
JohnG@lt wrote:

DonFck wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

So you equate life with having a root canal and you need weed to get you through the day?
Who said anything about being high all the time? If you let any substance interfere with your professional and social life, it's called a problem. Cannabis isn't something you have to do all day every day to "cope with the pain that is life". If that is the case for someone, that someone needs professional help. If it's restricted to that "beer after work" or as a relaxing weekend pastime either with or without friends, there's no issue.

It's more fun with friends anyway.
The difference is that the single beer isn't going to make you inebriated. Getting high is an all or nothing thing. Sure, there are different states but in my experience I wouldn't want to drive a car just 'a little high' whereas after one beer I can function 100%.

Did I ever say to stop smoking? No. What I said was that weed advocates are the same as alcoholics, bible thumpers, or any other social group that tries to become less socially marginal by adding to it's member ranks. The first person to ever rice a car was probably looked at like a complete moron. As soon as people started copying his idea he gained social acceptance. See how this works? You smoke? Fine. Stop trying to 'convert' people to your cause.
From what I've read here, nobody's trying to "convert" anyone. Except for you, going all "straight edge".

Getting high isn't an all or nothing thing, at least not in my opinion. And not in yours either:

JohnG@lt wrote:

It takes a lot of weed to get me high and a lot of alcohol to get me drunk.
So you can have a relaxing minispliff and go about your day off from work. I wouldn't drive in an hour or two though, but still.

Marijuana smokers shouldn't be regarded as a separate social group anyway.
I need around tree fiddy.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England

DonFck wrote:

Marijuana smokers shouldn't be regarded as a separate social group anyway.
Exactly. That's the entire point of threads like these, to make yourselves more socially accepted.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
+3,611|6940|London, England
It can be fun smoking weed but I don't know how people can do it all the time. It makes my eyes go red and I also get way too hungry afterwards. I don't see how people can have weed as an aspect of their actual lives.

JohnG@lt wrote:

DonFck wrote:

Marijuana smokers shouldn't be regarded as a separate social group anyway.
Exactly. That's the entire point of threads like these, to make yourselves more socially accepted.
The point of this thread was to openly discuss cannabis, which is socially accepted in many parts of the world. It's legal status is continuously under discussion, and according to several recent, valid study reports it's less harmful that currently legal narcotics (which will stay legal due to succesful lobbying), though still harmful to some extent.

The point of this thread is to educate rather to make anything socially accepted. We're exchanging views on our international forums which brings knowledge to those who have none.

I'm happy that you're enlightening us with your viewpoints, but you're taking the role of the biblethumper if you carry on not acknowledging the facts, as we acknowledge yours.

And I can imagine that you think I'm a regular weed smoker, but fact of the matter is, I seldom smoke it.
I need around tree fiddy.
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7149|Denver colorado
I just received my medical license for chronic migraines and withdraw headaches from other drugs like ibuprofen and caffeine. (caffeine is a drug too!)

My headaches are gone and I can still feel normal (or high )

Medical marijuana is just as valid as any form of medicine but it's regarded as a HARD DRUG like cocaine! It has no physical addicting traits so thats a bad assumption.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
Medical MJ isn't a problem, if it helps someone with a condition I'm all for it.
Being a bored adolescent =/= a medical condition.
Fuck Israel

I forgot how lowing-esque Dilbert becomes as soon as pot is mentioned.
+5,233|6848|Global Command
I really don't see what the problem is, especially when the dispensaries in California pay a large amount of income tax, both federal and state. CNBC did a nice documentary about "Marijuana in America" and they interviewed the owner of a dispensary (he may have owned more, though) and he said he paid a hefty amount into the coffers of the US government through taxes. Why prosecute someone who is making you so much money? Just tax it heavily like cigarettes and alcohol are taxed (if not higher) and reap the benefits of it.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.

Getting high is definitely not an "all or nothing" thing.

Also, us pot advocates weren't throwing our habits in anyone's faces, this was just a single thread to have to ourselves to discuss about anything related to the drug. If you don't like it, why are you here reading this thread? Obviously we're going to defend ourselves when people start coming in saying how it's a bad drug and makes people losers, etc.


ghettoperson wrote:

I forgot how lowing-esque Dilbert becomes as soon as pot is mentioned.
Sorry Dilbert, but it's true
+718|6840|Austin, Texas
I'm not a "pot advocate" as you put it - and I'm not saying that drugs are a good way to cope with every day stress. But take a look at two drugs that many many many people use daily to cope with stress - alcohol and cigarettes. Those are legal, pot is not. I think you're going about it the wrong way - looking at it from a legalization viewpoint.

What's the justification for pot being illegal when alcohol and cigarettes are not? Where's the harm done to society or self (in comparison to legal avenues)? The last PSA I saw said "gateway drug" and "you'll forget to take your important medicine". I can't comment on either one of them because I don't smoke pot, but I think they're both rather weak arguments. Alcohol on the other hand can be addicting and IMO has much more severe consequences and potential of abuse.

Last edited by Bevo (2009-10-19 10:44:37)

Da Blooze

mtb0minime wrote:

Getting high is definitely not an "all or nothing" thing.
Exactly.  It takes time for the full effects to sink in.  If you smoke some good bud, you can "feel" it in your lungs almost immediately, but it still takes some time for the full mental effects to sink in.

Most people who say it seems like its all or nothing need to take into account that, if you are smoking, chances are that if you start to feel high before you actually finish smoking, you probably could have stopped a couple of hits ago and you would have eased into feeling good in about 3 to 5 more minutes.

This is why some less-experienced people keep smoking and smoking until, holy shit!, they're f'ing baked all of the sudden!

Same principle applies to inexperienced drinkers and hard alcohol.  Yeah, you don't feel drunk as you're taking shots until you hit about 6, but then it starts to all hit you at the same time.

