Yeah, I never said they don't work.SonderKommando wrote:
sorry but what you say is false. If you and I were on the same diet and same workout plan, and I was on supps, I would see greater gains than you more rapidly. They may be expensive but they do work.Irishpride<3 wrote:
Pre-workout supplement:SonderKommando wrote:
alot of people dont. But im pretty serious about my lifting. While supps arent the answer, they certainly help. … -/milk.jpg
Mid-workout supplement: … -water.jpg
After-workout supplement: … -/milk.jpg
+ … 68x332.jpg
Those supplements are way overpriced considering the lack of results they actually provide. TBH people start using them and working out and after seeing positive results they put it down to the workout/supplements when it's probably most the workout, and a very small bit of the supplements proving the positive results.
If that makes sense
Placebo effect
What I was trying to say is the cost of them isn't worth the outcome.
Spoiler (highlight to read):
Especially when you're a poor student