There's always one..
Tired it, didn't like it.  I watched friends move from weed to coke to meth in a remarkably short time, and loose everything they had.  If you smoke, smoke, just don't let it dominate your exsistence.  An for shits sake don't try to tell me it's even remotely good for you.  NOTHING ignited and sucked into your lungs is healthy.

=JoD=Corithus wrote:

Tired it, didn't like it.  I watched friends move from weed to coke to meth in a remarkably short time, and loose everything they had.  If you smoke, smoke, just don't let it dominate your exsistence.  An for shits sake don't try to tell me it's even remotely good for you.  NOTHING ignited and sucked into your lungs is healthy.
They were gonna do something stupid anyway, it's not the drug's fault, it's theirs.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX

El Beardo wrote:

and Inb4Dilbert
Meh, its illegal, harmful, used by a very small minority, and if the best idea you can think of is to get baked then sux2bu.

Its not 'super aswm' its just lame frankly.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2009-10-17 19:57:34)

Fuck Israel
Why walk when you can dance?

DesertFox- wrote:

The only part I'm interested in is the reason why people decide to use drugs. I've never had the desire to use any, but apparently a large percentage of the population has their own explanation as to why.
You don´t drink alcohol, use nicotine or caffine? Classified as drugs aswell....

Personaly I use it to enhance an already great life, not to escape from anything, escaping is really the wrong way to go, destructive use of any drugs at all is a bad thing and it will lead to a downgoing matter what you use.

I don´t need an excuse for anything I doo, If I want too I´ll ´do it, and I´ll be the one facing the cosequences from my desicions, good or bad.

And Cybargs is right, drugs only enhance the ideas and morals of our personality, if you go ahead and do something messed up on any drug at all  it´s still your idea, your brain, your morals, no drug can put this into your head, it´s already there from the start, only more highlighted while intoxicated.

[F7F7]KiNG_KaDaFFHi wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

The only part I'm interested in is the reason why people decide to use drugs. I've never had the desire to use any, but apparently a large percentage of the population has their own explanation as to why.
You don´t drink alcohol, use nicotine or caffine? Classified as drugs aswell....

Personaly I use it to enhance an already great life, not to escape from anything, escaping is really the wrong way to go, destructive use of any drugs at all is a bad thing and it will lead to a downgoing matter what you use.

I don´t need an excuse for anything I doo, If I want too I´ll ´do it, and I´ll be the one facing the cosequences from my desicions, good or bad.

And Cybargs is right, drugs only enhance the ideas and morals of our personality, if you go ahead and do something messed up on any drug at all  it´s still your idea, your brain, your morals, no drug can put this into your head, it´s already there from the start, only more highlighted while intoxicated.
So the psychological effects from drugs are bullshit?
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
And Cybargs is right, drugs only enhance the ideas and morals of our personality, if you go ahead and do something messed up on any drug at all  it´s still your idea, your brain, your morals, no drug can put this into your head
And how many people have thought they could fly while loaded?
Fuck Israel
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7004|United States of America

[F7F7]KiNG_KaDaFFHi wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

The only part I'm interested in is the reason why people decide to use drugs. I've never had the desire to use any, but apparently a large percentage of the population has their own explanation as to why.
You don´t drink alcohol, use nicotine or caffine? Classified as drugs aswell....
Now that you mention it, no actually

DesertFox- wrote:

The only part I'm interested in is the reason why people decide to use drugs. I've never had the desire to use any, but apparently a large percentage of the population has their own explanation as to why.
it was the hole in my soul . . .

Last edited by burnzz (2009-10-17 21:15:29)

+5,233|6848|Global Command

burnzz wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

The only part I'm interested in is the reason why people decide to use drugs. I've never had the desire to use any, but apparently a large percentage of the population has their own explanation as to why.
it was the hole in my soul . . .
Was that hole...God shaped?

ATG wrote:

burnzz wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

The only part I'm interested in is the reason why people decide to use drugs. I've never had the desire to use any, but apparently a large percentage of the population has their own explanation as to why.
it was the hole in my soul . . .
Was that hole...God shaped?
surprisingly, no. turns out it was shaped exactly like my wife. but kids, i don't recommend you fill yourself with another person. if two 1/2's make a whole, remember that two wholes make a couple.
Got loooollllll ?
+853|6958|Montreal, Qc, Canada
Wat! Finally a ''legal'' Marijuana thread

I don't remember the last day i didn't smoked a joint and I enjoy it. I'm not addicted to this shit and probably never will. Sometimes when I blaze with friends we talk about the day we will stop smoking marijuana... I don't think someone should smoke all his life. As it does affect your brain if you smoke for a long period. But nway, this day is far away lol
+5,233|6848|Global Command
One thing my wife has been bugging me about;
none of us know how loaded with pesticides the reefer is unless we are growing it.

Recent show on tele says the illegal pot farms here are becoming a pollution factor because of all the chemicals used to grow it.

Seems like with so many millions using it there should be some regulation

Also, who makes the most off drugs in America? Law enforcement.

