding 11 seats, labor holding 12 and two independents. Two of labors MLAs quit, one only rejoining to avoid having a hung parliament. She lost most of her credibility when she did.

On a Federal level, there's one CLP Senator, one Labor Senator and 2 Labor party members in the House of Reps. Over the last 10 years the NT has swung toward Labor but the current NT Labor govt. is very unstable.

In general though, NT politics are more like a Saturday Night Variety show or a bad political drama. Worth a laugh but that's about it.
What I'm getting at though, is that any push for nuclear power will cause a surge in Labor support once Labor picks a strategy pointing out that if nuclear power was to go anywhere it would undoubtedly involve the NT in a big, big way.

Flecco wrote:

Hmm. Wonder if the Mad Monk will put out some sort of consolidated climate change policy. Bit of a deal breaker for me.
Without any sort of market-based mechanism (ruled out both an ETS and carbon tax)? I'd like to see that policy.

Last edited by Spark (2009-12-02 00:51:21)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6984|NT, like Mick Dundee

Spark wrote:

Flecco wrote:

Spark wrote:

I think there are special laws applying to the ACT with regards to 'dirty' zoning such as mining, heavy industry or power generation.

NT may be different, but are those marginal CLP seats up there?
Marginal? Doesn't matter mate, was made clear by Howard's last govt. that the NT doesn't have a choice when it comes to nuclear power. If they want to set up a waste dump or power plant here they do consult the local people and community leaders, but ultimately they don't give a shit. They got very, very close to establishing one near Tennant Creek.

For over 20 years the CLP held the Territory govt. unbroken. The LA was almost hung earlier this year, with the CLP holding 11 seats, labor holding 12 and two independents. Two of labors MLAs quit, one only rejoining to avoid having a hung parliament. She lost most of her credibility when she did.

On a Federal level, there's one CLP Senator, one Labor Senator and 2 Labor party members in the House of Reps. Over the last 10 years the NT has swung toward Labor but the current NT Labor govt. is very unstable.

In general though, NT politics are more like a Saturday Night Variety show or a bad political drama. Worth a laugh but that's about it.
What I'm getting at though, is that any push for nuclear power will cause a surge in Labor support once Labor picks a strategy pointing out that if nuclear power was to go anywhere it would undoubtedly involve the NT in a big, big way.
We got all the uranium. NT should become the nuclear super-power.

That's true, then again, you'll notice that the seats near or containing potential waste dump/nuclear plant sites are all held by CLP members now, not Labor. The reason being if it's south of the Berrimah line, NT Labor doesn't spend a fucking penny on it. That and the CLP had members speaking out against waste dumps anyway. Was just an unpopular idea up here.

Spark wrote:

Flecco wrote:

Hmm. Wonder if the Mad Monk will put out some sort of consolidated climate change policy. Bit of a deal breaker for me.
Without any sort of market-based mechanism (ruled out both an ETS and carbon tax)? I'd like to see that policy.
I'm fairly ignorant on the issue but I thought it was Labor's model for an ETS he objected to, not the idea in general.

Last edited by Flecco (2009-12-02 01:20:16)

Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6994|Canberra, AUS
Abbott confirmed today that his policy will not involve an ETS, carbon tax or any other sort of "tax" or anything that could be construed as a tax, whatever that means.

So yeah, I'd like to see that policy.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6984|NT, like Mick Dundee

Maybe he's gonna re-open the hole in the ozone layer to let the greenhouse gases out?

Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
SA Premier Mike Rann assault charges downgraded

POLICE have filed lesser charges against the man accused of assaulting Premier Mike Rann - meaning the case will not be heard before a jury.
Upon his arrest in October, Rick Wayne Phillips - the estranged husband of Michelle Chantelois - was told he faced a maximum three-year jail term if convicted of aggravatedly assaulting Mr Rann.
Today, however, the 55-year-old was charged with one count of committing basic assault - a lesser charge carrying a two-year term.

The downgrade means Phillips, of Burnside, will not go before a jury over the incident, and will instead stand trial before a single magistrate.
He will make his first court appearance in the Adelaide Magistrates Court on Monday.
Police will allege that, in October, Phillips assaulted Mr Rann, with a rolled-up magazine, at the National Wine Centre.

In a paid television interview, Ms Chantelois claimed she had an affair with Mr Rann when she worked as a waitress at Parliament House.
She said she and Mr Rann had sex numerous times, including on his desk and in a car, during the tryst which was kept a secret from Phillips.

Today, Phillips' lawyer, Jon Lister, said police had never formally charged his client with aggravated assault.
"He was told, after his arrest, that would be the charge when his bail was processed," Mr Lister said.
http://www.news.com.au/adelaidenow/stor … 01,00.html

How convenient, another example of the small town corrupton endemic in Adelaide, if you're in the elite the justice system is run for your benefit.
Fuck Israel
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

His even seemed to have side skipped the affair allegations somehow.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX

AussieReaper wrote:

His even seemed to have side skipped the affair allegations somehow.
Thats the plan, in a magistrate trial it won't even be mentioned. 'Did you hit him yes/no' and thats about it.
Fuck Israel
Save the BlobFish!

Spark wrote:

Abbott confirmed today that his policy will not involve an ETS, carbon tax or any other sort of "tax" or anything that could be construed as a tax, whatever that means.

So yeah, I'd like to see that policy.
This is the closest I can find on it.

The Australian wrote:

TONY Abbott plans to fight a climate change election using land management and energy efficiency measures to slash greenhouse emissions instead of an emissions trading scheme or a carbon tax.

I guess that means plant more trees, and turn off the lights. And not much else.
How he will fund the nuclear plants that no one will want, and that will take 20years to build is anyones guess.