That's why I honestly have no problem with including an age limit with any decriminalization efforts, as I feel like being a little older and more experienced lends itself nicely to being able to exercise moderation.  And I feel like most people can agree that weed is not that bad "in moderation".


It's the people that constantly binge (whether it's alcohol, pot, or whatever) that ruin it for the rest of us smart enough and with enough self-control to do it in moderation.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England

Bevo wrote:

I'm not a "pot advocate" as you put it - and I'm not saying that drugs are a good way to cope with every day stress. But take a look at two drugs that many many many people use daily to cope with stress - alcohol and cigarettes. Those are legal, pot is not. I think you're going about it the wrong way - looking at it from a legalization viewpoint.

What's the justification for pot being illegal when alcohol and cigarettes are not? Where's the harm done to society or self (in comparison to legal avenues)? The last PSA I saw said "gateway drug" and "you'll forget to take your important medicine". I can't comment on either one of them because I don't smoke pot, but I think they're both rather weak arguments. Alcohol on the other hand can be addicting and IMO has much more severe consequences and potential of abuse.
I have absolutely no issues with pot being completely legal. I still retain the right to call them idiots for wasting their money.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

Respect the site, staff, and members. {quote}
Never engage in personal attacks. Ever. {quote}

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6901|SE London

Dilbert_X wrote:

Beduin wrote:

Saying people that drinks do not prepare/talk about it is a bit... naive?
The talk about the snacks, the right soda to mix with, buying pills for the hangover BEFORE the hangover?
But they don't plan it weeks or months in advance - maybe because alcohol is more available, I don't know.
I've never met anyone who does that.

It's an absurd concept. I have weed, then I run out and go and buy some more. In the same way that if my cellar ever gets understocked, I stock it up again.

Say you're having a party or something you might go out to top up your supply - just as you might buy a few extra bottles of wine when having a dinner party. I've certainly bought bottles of wine for events months beforehand.

I constantly have a supply of weed. This is mostly because I often have trouble sleeping, but weed fixes all that. The problem is that since weed supresses the sub-concious, you dream far less and don't remember those dreams. When you sleep after months of having smoked weed every night and you don't go to sleep stoned, then you are in for a night of crazy dreaming and not much restful sleep. Since I need my sleep in order to get up for work, I need to smoke weed - which seems to be the only thing that works consistently. I've been through a number of prescriptions for tranquilisers and stuff and none of them help you get a decent nights sleep and feel well rested the next day.
El Beardo
steel woolly mammoth
+150|6039|Gulf Coast

Dilbert_X wrote:

I've never noticed people looking forward to getting drunk in quite the same way, or planning ahead like that.
#2- "quite the same way..."  What "way" is that Dil?         "like that..."   and like what?     

  Even if smokers look forward to smoking in a different way than Drinkers look forward to what?   I'm not someone who is obsessed with smoking or someone who thinks everyone should smoke or try it or anything like that. My point is that it really doesn't have to be a big deal either way. Why should anyone tell me I can't do something if it only effects me? I can only speak for myself but I assure you my decisions effect no one but me....unless your sitting next to me
I think you might try seeing a therapist, Bert.

I just smoked the bit of resin in my pipe. No big deal. Bought some off a friend yesterday for €30 that he grew himself.

Maybe weed doesn't have to be legal, but decriminalized for sure. Most of Europe doesn't throw you in jail like in America. In Austria, getting caught smoking a joint is only a €21 fine...
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6901|SE London

CapnNismo wrote:

I think you might try seeing a therapist, Bert.

I just smoked the bit of resin in my pipe. No big deal. Bought some off a friend yesterday for €30 that he grew himself.

Maybe weed doesn't have to be legal, but decriminalized for sure. Most of Europe doesn't throw you in jail like in America. In Austria, getting caught smoking a joint is only a €21 fine...
Fuck that.

A spliff before bed is lovely. Other than that I don't really smoke - but I love my spliff before bedtime.

It's not very often that I used to have trouble sleeping - 1 or 2 nights each month - smoking weed fixes it beautifully. Except if I have no weed I can guarantee I'll have a shit nights sleep, the first night - after that I'm fine (except for the occasional night where I can't sleep, pretty much at the same frequency as it always used to be).

The one big problem with that is when you go abroad for work (but the only trip abroad I've had in the past year was to Holland, so that worked out fine).

Last edited by Bertster7 (2009-10-19 13:57:44)

+718|6840|Austin, Texas

JohnG@lt wrote:

I have absolutely no issues with pot being completely legal. I still retain the right to call them idiots for wasting their money.
Ehh. It's your money, do with it what you please. $50 on a videogame, $20 on a porn subscription, $10 on a dimebag, whatever floats your boat.

ghettoperson wrote:

I forgot how lowing-esque Dilbert becomes as soon as pot is mentioned.
best line ever

JohnG@lt wrote:

DonFck wrote:

Marijuana smokers shouldn't be regarded as a separate social group anyway.
Exactly. That's the entire point of threads like these, to make yourselves more socially accepted.
So the point of any thread mentioning any specific type of social activity is to make yourself more socially accepted?

and ...

JohnG@lt wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

doesnt really make much sense and it definetely doesn't answer the question...
I think the point is drugs are acceptable when you can't deal with the situation any other way - eg a root canal.
If you need drugs to deal with everyday life then you have a problem.
Exactly. He put up a ridiculous extreme example and he got the answer he deserved.
No. I'm looking for your range of gray.

And to clarify I have not smoked pot in over a decade.

Last edited by jsnipy (2009-10-19 16:02:42)

+1,175|6882|British Columbia, Canada

Victim is baked.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6994|Canberra, AUS

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Look like some "change"
you never miss the slightest opportunity to bash obama do you
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

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