If consolization of FPS's is the way of the future for developers, they should just save the time and effort and stop making FPS games for PC altogether. Anyone over the age of 14 should be able to see how they are fucking PC users out of the key aspects of playing games on PC to begin with.
Hopefully, games like MW2 and Operation Flashpoint 2 will receive enough criticism from PC users that developers not willing to invest the time to make a worthy PC port of a game simply stop doing these half-assed crossover jobs, and leave more market room for games from developers who focus more on the specific platform crowds.
Obviously on paper it makes more sense to go with the more economic option and develop for all platforms at the same time, but having to always cater to the lowest possible denominator is never going to consistently produce high calibre products.
I never liked CoD4, but I probably would've actually checked this game out had it seemed like a genuine improvement on its predecessor. If anything, it looks much less fun (on PC) than CoD4, which I got bored of in literally 3 different maps during online play.