Flecco wrote:

I'm fairly ignorant on the issue but I thought it was Labor's model for an ETS he objected to, not the idea in general.
Seems that he is just trying to get the "Fear of tax " angle happening. Its a cheap political stunt , especially as John Howard proposed an ETS before he was voted out. I bet he supported that one.

Last edited by Burwhale (2009-12-02 16:40:23)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6994|Canberra, AUS
Well no one likes what the Coalition is suggesting, because no one has the slightest clue what it is.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Burwhale wrote:

This thread is aimed at Aussies that want to discuss political issues that dont necessarily warrant a new topic. Aussie news barely rates at a global level, but the Aussies on the forum would probably like to talk about Aussie politics as a general topic. I dont see this being an Australians only topic either, so anyone else can post if they have something relevant.

Anyway to start...

I think its crazy that the govt is about to implement an ETS , but all the news services can do is focus on an opposition that is quickly self destructing. This should be a time when the opposition can really make up some ground, but they keep getting bogged down by ridiculous squabbles. I am not sure if the ALP has some absolute genius political strategician on their side, or the opposition are a pack of dopes.
( for what its worth, I support the ETS for the most part although I think its a bit too weak).
Aussie Left 4 Dead 2: invisible fire and disappearing zombies.

This was actually HUGE news in the US.
Save the BlobFish!
It probably wasnt massive news here unless you are a gamer. It does suck though, and unfortunately its all down to 1 man stopping us getting an R+ classification for games. Hope the guy gets voted out soon, but I doubt it.

Hey heres a thought. Even if Atkinson gets in again at the next election, theres nothing stopping the premier having him re-shuffled to a different portfolio ( other than attourney general). If that happened there may be a chance again right? Maybe we should be lobbying Mike Rann to get Atkinsin re-shuffled at the upcoming election? Maybe we can blackmail mike rann with a claim we have a certain video........

Last edited by Burwhale (2009-12-02 18:01:29)

iPod is broken.
+1,048|6984|NT, like Mick Dundee

Spark wrote:

Well no one likes what the Coalition is suggesting, because no one has the slightest clue what it is.
Has the Coalition as a whole suggested anything yet?
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6994|Canberra, AUS

Flecco wrote:

Spark wrote:

Well no one likes what the Coalition is suggesting, because no one has the slightest clue what it is.
Has the Coalition as a whole suggested anything yet?
Something about 'individual help', whatever that means.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6984|NT, like Mick Dundee

Sounds good. My idea is better though. Will send to Borock Obomo and Al Gore.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6994|Canberra, AUS
Tough time to be leader of a losing party.

Rees just got whacked, some woman who I know little about is new Premier of NSW.

He seemed to be trying to do a Turnbull (attack his detractors) except whereas Turnbull was clearly motivated by principle, Rees just seemed to be employing the philosophy of "if I'm going down I'm not going down alone". The result: whereas Turnbull went down in a wonderful cataclysm of bravado and defiance, barely losing and coming out with reputation intact and repsect in the eyes of many, Rees forgot the whole principle/convictions aspect and merely tried to bully his way to a victory, and lost pathetically as a result.

I think, by the way, this paticular episode highlights the main difference in Australia and American attitudes towards governments, especially many Americans very, very poorly-thought-out astonishment at our apparent 'love for government'. It's not that we don't like government, it's just that out state governments are infinitely worse than the federal, and so we have to trust the federal to clean up, which they generally do efficiently. Certainly, the move to remove certain powers of the states and give them to the Federal is very, very popular at the moment (Bipartisan and Cross-spectrum support, although that's significantly easier to attain here than in the States). I think the differences lie in the subtleties and nuances of the state vs. federal system as well as the subtleties and nuances of our system vs the US system which you would need a parliamentary and constitutional lawyer to explain.

Last edited by Spark (2009-12-03 02:07:50)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Save the BlobFish!
Yep, the states are doing a piss poor job at the moment. And I hate to say it, but Labor is largely at fault here. Of the 3 levels of govt we have in Australia, we could probably do with out the State govts. That way the Feds collect revenue and pass it to local govts. I doubt any Fed govt would be brave enough to try it though. Constitutionally taking significant power away from the states would be a minefield.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6994|Canberra, AUS

Burwhale wrote:

Yep, the states are doing a piss poor job at the moment. And I hate to say it, but Labor is largely at fault here. Of the 3 levels of govt we have in Australia, we could probably do with out the State govts. That way the Feds collect revenue and pass it to local govts. I doubt any Fed govt would be brave enough to try it though. Constitutionally taking significant power away from the states would be a minefield.
Rudd floated it a while back... well, actually, it was in one of those televised "Q&A" type shows (not the actual Q&A) where someone asked if we could just get rid of state govts. Rudd basically gave "we're considering it, we would like to get rid of waste and duplication (by which he means state govts".
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Save the BlobFish!
I would love to see it happen, but doubt it would ( actually I remember seeing that show). I think he said he may put it to a referendum ( that was health at least). Health still aint great but many politicians on both sides say that they doubt the feds could do health any better than the states. Still could it get much worse?

Last edited by Burwhale (2009-12-03 03:41:45)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

NSW has been piss poor for awhile, imo because the Liberal opposition has been even worse.

Apart from Barry O'Farrell, and maybe the opposition minister for health, you never hear or see any opposition spokesmen. They just don't get enough attention, or are not active enough in the media to debate policy in front of the public.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Oh if any of you are interested:

"The Pirate Party Australia just announced that it is now accepting Founding Members in their attempt to get the party officially registered with the Australian Electoral Commission. In order to get registered the party needs 500 members who sign and send in their application form, plus a $20.00 founders fee."
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