haffeysucks wrote:
subz3r0mkt wrote:
I started off with the demo to join a friend that had already been playing wow since classic. Besides that, my only other interest was to pvp. Once I reached the lv cap, all I did was pvp- bgs/arena; I could care less about raiding, etc. until it practically became necessary when wotlk came out. Later I've found a pro glad to pvp with and reached some high ratings, which was dandy and all but- the pvp balance issues wotlk introduced was the last straw along with getting tired of the endless grinding.
Depending on other circumstances IE: available time to spend from work and a decent schedule, I might consider getting this but... goblins and wolves, whoop-tie do. I'll continue waiting for up coming fps titles to come out.
fuckin werewolves man
As a "PvP'er" I woulda thought the concept of Rated Battlegrounds and all-new PvP content would be promising for you. As for "endless grind", pfft, you played during the era of Arenas and honour-tokens! The old honour-system, personally my favourite, was far more time-intensive and 'hardcore'. It would take someone at least 8-12 hours play
per day running pre-mades and winning AB/WSG every 5-10 minutes
for an entire week to get the promotion from Rank 13 -> Rank 14. Not to mention the fact that honour diminished, so if you even took a break for one day from the hardcore competition, there was a risk you could slip a rank. Anything from Rank 9/10 upwards really required some dedication and a high-skill and highly-organized premade team. I've played with my fair-share of Gladiators as well and Arena players are all welfare-epic pussies. The time I spent playing with and co-leading the top PvP-guild on my Battlegroup (<Off Limits> from [Misery]) was undoubtedly some of the most crazy over-the-top hardcore gaming I have ever done.
And promising FPS games? Pfft. I challenge you to find an FPS game that can hold your attention and keep you entertained for as long as WoW can! I've competed in all the FPS games worth mentioning as well - TONS of fun - but I haven't been able to sit down and play an FPS game day-in, day-out endlessly since, err, Call of Duty 1
Lots of new details are slowly emerging at the moment. For anyone particularly interested I would suggest frequently visiting MMO Champion and World of Raids.com. I'll post up any stuff that is 'big news' as I find it.