The largest Mexican cartel is believed to profit about 5 billion per year. The DEA has a budget of ten billion or so, throw in local law enforcement, social services provided to smugglers ( yes, unless they are caught with hundreds of pounds they are treated as undocumented workers and given full access to our health care ) and the massive prison system and we see ourselves spending 50+++ billion per year on the futile endeavor of stopping people from smoking pot, excluding border patrol and the court costs and the carnage of people being murdered and abducted by drug runners.

The government has created a monster that now must feed itself. As long as there are so many hundreds of thousands of people enriching their lives legally they will never seek to reform the laws that provide for them. The Mexican drug cartels would be dealt a death blow the day drugs were legalized.

Some people like things just the way they are. Change we can believe in is no change at all.

Dilbert_X wrote:

And Cybargs is right, drugs only enhance the ideas and morals of our personality, if you go ahead and do something messed up on any drug at all  it´s still your idea, your brain, your morals, no drug can put this into your head
And how many people have thought they could fly while loaded?
Darwin awards.
Zee Ruskie
+295|7095|Moscow, Russia

[F7F7]KiNG_KaDaFFHi wrote:

Personaly I use it to enhance an already great life, not to escape from anything, escaping is really the wrong way to go, destructive use of any drugs at all is a bad thing and it will lead to a downgoing matter what you use.

I don´t need an excuse for anything I doo, If I want too I´ll ´do it, and I´ll be the one facing the cosequences from my desicions, good or bad.
everybody, who had their lives destroyed by drugs - 100% of those people - were saying things like this, dude. nobody can take drugs regularly and be in control of them. sure, some people are stronger than other, but nobody really knows their own limits - every time you take the drug you make it one step closer to the point of no return.

[F7F7]KiNG_KaDaFFHi wrote:

And Cybargs is right, drugs only enhance the ideas and morals of our personality, if you go ahead and do something messed up on any drug at all  it´s still your idea, your brain, your morals, no drug can put this into your head, it´s already there from the start, only more highlighted while intoxicated.
bullshit. drugs do not enhance ones personality - they "short-circuit" it, make one disregard whatever morals there were. basically, drugs make humans act like animals, man.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.

Shahter wrote:

[F7F7]KiNG_KaDaFFHi wrote:

Personaly I use it to enhance an already great life, not to escape from anything, escaping is really the wrong way to go, destructive use of any drugs at all is a bad thing and it will lead to a downgoing matter what you use.

I don´t need an excuse for anything I doo, If I want too I´ll ´do it, and I´ll be the one facing the cosequences from my desicions, good or bad.
everybody, who had their lives destroyed by drugs - 100% of those people - were saying things like this, dude. nobody can take drugs regularly and be in control of them. sure, some people are stronger than other, but nobody really knows their own limits - every time you take the drug you make it one step closer to the point of no return.

[F7F7]KiNG_KaDaFFHi wrote:

And Cybargs is right, drugs only enhance the ideas and morals of our personality, if you go ahead and do something messed up on any drug at all  it´s still your idea, your brain, your morals, no drug can put this into your head, it´s already there from the start, only more highlighted while intoxicated.
bullshit. drugs do not enhance ones personality - they "short-circuit" it, make one disregard whatever morals there were. basically, drugs make humans act like animals, man.
Weed is not like coke and heroin k. If you are going to fuck your life over because of drugs, I'd say its your fault not the drugs. Self destructive people are going to do self destruction actions anyway.
Compensation of Reactive Power in the grid
Stay off drugs kids.
الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام me the schematic
Zee Ruskie
+295|7095|Moscow, Russia

Cybargs wrote:

Weed is not like coke and heroin k. If you are going to fuck your life over because of drugs, I'd say its your fault not the drugs. Self destructive people are going to do self destruction actions anyway.
go to the addiction clinic, dude, and say that to those who started with "harmless" weed. speak to a narcologist and ask how this shit works. people don't become "self destructive" by themselves, it takes some real screwing up to make them that way - like drugs, for example.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.

Similar to how people like to drink socially, I like to smoke socially.

You instantly become friends with people you may have met for the first time. You become closer to the people you smoke with because you're taking time out of your hectic lives to sit down and relax and tell stories and share experiences. That doesn't happen much these days, society is too ADD, too fast-paced. At least where I live anyway.

