
DBBrinson1 wrote:


Look like some "change"
At least that's some change I can believe in.
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX

Wreckognize wrote:

People who do not support marijuana legalization are not capable of logical reasoning and rational thinking.
If tokers could put a coherent argument together it probably would be legalised.
There's the rub I guess.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX

Bertster7 wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Beduin wrote:

Saying people that drinks do not prepare/talk about it is a bit... naive?
The talk about the snacks, the right soda to mix with, buying pills for the hangover BEFORE the hangover?
But they don't plan it weeks or months in advance - maybe because alcohol is more available, I don't know.
I've never met anyone who does that.

It's an absurd concept. I have weed, then I run out and go and buy some more. In the same way that if my cellar ever gets understocked, I stock it up again.

Say you're having a party or something you might go out to top up your supply - just as you might buy a few extra bottles of wine when having a dinner party. I've certainly bought bottles of wine for events months beforehand.
I've known people who plan it weeks or months in advance, they talk about it very boringly in the lead-up too.
'My man's got some great shit coming, its like won all these awards in Amsterdam and shit blah blah blah'

I constantly have a supply of weed. This is mostly because I often have trouble sleeping, but weed fixes all that. The problem is that since weed supresses the sub-concious, you dream far less and don't remember those dreams. When you sleep after months of having smoked weed every night and you don't go to sleep stoned, then you are in for a night of crazy dreaming and not much restful sleep. Since I need my sleep in order to get up for work, I need to smoke weed - which seems to be the only thing that works consistently. I've been through a number of prescriptions for tranquilisers and stuff and none of them help you get a decent nights sleep and feel well rested the next day.
Sounds like you're dependent then.
I knew a guy who got stoned every night and needed a paracetamol every morning to function.

Andy why do people need to post pics on the internet? Seems a bit obsessive TBH

lavadisk wrote:

About time to have more ganja

Sounds like you're having way more fun than if it were just 'medicinal'.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2009-10-20 02:46:57)

Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

Wreckognize wrote:

People who do not support marijuana legalization are not capable of logical reasoning and rational thinking.
If tokers could put a coherent argument together it probably would be legalised.
There's the rub I guess.
The effects, dangers (or lack there of) and other properties of cannabis are well known. The coherent argumentation is there. Reasons why legalisation is going to be difficult, at least in this country could be:

- No activation of MEP:s to have the subject on their agendas (tokers and the intellectual youth (as well as the unintellectual) are pacified with regards to voting and government decisions).
- Strong lobbying in the "legal" drug industries, especially tobacco.
- Regulation and taxation (easily fixable, but can you tax home grown?)
- Control of use. DUI:s should always be illegal, how do you speed test for cannabis, especially being under the influence as traces are in the bloodstream weeks after the E.g. 3hour effect?

The biggest issue is probably that it's not openly discussed in Parliament. If you can't get it to discussion, there's hardly going to be any change. In order to have "taboos" discussed so that they would be taken seriously, a reform and rejuvenation of a country's governing body should be done. But how can you achieve that with a bunch of potential voters who are being lead like cattle?

Shit, I just went revolutionary on everybodys ass.

Dilbert_X wrote:

I've known people who plan it weeks or months in advance, they talk about it very boringly in the lead-up too.
'My man's got some great shit coming, its like won all these awards in Amsterdam and shit blah blah blah'
That's just being an enthusiast.

You know those golfers who talk about their 9-Iron and how they get a hard-on when they tee off in the bla bla whateverthefuckever? Or the guitar player who talks about his newly fitted Duncans and how he can hold a sustain while having a cup of coffee? Or that wine connoisseur who just ordered a case of an astoundingly fantastic Shiraz he had two years ago in Chile when he was on a tasting trip. Or that philosophy student who just read his first passage of David Hume and is now babbling about determinism?

So that's really not an argument.
I need around tree fiddy.
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX
Also tokers are a small minority, less than 10% in most countries, less than 5% in many.

