why? they make fuckloads of money off of themspecialistx2324 wrote:
they pretty much screwed PC gamers. more than likely i got a hunch consolers are next
they screwed PC gamers by forcing them to deal with the same shit they already force on console players.specialistx2324 wrote:
they pretty much screwed PC gamers. more than likely i got a hunch consolers are next
Console players are being screwed over by definition.

They really can't fuck over console gamers-they don't have much to take away.
If they are doing this so that xbl, pns and pc users all share the same game hosts and can play against each other, which is the only possible reason to do this, than yeah, that's when they'll kill the console gamers.
When the fps shooters who use a mouse dominate someone aiming with a controller.
When the fps shooters who use a mouse dominate someone aiming with a controller.

If that was a possibility, it would start with PS3's and 360's being able to play with each other.
The reason for doing this probably, at least in part, is related to the whole "HEY MW3 IS OUT SO WE'RE TURNING OFF MW2 SERVERS LOL!"
Seems highly unlikely that they'll cross over all the online services. Sony and Microsoft wouldn't allow it. Of course, at this point, nothing would surprise me.
The reason for doing this probably, at least in part, is related to the whole "HEY MW3 IS OUT SO WE'RE TURNING OFF MW2 SERVERS LOL!"
Seems highly unlikely that they'll cross over all the online services. Sony and Microsoft wouldn't allow it. Of course, at this point, nothing would surprise me.
inb4the "it's cos of pirates" retards who don't understand you can't play mp on a cracked game
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
~ Richard Feynman
I wonder how much pro-PC hate mail they get per hour.
"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"
I wonder how you think cod is still alive.Blade4509 wrote:
I wonder how much pro-PC hate mail they get per hour.
It's been dying since it came out.

We're all dying Miggle.Miggle wrote:
I wonder how you think cod is still alive.Blade4509 wrote:
I wonder how much pro-PC hate mail they get per hour.
It's been dying since it came out.
And if you want to play a dead game, go play some System Shock II.

all the good games are dead.AussieReaper wrote:
We're all dying Miggle.Miggle wrote:
I wonder how you think cod is still alive.Blade4509 wrote:
I wonder how much pro-PC hate mail they get per hour.
It's been dying since it came out.
And if you want to play a dead game, go play some System Shock II.

Sonic died when they decided to make him "3d"Miggle wrote:
all the good games are dead.

same with worms.AussieReaper wrote:
Sonic died when they decided to make him "3d"Miggle wrote:
all the good games are dead.

Uhh. Reading the comments on the IW forums has become unbearable.
Answer this question, how do you know for a fact that IW.net will not work at all? How do you know its gonna blow? All you hear is OMG OMG MATCHMAKING NO DEDI-SERVERS!! NOO I HATEZ INFINITY WARD. You are just assuming its gonna flop.
To answer your question, it affects us when PC gamers post non-stop spamming to be heard. If this was kept to only 2-4 threads, then we wouldnt give a shit. Its annoying as hell.
so what I'm getting from this is that PC people are upset cuz now they have to deal with the same amount of lag that consoles players have been dealing with. Right?
If this is the case then I don't think the PC community has a right to complain. Consoles players play with lag every single day and we're just fine. Yeah, no lag would be awesome but a little lag is what it is. Deal with it or get out. And if you're one of those people that canceled your preorder because of this issue then I'm glad you're not part of the community.
Mean but truth.
I wanted to apologize to Robert and IW for my fellow gamers immature threads and comments towards you guys, they have no business to disrespect like that, you guys are doing your best for us and I for one appreciate it. Keep on going with your games guys, I'm 100% behind you guys.
I was thinking it may not be so bad as long as they don't have the stupid "ready up" button like OFP2. As long as the lobby has a countdown timer that starts when lets say 4 people get in a server, it will be ok. Granted it won't be dedicated, then again neither is IW.
Edit: After reading strangelove's post that was posted same time as me, FUCK YOU IW AND YOUR CONSOLE FANBOYS! FUCK YOU! BURN IN HELL!!!111one
Edit: After reading strangelove's post that was posted same time as me, FUCK YOU IW AND YOUR CONSOLE FANBOYS! FUCK YOU! BURN IN HELL!!!111one
Last edited by Blade4509 (2009-10-18 20:09:42)
"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"
I can't think of a reasonable scenario where that wouldn't apply.Blade4509 wrote:
I was thinking it may not be so bad as long as they don't have the stupid "ready up" button like OFP2. As long as the lobby has a countdown timer that starts when lets say 4 people get in a server, it will be ok. Granted it won't be dedicated, then again neither is IW.
leave it to gamers to watch their pastime go to shit and endorse it.

