+319|6713|Southern California

Miggle wrote:

VicktorVauhn wrote:

Soooo.... Not that into this one.

Not bad, but I doubt I am even going to beat it. I barely feel driven to play it again. Maybe it will get better as I am only like level 8, but it doesn't feel that deep or special.
depth is relative.

Compared to golden age FPSRPGs it is severaely lacking.

Compared to anything in the past 5 years, this game is jesus.
I went into it thinking fall out 3, and this game seems like so much less.

I mean, I can go into the doctors shack and rob the shit out of all of his supplies while he says "Hi!" over and over.

I can sit an melee attack all the characters while they talk calmly with me.

You don't even have to worry about dying... I killed 9 toes or what ever while he killed me, respawn to find it was actually better that way because everything I did still counts and now I didn't have to walk as far.
arrivederci frog
It costs money to respawn but it isn't much.

I agree I don't think the game is that wonderful, I'm playing it co-op and it has improved but it's just all so soulless it's hard to really get into it. I guess I'm just a sucker for storyline in my rpg's.
+1,411|7063|FUCK UBISOFT

VicktorVauhn wrote:

Miggle wrote:

VicktorVauhn wrote:

Soooo.... Not that into this one.

Not bad, but I doubt I am even going to beat it. I barely feel driven to play it again. Maybe it will get better as I am only like level 8, but it doesn't feel that deep or special.
depth is relative.

Compared to golden age FPSRPGs it is severaely lacking.

Compared to anything in the past 5 years, this game is jesus.
I went into it thinking fall out 3, and this game seems like so much less.

I mean, I can go into the doctors shack and rob the shit out of all of his supplies while he says "Hi!" over and over.

I can sit an melee attack all the characters while they talk calmly with me.

You don't even have to worry about dying... I killed 9 toes or what ever while he killed me, respawn to find it was actually better that way because everything I did still counts and now I didn't have to walk as far.
Everything you do doesn't count... he should have gotten his health back.

I'm not sure what you mean about the melee, as enemies are never calm, and NPCs can't be hurt.

Not sure why the doctor thing even matters...

And as for Fallout 3, Borderlands is what Fallout 3 should have been. More than 6 Weapons, Dark Humour, Enjoyable Combat, not terrible, etc.

It's more on par with the previous fallouts than F3 was, and the RPG elements are far more present. Fallout 3 really was like Oblivion with guns and nothing to do.
+319|6713|Southern California

Miggle wrote:

VicktorVauhn wrote:

Miggle wrote:

depth is relative.

Compared to golden age FPSRPGs it is severaely lacking.

Compared to anything in the past 5 years, this game is jesus.
I went into it thinking fall out 3, and this game seems like so much less.

I mean, I can go into the doctors shack and rob the shit out of all of his supplies while he says "Hi!" over and over.

I can sit an melee attack all the characters while they talk calmly with me.

You don't even have to worry about dying... I killed 9 toes or what ever while he killed me, respawn to find it was actually better that way because everything I did still counts and now I didn't have to walk as far.
Everything you do doesn't count... he should have gotten his health back.

I'm not sure what you mean about the melee, as enemies are never calm, and NPCs can't be hurt.

Not sure why the doctor thing even matters...

And as for Fallout 3, Borderlands is what Fallout 3 should have been. More than 6 Weapons, Dark Humour, Enjoyable Combat, not terrible, etc.

It's more on par with the previous fallouts than F3 was, and the RPG elements are far more present. Fallout 3 really was like Oblivion with guns and nothing to do.
Most of this is my point.

"I'm not sure what you mean about the melee, as enemies are never calm, and NPCs can't be hurt."
exactly. The enemies are all out to get you from the start no matter what you do... and I can sit there trying to smash a friendlies face in and he doesn't mind or get even a scratch on him... he just wants to finish reading his script. Even halflife's cheap "What are you doing?" would be a step up...

"Not sure why the doctor thing even matters..."
Because it adds depth. Instead of some random NPC who is standing there as a way to usher in new objectives there COULD be another living thing that owns stuff and could be interacted with. FO3 did an awesome job with this... stuff all around, but if you want it you have to steal it and that has reprocussions... some people wont want to deal with "your type" and you have to be careful not to get caught or you got a fight on your hands. Its about realism... How convincing is a guy who sits there blindly chatting while I steal all his shit right in front of him... depth.

"And as for Fallout 3, Borderlands is what Fallout 3 should have been. More than 6 Weapons, Dark Humour, Enjoyable Combat, not terrible, etc."
FO3 had tons of weapons, and especially if you count all the ones you make. If I want humor I will watch a comedy... I just want to play a good game, I can laugh else where.

"and the RPG elements are far more present."
Well, maybe I haven't seen it because I am not even level 10... but so far the only thing RPG about it is that I have experiance and levels. My guy gets a little stronger, and I got a bird.

FO3, I could develope 20 or so different aspects of my charicter, I could be good or evil, I could focus my skills and be an expert in one area or be well rounded.... SO much more options on what my charicter was.
fuck it
Fallout 3 was memorable. Borderlands isn't.
+718|6842|Austin, Texas
Co-op > singleplayer, any day. Just spent a couple of hours with my friends, my how time passes. Very fun.
+319|6713|Southern California

Bevo wrote:

Co-op > singleplayer, any day. Just spent a couple of hours with my friends, my how time passes. Very fun.
yeah, I have only been playing single player... It would probably be pretty good with co-op.

Co-op really needs to be supported more often, kinda lame that is is always deathmatch or single player.