That and second hand smoke will get you stoned - or at least fail a blood test - so basically they could only do it at home.
Not much money for any business or govt in that.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

Also tokers are a small minority, less than 10% in most countries, less than 5% in many.

That and second hand smoke will get you stoned - or at least fail a blood test - so basically they could only do it at home.
Not much money for any business or govt in that.
What would the percentage be if it were legal? Can second hand smoke get you stoned? Linkmepl0x.

I do agree with you on the home smoking part. Or a park. Or at a place where you smoke.
I need around tree fiddy.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Also tokers are a small minority, less than 10% in most countries, less than 5% in many.

That and second hand smoke will get you stoned - or at least fail a blood test - so basically they could only do it at home.
Not much money for any business or govt in that.
If you can can turn it into a tax model, yes there is money.

Look at it like this: You need to get a license to grow it at home if you don't want to buy it. Bang, there's some money right there. Make it a license that has to be annually renewed (or every other year), bang, more money. Then you tax the supplies needed to grow it (granted, this one would be a hard one to do).

The testing for a DUI would be the hardest obstacle to overcome that I know of. I've never heard about any kind of way to field test for it and I haven't looked it up on the Net at all, either.
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX
Testing for DUI is very easy, Police here do it all the time, as common as breath testing.
The problem is knowing what level to set the limit at - currently its zero.

I can't see how licensed home growing would be realistic or controllable - it doesnt work for any other substance AFAIK - so you'd be buying from commercial growers and paying whatever tax the govt decides.

According to my toker ex-mates you'll feel effects sitting next to someone smoking - never tried it though.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2009-10-20 03:21:01)

Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

Testing for DUI is very easy, Police here do it all the time, as common as breath testing.
The problem is knowing what level to set the limit at - currently its zero.
How can you test for DUI with cannabis? I mean, traces of THC, although without any effect left, remain in the body for up to three-four weeks after smoking, while the effect of being high only lasts for a few hours.

Dilbert_X wrote:

I can't see how licensed home growing would be realistic or controllable - it doesnt work for any other substance AFAIK - so you'd be buying from commercial growers and paying whatever tax the govt decides.
You can make your own home beer/wine, can't you? So growing your own weed shouldn't be problematic. Taxes could come from the purchasing of seeds, for instance, if at all. Besides, most probably would go for buying their weed anyway because of the sheer simplicity of it.

Dilbert_X wrote:

According to my toker ex-mates you'll feel effects sitting next to someone smoking - never tried it though.
I find that hard to believe. The concentration of smoke in the air would have to be so much that your eyes would water.
I need around tree fiddy.
Mr piss EVERYONE off
Don, here in OZ the coppers can/do test ya for drugs including pot....i think they do a mouth swab and if that comes back positive they do a hair test i think, not sure on the last part.  The mouth swab tells them if u have had anything in last 48hrs only.

When my mum had menapause and i went out for a bong on the balcony, she would always come out and stand real close to me down wind, as i had to live with her i def saw the difference.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

But they don't plan it weeks or months in advance - maybe because alcohol is more available, I don't know.
I've never met anyone who does that.

It's an absurd concept. I have weed, then I run out and go and buy some more. In the same way that if my cellar ever gets understocked, I stock it up again.

Say you're having a party or something you might go out to top up your supply - just as you might buy a few extra bottles of wine when having a dinner party. I've certainly bought bottles of wine for events months beforehand.
I've known people who plan it weeks or months in advance, they talk about it very boringly in the lead-up too.
'My man's got some great shit coming, its like won all these awards in Amsterdam and shit blah blah blah'
Kinda like talking about games months before they come out. Or listening to a wine enthusiast.
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX

DonFck wrote:

