Have you ever heard of obfuscation? Here's a program to output the 12 days of Christmas in C:
#include <stdio.h>
main(t,_,a)char *a;{return!0<t?t<3?main(-79,-13,a+main(-87,1-_,
main(2,_+1,"%s %d %d\n"):9:16:t<0?t<-72?main(_,t,
;#q#n+,/+k#;*+,/'r :'d*'3,}{w+K w'K:'+}e#';dq#'l \
q#'+d'K#!/+k#;q#'r}eKK#}w'r}eKK{nl]'/#;#q#n'){)#}w'){){nl]'/+#n';d}rw' i;# \
){nl]!/n{n#'; r{#w'r nc{nl]'/#{l,+'K {rw' iK{;[{nl]'/w#q#n'wk nw' \
iwk{KK{nl]!/w{%'l##w#' i; :{nl]'/*{q#'ld;r'}{nlwb!/*de}'c \
;;{nl'-{}rw]'/+,}##'*}#nc,',#nw]'/+kd'+e}+;#'rdq#w! nr'/ ') }+}{rl#'{n' ')# \
"!ek;dc i@bK'(q)-[w]*%n+r3#l,{}:\nuwloca-O;m .vpbks,fxntdCeghiry"),a+1);}
YES THAT IS VALID CODE. I got it here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obfuscated_codeNow, here's a section of the patriot act:
(a) AMENDMENT OF THE IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT- Section 105 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1105) is amended--
(1) in the section heading, by inserting `; DATA EXCHANGE' after `SECURITY OFFICERS';
(2) by inserting `(a)' after `SEC. 105.';
(3) in subsection (a), by inserting `and border' after `internal' the second place it appears;
If they had just summarised what the amended version said after each section of weird obfuscation, then maybe you would have a chance in hell, but it would take years for a normal person to work through the whole thing. In my opinion.