I think there is a simple difference between Borderlands and Fallout. This is more of a shooter while Fallout was more of an RPG. Sure both games mix the elements of the two genres but each one does one genre better.
Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6477|Vancouver | Canada
The difference between Borderlands and Fallout 3, is Fallout 3 being shit.

Sure, it had "depth" and all that, but gameplay-wise it was horrid.
+1,411|7063|FUCK UBISOFT

DefCon-17 wrote:

The difference between Borderlands and Fallout 3, is Fallout 3 being shit.

Sure, it had "depth" and all that, but gameplay-wise it was horrid.
it didn't even have depth, and combat was really bad.
grandmaster league revivalist

Miggle wrote:

DefCon-17 wrote:

The difference between Borderlands and Fallout 3, is Fallout 3 being shit.

Sure, it had "depth" and all that, but gameplay-wise it was horrid.
it didn't even have depth, and combat was really bad.
Borderlands lets you hit things at the point where you aim your crosshair, right?

I´ve never gotten over the FPS-aiming-lie FO3 played on me .
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7100|Great Brown North
it's based on the weapons accuracy
grandmaster league revivalist

krazed wrote:

it's based on the weapons accuracy
yeah yeah, I know. It still sucked. You just had to aim in the general direction, so why give the option at all?
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7100|Great Brown North
yeah but borderlands does it pretty well, the higher your skill with the weapon, and the better it is

the more accurate it will be
grandmaster league revivalist

krazed wrote:

yeah but borderlands does it pretty well, the higher your skill with the weapon, and the better it is

the more accurate it will be
Sounds good!
I salute Gearbox for making this game, wow...
+194|6674|West NY
Unfortunately you can't have the best of both worlds. While Borderlands stomps all over F3 in multiplayer by having a fun single player experience as well as co-op, (and even the deathmatch is pretty cool - imagine that in fallout 3! Maybe with real-time V.A.T.S. it could work.) has a much higher variety of weapons, (while they could've done much more....) and a few other small things, Fallout 3 had a plentiful amount of story to it with interesting quests that were never the WoW-style "kill x many of y creature," a.. partially..true to the series, in depth character development system along with other personalization like armor and the karma system added to the game.

Last edited by Noobpatty (2009-11-12 13:31:56)

Sledge, I already hate that guy with all my passion, that fucker just doesn't die, no matter how many times I stand outside the door blasting him in the face with an RPG17 BIG ROCKET LAUNCHER: 338 Damage.

And he's a level 17, Normal difficulty objective
I got a buddy I could ask to help me out but he's a level 3-ish so he will get raped just by entering Headstone Mine.

Chou wrote:

Sledge, I already hate that guy with all my passion, that fucker just doesn't die, no matter how many times I stand outside the door blasting him in the face with an RPG17 BIG ROCKET LAUNCHER: 338 Damage.

And he's a level 17, Normal difficulty objective
I got a buddy I could ask to help me out but he's a level 3-ish so he will get raped just by entering Headstone Mine.
Rockets in general suck.  Find an SMG with elemental powers.

What level are you?  My son has a Level 50 Mordecai with a shitload of playthrough 2 alien orange weapons on the 360.  But he is currently occupied with MW2, though.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6863|Texas - Bigger than France

Chou wrote:

Sledge, I already hate that guy with all my passion, that fucker just doesn't die, no matter how many times I stand outside the door blasting him in the face with an RPG17 BIG ROCKET LAUNCHER: 338 Damage.

And he's a level 17, Normal difficulty objective
I got a buddy I could ask to help me out but he's a level 3-ish so he will get raped just by entering Headstone Mine.
Get an electric weapon, bring down his shield first.  Then switch to the highest damage fast weapon you have (flame).  Keep a minion around just in case you get killed for a second wind.  Don't let him get too close.  RPGs won't work - you have to shoot all your ammo...takes too long.

With Brick - static smg down shield, then switched to flaming shotgun, punched him when health was low to recharge health
With Lilith - static smg with large clip the whole time, phased to run away when got too close
With Mordecai - statis shotgun, switched to flaming revolver.  But I had to switch skills from sniper to gunner
+718|6842|Austin, Texas
Sledge was really easy for me. I was soldier - used an SMG, perhaps even that blue one you get from earlier quests. Shoot in face - crouch, reload, repeat - he never even shot me with his gun.
+1,411|7063|FUCK UBISOFT

if sledge is on the lower level, and you are on the upper level, but still close enough for him to smash the ground, he can't hit you.
Nevermind, I just got raped by the reset glitch at level 26, all weapon proficiencies and skill points are gone!
What a waste of fucking time!
Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6760|Brisbane, Australia

Just played it for the first time (I wasnt planning too, but my brother bought it).

Started with a hunter (to 13) and have a 14 soldier that I levelled up with a friend.

It is a pretty fun game. I have no idea why you guys are complaing about depth and storyline etc...its an FPSMMO. What do you expect? The fun part is the co-op gameplay, not some pretentious storyline.

Not sure which class I like better. The soldier seems more well rounded, doing good damage as well as healing. Hunter just has that bird (I hate pets) and can snipe well. Idk.
+1,411|7063|FUCK UBISOFT

TimmmmaaaaH wrote:

Just played it for the first time (I wasnt planning too, but my brother bought it).

Started with a hunter (to 13) and have a 14 soldier that I levelled up with a friend.

It is a pretty fun game. I have no idea why you guys are complaing about depth and storyline etc...its an FPSMMO. What do you expect? The fun part is the co-op gameplay, not some pretentious storyline.

Not sure which class I like better. The soldier seems more well rounded, doing good damage as well as healing. Hunter just has that bird (I hate pets) and can snipe well. Idk.
it is not an MMO. It is an RPG.

Huge difference.

I like the siren.

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