How can you test for DUI with cannabis? I mean, traces of THC, although without any effect left, remain in the body for up to three-four weeks after smoking, while the effect of being high only lasts for a few hours.
There's the problem, and lots of people are getting busted because the limit is zero.
http://www.transport.sa.gov.au/safety/r … /index.asp
'It is claimed that the tests can detect cannabis for several hours after use. However, as THC doesn't as easily pass from the blood stream into saliva as amphetamines or ecstasy, saliva tests appear to be less effective at picking up cannabis as these other drugs. What that means is that if someone tests positive for THC it is likely they have recently used the drug. Saliva tests cannot detect the residual amount of the drug that stays in the body for days or even weeks after use. '
http://ncpic.org.au/ncpic/publications/ … nd-driving
You can make your own home beer/wine, can't you? So growing your own weed shouldn't be problematic. Taxes could come from the purchasing of seeds, for instance, if at all. Besides, most probably would go for buying their weed anyway because of the sheer simplicity of it.
I can't see anyone collecting their own seeds and not paying tax again, but probably people would just buy commercial stuff so it shouldn't be an issue.
I find that hard to believe. The concentration of smoke in the air would have to be so much that your eyes would water.
Fine then, IDK.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2009-10-20 04:45:37)

Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

DonFck wrote:

How can you test for DUI with cannabis? I mean, traces of THC, although without any effect left, remain in the body for up to three-four weeks after smoking, while the effect of being high only lasts for a few hours.
There's the problem, and lots of people are getting busted because the limit is zero.
http://www.transport.sa.gov.au/safety/r … /index.asp
Pretty sure driving impairment lasts longer than a few hours.

Site wrote:

6. How long after consuming these three illegal drugs can they be detected?

    * The devices used are able to detect THC (cannabis) for several hours after use. The exact time will vary depending on the amount and potency of the cannabis used and the individual metabolism. Inactive THC residue in the body of a driver from use in previous days or weeks will not be detected.
Cool, so that could actually work.
I need around tree fiddy.
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX
Not sure how long motor control impairment lasts though, or if it tracks directly with THC.
Fuck Israel
Why walk when you can dance?
Having it legal seems to work in the Netherlands.....

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drug_polic … etherlands
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Is pot really that easy to grow?

I don't think it is..
+718|6829|Austin, Texas
@ Donnie/Dilbert, 2nd hand:

I went to a live music festival a few weeks ago, as you could imagine there were lots of pot smokers. Definitely plenty of it coming straight into my face. I didn't really feel "high" (though I don't have anything to compare to), but I did eat just about everything in sight afterward including a bacon cheeseburger, half a pizza, 5-6 fruit roll-ups and kettle corn.

So I'd say yeah, to a small extent. Unless you're really hotboxing though I doubt it's a big enough amount to get you high.

The coherent arguments are there, it's just that no one listens, or is too caught up in media assumptions/propaganda.
Compensation of Reactive Power in the grid

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Is pot really that easy to grow?

I don't think it is..
Not skunk at least...
الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام
...show me the schematic

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Is pot really that easy to grow?

I don't think it is..
1.  put seed in dirt
2.  ???
3.  profit

But if you wanna get decent smokable marijuana it's a little more complicated than that.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5666|London, England

Wreckognize wrote:

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Is pot really that easy to grow?

I don't think it is..
1.  put seed in dirt
2.  ???
3.  profit

But if you wanna get decent smokable marijuana it's a little more complicated than that.
My cousin used to grow it in his closet when he was at college. People grow it in fish tanks too. Shrug, nothing really hard about it other than hiding the production itself.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Note the decent part.  Unless you're growing schwag, you gotta identify and remove the males, monitor the pH of the soil, know how to eradicate pests without damaging your plants, diagnose and treat nutrient deficiencies, etc.
That's the easy part.
Yup.  You even gotta keep a fan on the plants to the stalks don't get spindly and the plant collapses under its own weight.
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7138|Denver colorado
I have a license for medical marijuana for my migraine headaches. By god it works.

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