Mr.Pieeater wrote:
cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:
Mr.Pieeater wrote:
We don't take them, they follow the bigger P*nises...
Funny how people (or races) claim about the fact they have the largest penis. You do know that its a psycological fact that when one says he has a large penis, is in fact hes insecure about his sexuality
Well, first of all I said "We" as in white guys in general. Don't believe me about the difference in size, watch some Japanese porn there chief... Those poor poor guys...
And second of all, insecure about my sexuality?! Dude are you for real? Cyborg Ninja sounds totally gay. Just because your gay doesn't mean you should try to convert people...
I hate to hijack this thread but I'd like to clear up some misconceptions about the topic of penis size, which is obviously on our minds constantly, enough for it to make its way into this and a handful of other threads.
The average erect penis size is between 5½ and 5¾ inches. Some Internet polls and "self-reporting" surveys have found higher averages of 6.5-7 inches, but for obvious reasons these figures are unreliable. Interestingly, in the rest of the studies, where penises were measured by staff as opposed to reported on a voluntary basis, averages shrunk by about an inch. But in studies where volunteers were told they were going to be "measured" as it were, average size was nearly half an inch larger than in studies where the true purpose of the study was kept secret. This tells us that studies of "average" size are actually biased because very few less-endowed men will volunteer to have themselves measured which artificially inflates the true average length.
Durex, the condom company, conducted two studies where measurements were taken by staff and found the average size 5.7 and 5.8 inches. A similarly controlled study at UC-Berkeley found an average of 5.1 inches while a study at a university in Korea found an average of 5.7 inches. Therefore we can see the stereotype of "small Asians" is less absolute than a lot of people think. However it does seem that while there is much variance in flaccid and erect penis length in people of any ethnicity, there is more in Asians than any other race. Studies also bear out this fact: Most Caucasians hover around 5¾ and 6¼ inches, with a few an inch or two above or below, but the average Asian is slightly smaller at about 5½ inches, but with quite a few at least two standard deviations smaller or bigger. In the end though they average out to the same size.
The reason behind the "Asians are smaller" argument is exactly this--mathematics. Say we have the following groups of numbers: 5, 6, 6, 6, 6; and 5, 5, 5, 5, 9. The average of both sets is 5.8, but if you pick any one number at random from both sets, chances are you will end up with 6 and 5, and the conclusion that the numbers in the first set must be bigger. Yes, this is exaggerated but it gets the point across.
Again, sorry for hijacking and sorry for the essay. And before you say I wrote this because I feel insecure about my manhood as an Asian male in a white-dominated society, I admit: yes, I am in fact an Asian male, and yes, in fact, I am under no circumstances "well endowed". I just wanted to clear up a couple of misconceptions.
(References: Articles online at,, and