Pictures are not displayed on achievement page... why?
Bloody Hell, look what happens when I go away for a weekend. I should go away more often.
Try to have a rest now Jeff, we'll try not to make too much trouble for you.
Try to have a rest now Jeff, we'll try not to make too much trouble for you.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Thanks for the info. By the way, can Gibson handle Saturday Night's game and the whole site?chuyskywalker wrote:
Make sure that all the people in your leader board exists on gibson. I lost a lot of players in the transistion (about 500,000) so it's likely they simply haven't been queried yet.SNIPMIKE wrote:
I have all PID's in my leaderboard and a few of the lesser played names in my list are missing.tF-afrojap wrote:
You probably have a NICK in your leaderboard. Replace them with their PID.
Let's find out >:DSNIPMIKE wrote:
By the way, can Gibson handle Saturday Night's game and the whole site?
Yeah I've notice the same thing. Somehow I either managed to pile on ~15k points in the past month without playing a single round (obviously impossible) or without checking my stats (very very unlikely)BF2Craglyeye wrote:
Cause as I said I have played everyday for a month.
But if im killing people EVERYDAY for 2-4weeks or more. How come their would still be gaps in the kills and deaths graphs??
Hopefully you understand where im coming from.
The funny thing is, my stats ARE there if you hover over the 'gaps'
I quite like the IRL day based x-axis (shame as graphs like [url=]this[/url] are faily useless)
you would if you didnt go to sleepchuyskywalker wrote:
Let's find out >SNIPMIKE wrote:
By the way, can Gibson handle Saturday Night's game and the whole site?
is there a way to do a complete check to find out who in bfhq has your name on the fav enemy list? Its the only stats site to include this stat and its great.chuyskywalker wrote:
Only people who come peek at the site get updates. I was running both servers in sync (one request, both servers update) for the last 3 weeks or so, but a lot of people have stagnated.{DsM}SongofWar[BoC] wrote:
Great work! At first glance it looks much better than the previous incarnation.
Just a quick question though: Will it eventually update all players, or only those that put their names in manually?
Most of the people on my victims list are gone.
Out of interest, where does the name Gibson come from?
just a litle thing, whats wrong whit the medal etc. immages? some are normal and other's have a bar underneath them?
and also GREAT JOB
and also GREAT JOB
Last edited by mrnatrium (2006-04-16 06:27:42)
can i sue for u using my last name
chears dudes.......... we all thank you for your hard work and quite mind boggling programing.
Awesome...Hats off for all the work you put into it...Great site!!!
Hello - nice work on this site, I've been using it for a while and really like the functionality.
Since the leaderboard has been switched to a PID only listing, would it be possible to display the PID on the "My Leaderboard" page?
This would make it easier to "tune" personal leaderboards.
Right now - I've got about 20 people on my PID list, and some of them aren't showing up in "My Leaderboard". Since there are no PIDs listed on "My Leaderboard", I will have a tough time figuring which of the listed PIDs are potentially bad.
Thanks for all the work, this is a great site.
Since the leaderboard has been switched to a PID only listing, would it be possible to display the PID on the "My Leaderboard" page?
This would make it easier to "tune" personal leaderboards.
Right now - I've got about 20 people on my PID list, and some of them aren't showing up in "My Leaderboard". Since there are no PIDs listed on "My Leaderboard", I will have a tough time figuring which of the listed PIDs are potentially bad.
Thanks for all the work, this is a great site.
The bar denotes the ones where you have met all the global requirements and you just need the IAR achievements, I believe.mrnatrium wrote:
just a litle thing, whats wrong whit the medal etc. immages? some are normal and other's have a bar underneath them?
and also GREAT JOB
I added PID's to the leader board, and I also added a list of "nicks" you used linking to the find page so you can fix it quickly.
Sweet - Thanks alot, that's exactly what I was talking about.
Don't know if this has been said but why are the stats fucked up? All my vehicle K/D ratios have received a boost.
Because the K/D now includes the road kills.Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:
Don't know if this has been said but why are the stats fucked up? All my vehicle K/D ratios have received a boost.
well... OK then:polarbearz wrote:
Bow down and worship him

Thank you for all the careful attention to updates.
Would it be possible to setup the graphs so that it would draw the lines across days you haven't played? I'm very busy and only get to play sporadically. With the way it graphs now, it's almost useless to me because there are so many gaps in data it makes it very hard to make sense of it. It would be nice if we could turn this on or off ourselves.
Would it be possible to setup the graphs so that it would draw the lines across days you haven't played? I'm very busy and only get to play sporadically. With the way it graphs now, it's almost useless to me because there are so many gaps in data it makes it very hard to make sense of it. It would be nice if we could turn this on or off ourselves.
It is very nice!
I liked the graphs more in the previous one though...
I liked the graphs more in the previous one though...
Ah, I see.... Not sure if I like that or not. I mean wtf is a road kill in a chopper?NM156 wrote:
Because the K/D now includes the road kills.Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:
Don't know if this has been said but why are the stats fucked up? All my vehicle K/D ratios have received a boost.
Great job Chuy, worth the wait, congratz, life is a little better now
LMFAOLt.Goldman wrote:
well... OK then:polarbearz wrote:
Bow down and worship him … gibson.png
we should have a photoshop chuy contest