Shahter wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

Weed is not like coke and heroin k. If you are going to fuck your life over because of drugs, I'd say its your fault not the drugs. Self destructive people are going to do self destruction actions anyway.
go to the addiction clinic, dude, and say that to those who started with "harmless" weed. speak to a narcologist and ask how this shit works. people don't become "self destructive" by themselves, it takes some real screwing up to make them that way - like drugs, for example.
People who are depressed and turn to drugs are going to be self destructive anyway. Gateway drug theory is bullshit. If a kid isn't in any depressive state and do weed, they'll be fine. 1/3 of Americans has used or is still using weed, so are you saying 1/3 of the country lives under the poverty line? Hell in Europe most people do weed and the EU as a whole is doing fine economically. Weed doesn't instantly turn someone who's smart and makes the commit career suicides.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6994|Canberra, AUS
I know quite a few people who do drugs - they're going pretty decently in my opinion - some of them are going very decently. Mind you, context - this is "upper class" drug usage. Not in-the-gutter drug usage.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
I've been smoking weed for 7 years now, started when I was 15. Not all the time, of course, I had times where I smoked daily, and months I didn't smoke at all. In respective I have to say it had bad influences on the development especially of my social skills. What other people learn automatically I had to learn actively (notice the problem, change something). That's why I'd say youths shouldnt smoke weed.
In these years I could observe quite a lot of people and how they changed. There is no rule on how people change. Some are completely normal, lead a good life (friends, university, a good job, mentally fit) and others who got stuck (will do a low paid job for the rest of their lives, don't come out of their homes anymore).
Weed has never been something to forget my problems with. I recently went through a few hard weeks, and I tried to forget some of it with weed and/or with alcohol. Both had the opposite effect: I coudn't stop thinking about my problems, became almost paranoid about them.

In conclusion: for me, weed is something to relax, something special to for example end a good day with. Never let it take any priority. Stay clean till you have done everything you had to do on that day. then, when you're done, enjoy smoking one. It's like a glass of wine, a good cigar, a warm bath, a good book - something people give themselves as a reward for a day.

This in mind, while a legalisation seems to be very far away, it should be completely decriminalized. Having some with you for personal use should be allowed. What should definately not be legal is driving while high and smoking it where other people might be offended.
Zee Ruskie
+295|7095|Moscow, Russia

mtb0minime wrote:

You instantly become friends with people you may have met for the first time. You become closer to the people you smoke with because you're taking time out of your hectic lives to sit down and relax and tell stories and share experiences. That doesn't happen much these days, society is too ADD, too fast-paced. At least where I live anyway.
if you need to use somekinda drug just to get along with new people you meet you have serious problems, man.

Cybargs wrote:

People who are depressed and turn to drugs are going to be self destructive anyway. Gateway drug theory is bullshit. If a kid isn't in any depressive state and do weed, they'll be fine. 1/3 of Americans has used or is still using weed, so are you saying 1/3 of the country lives under the poverty line? Hell in Europe most people do weed and the EU as a whole is doing fine economically. Weed doesn't instantly turn someone who's smart and makes the commit career suicides.
what does depression have to do with people getting addicted to drugs again? also, remind me when exactly i said anything about drugs always driving people under poverty line? the so called "gateway grug theory" has been prooven contless times over.
you are full of shit, kiddo, and you are just looking for excuses for your retarded lifestyle. well, go right on - i'm not going to waste my breath on the likes of you. i had enough of this crap in my life to know exactly just how this shit works - found out the hard way, something you'd be better off never experiencing yourself.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.

Shahter wrote:

mtb0minime wrote:

You instantly become friends with people you may have met for the first time. You become closer to the people you smoke with because you're taking time out of your hectic lives to sit down and relax and tell stories and share experiences. That doesn't happen much these days, society is too ADD, too fast-paced. At least where I live anyway.
if you need to use somekinda drug just to get along with new people you meet you have serious problems, man.

Cybargs wrote:

People who are depressed and turn to drugs are going to be self destructive anyway. Gateway drug theory is bullshit. If a kid isn't in any depressive state and do weed, they'll be fine. 1/3 of Americans has used or is still using weed, so are you saying 1/3 of the country lives under the poverty line? Hell in Europe most people do weed and the EU as a whole is doing fine economically. Weed doesn't instantly turn someone who's smart and makes the commit career suicides.
what does depression have to do with people getting addicted to drugs again? also, remind me when exactly i said anything about drugs always driving people under poverty line? the so called "gateway grug theory" has been prooven contless times over.
you are full of shit, kiddo, and you are just looking for excuses for your retarded lifestyle. well, go right on - i'm not going to waste my breath on the likes of you. i had enough of this crap in my life to know exactly just how this shit works - found out the hard way, something you'd be better off never experiencing yourself.
Where did I mention that I have ever done drugs? Only booze for me yo. People turn to drugs that are in a depressive state, lead to further self destructive actions. Gateway theory is a logical fallacy at best. That's like me saying you will definitely buy a car before you buy a house. Marijuana isn't the worst drug in the world, hell even cigarettes are worst (due to chemical additives) to your health compared to marijuana. Only reason it is illegal is because it threatens the tobacco and limber industries.

Making something that isn't a real crime still creates real criminals. Why is it that the use of a substance may land one in jail? Production and distribution is different than use my friend. Prohibition didn't work sure as hell the war on drug doesn't work. Hell, drugs are cheaper today due to media sensationalism. THESE DRUGS ARE USED BY DEPRESSED KIDS BECAUSE IT MAKES THEM FEEL BETTER. Depressed kid "Fuck I'd give it a shot, maybe it'll make me feel better." There you go. Drugs do not necessarily "destroy lives", hell it makes life better for those with various chronic conditions.
Zee Ruskie
+295|7095|Moscow, Russia

Cybargs wrote:

People turn to drugs that are in a depressive state...
<wall of text removed>
i've got a piece of free advice for you - pull your head out of that arse hole and go reseach the matter.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.

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