"A little lag is what it is"? What the hell is wrong with these people?!

even hitler is angry about it
but seriously though this is going to be hell if its going to be like that... hosting a 32player server would take 700mb of bandwidth every HOUR
matchmaking has failed hardcore, look at the bf2 matchmaking...
but seriously though this is going to be hell if its going to be like that... hosting a 32player server would take 700mb of bandwidth every HOUR
matchmaking has failed hardcore, look at the bf2 matchmaking...
Last edited by edgeofsanity (2009-10-19 03:57:01)
Anybody tell the console tards to buy a gaming rig and try CoD4 on that?Doctor Strangelove wrote:
Uhh. Reading the comments on the IW forums has become unbearable.Answer this question, how do you know for a fact that IW.net will not work at all? How do you know its gonna blow? All you hear is OMG OMG MATCHMAKING NO DEDI-SERVERS!! NOO I HATEZ INFINITY WARD. You are just assuming its gonna flop.
To answer your question, it affects us when PC gamers post non-stop spamming to be heard. If this was kept to only 2-4 threads, then we wouldnt give a shit. Its annoying as hell.so what I'm getting from this is that PC people are upset cuz now they have to deal with the same amount of lag that consoles players have been dealing with. Right?
If this is the case then I don't think the PC community has a right to complain. Consoles players play with lag every single day and we're just fine. Yeah, no lag would be awesome but a little lag is what it is. Deal with it or get out. And if you're one of those people that canceled your preorder because of this issue then I'm glad you're not part of the community.
Mean but truth.I wanted to apologize to Robert and IW for my fellow gamers immature threads and comments towards you guys, they have no business to disrespect like that, you guys are doing your best for us and I for one appreciate it. Keep on going with your games guys, I'm 100% behind you guys.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
But, but, computers cost more!Flecco wrote:
Anybody tell the console tards to buy a gaming rig and try CoD4 on that?Doctor Strangelove wrote:
Uhh. Reading the comments on the IW forums has become unbearable.Answer this question, how do you know for a fact that IW.net will not work at all? How do you know its gonna blow? All you hear is OMG OMG MATCHMAKING NO DEDI-SERVERS!! NOO I HATEZ INFINITY WARD. You are just assuming its gonna flop.
To answer your question, it affects us when PC gamers post non-stop spamming to be heard. If this was kept to only 2-4 threads, then we wouldnt give a shit. Its annoying as hell.so what I'm getting from this is that PC people are upset cuz now they have to deal with the same amount of lag that consoles players have been dealing with. Right?
If this is the case then I don't think the PC community has a right to complain. Consoles players play with lag every single day and we're just fine. Yeah, no lag would be awesome but a little lag is what it is. Deal with it or get out. And if you're one of those people that canceled your preorder because of this issue then I'm glad you're not part of the community.
Mean but truth.I wanted to apologize to Robert and IW for my fellow gamers immature threads and comments towards you guys, they have no business to disrespect like that, you guys are doing your best for us and I for one appreciate it. Keep on going with your games guys, I'm 100% behind you guys.
Also: Weeee! Quoting lots.
My state was founded by Batman. Your opinion is invalid.
why would you want to host a 32 player server? 32 player servers suck.edgeofsanity wrote:
even hitler is angry about it
but seriously though this is going to be hell if its going to be like that... hosting a 32player server would take 700mb of bandwidth every HOUR
matchmaking has failed hardcore, look at the bf2 matchmaking...
Of course they have, but when has a consolefag ever listened?Fleccs wrote:
Anybody tell the console tards to buy a gaming rig and try CoD4 on that?

Almost never.
this.SEREVENT wrote:
Almost never.

Liek, when did a PC one ever?Miggle wrote:
Of course they have, but when has a consolefag ever listened?
listened to what?M.O.A.B wrote:
Liek, when did a PC one ever?Miggle wrote:
Of course they have, but when has a consolefag ever listened?