I haven't played in almost a year now, but seeing as this news was recently announced at BlizzCon, and also noting the recent interest from several members in MMO's over in the Guild Wars 2 thread (which was just as much about Warcraft as anything Arenanet related) - here's a thread for anyone that is so inclined to talk about the new expansion, or to inquire about the game as a whole.

I doubt I'll resubscribe but I like playing devil's advocate and recommending this game to interested-players that have never taken it up. Despite all prejudices, to not at least experience WoW as a PC gamer means you're missing out on a huge achievement for the platform.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
I'm going to get ridiculed for this but...

Quite frankly, I'm excited. I used to play Guild Wars (which was constantly compared with WoW), but never got quite into it as I did with wow, mostly because I was already familiar with the lore and story behind it all from playing the previous Warcraft RTS games. Not sure if the stuff that happens in wow is considered canon or not, but it's still pretty interesting to me. I'm happy that the undiscoverable parts of the Pre-BC map are going to be opened up, especially Hyjal; it's nice to be able to revisit that last battle from the WCIII campaign, but I've wanted to see what happens after, and this new expansion allows that. Playing as a Worgen should be pretty sick too.

With that said, I get the feeling it might be a while before we see this content. Just like SC2... and D3.
Real Хорошо
+826|6833|Adelaide, South Australia

Stupid Goblins.

Smithereener wrote:

I'm going to get ridiculed for this but...

Quite frankly, I'm excited. I used to play Guild Wars (which was constantly compared with WoW), but never got quite into it as I did with wow, mostly because I was already familiar with the lore and story behind it all from playing the previous Warcraft RTS games. Not sure if the stuff that happens in wow is considered canon or not, but it's still pretty interesting to me. I'm happy that the undiscoverable parts of the Pre-BC map are going to be opened up, especially Hyjal; it's nice to be able to revisit that last battle from the WCIII campaign, but I've wanted to see what happens after, and this new expansion allows that. Playing as a Worgen should be pretty sick too.

With that said, I get the feeling it might be a while before we see this content. Just like SC2... and D3.
Speculation suggests mid-2010. The delay will be caused just as much by Blizzard trying to make the most out of WotLK/Icecrown - they aren't adding that much content, in regards of development and testing-time required. I'm excited about seeing something new happening, because the last two expansions - The Burning Crusade & Wrath of the Lich King - completely failed to keep me entertained and subscribed. TBC was just a big sci-fi lorefuck, and WotLK seemed like nothing to me other than a Viking-themed homogenous bore-fest. The original Azeroth was the only continent that I ever found repeatedly fun, probably because it was the 'old school' new feeling, but I hope that they'll pay a lot more attention to detail over the course of the extra 5 levels.

The bonus services that allows you to change your Faction/Race for a fee will be cool as well. Completely ruins any lore or continuity, but still. I'd love to switch from Horde<->Alliance and to change the race of some of my old characters to give them new life. I have a Blood-Elf Mage that I created and power-leveled when TBC was launched that I would love to switch to a Gnome Mage-- that way I would actually play him. If I do buy into the hype and give this a try though, I'll be sticking with my classic, original R14 Gnome Rogue . With them reintroducing the classic PvP-Ranks in the upcoming expansion, I'll be able to cruise around as a member of the true veteran elite, haha!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Honestly, I started playing wow a little after WotLK came out, so I can't say how awsm the original continents were, since end-game content was in Northerend. I must say I wasn't too enthralled by BC, sure the sky was pretty cool to look at, but other then that, it wasn't that fun (granted, I haven't done any of the BC raids since its a bit harder to find groups for them now), but I was glad the leveling from 58-68 was really fast/easy. Northerend was definitely a bit monotonous (snow, snow, and even more snow. All the endgame stuff is somewhere in the snow), but I do enjoy it. Probably because that's where everyone else is, you don't really see anyone forming raids for Onyxia and other previous endgame stuff anymore (though this is changing too).

And I'm actually a little glad (for now at least) that it might be a little more before this new expansion comes out. I've been working on a warrior as I'm not too fond of my current main, and it would have sucked to finally get to 80 only to have to level again making gearing up that much harder.

Also, Heroic Deadmines? lol They should introduce a super-elite Hogger along with that, just for shits and giggles. I remember getting owned by Hogger with two other friends when we first started, wondering why the picture had a little gold dragon around its frame.

goblins look stupid and short, just like gnomes.  dwarves are alright.  the worgen look SICK though.  i predict a big rise in alliance toons over horde.

currently playing a level 49 Night Elf Druid (Feral, may dual spec soon.  yes, i do have the money myself )

Smithereener wrote:

Also, Heroic Deadmines? lol They should introduce a super-elite Hogger along with that, just for shits and giggles. I remember getting owned by Hogger with two other friends when we first started, wondering why the picture had a little gold dragon around its frame.
Hogger was an elite that was out in the goldshire woods, not in VC

Uzique wrote:

With them reintroducing the classic PvP-Ranks in the upcoming expansion
really?  thank god.  i want to get credit for something besides "HK: Scout" in bg, and i'd like a nice title myself.  i think my cousin has Legionnaire or something and was just about to make General when they stopped it.

Last edited by haffeysucks (2009-08-24 07:54:52)

"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"

haffeysucks wrote:

Smithereener wrote:

Also, Heroic Deadmines? lol They should introduce a super-elite Hogger along with that, just for shits and giggles. I remember getting owned by Hogger with two other friends when we first started, wondering why the picture had a little gold dragon around its frame.
Hogger was an elite that was out in the goldshire woods, not in VC
Nono, I realize that. I'm just saying a buffed up Hogger would be nostalgic just like having new H DM.

Smithereener wrote:

haffeysucks wrote:

Smithereener wrote:

Also, Heroic Deadmines? lol They should introduce a super-elite Hogger along with that, just for shits and giggles. I remember getting owned by Hogger with two other friends when we first started, wondering why the picture had a little gold dragon around its frame.
Hogger was an elite that was out in the goldshire woods, not in VC
Nono, I realize that. I'm just saying a buffed up Hogger would be nostalgic just like having new H DM.
Dead Mines is still the best instance of all time!

I've raided in every dungeon/instance except for the new Northrend content. I stuck out the raiding up to Black Temple on my Belf Mage but just lost interest very quickly after that so I didn't see Sunwell Plateau or anything. Don't really think I missed out though; raiding in TBC/WotLK is a joke compared to how it was in Vanilla WoW. Something about 40-man raids and harder encounters that really made epic-gear seem like an accomplishment. Nowadays the gamestyle has changed so that epics are the 'standard' base-minimum for everyone. I really loathe that devaluation, one of the major reasons why I stopped playing. I'll only play an MMO if there's an actual skill/achievement gradient involved - you know, that "Whoah that guy is good, he will effortlessly kick my ass, run away!" effect. That was how it was when I was playing my Rank 14 rogue during the original days, not even the Naxx-geared PvE raiders could take me down, and it all felt 'worth' the grind and time-investment.

I know that style of hardcore play will never come back to WoW, but I still welcome the new expansion. I might resubscribe and play my main toon very casually, just collecting the in-game character/guild achievements, shooting the breeze with some old in-game acquaintances of mine, doing the odd rated battleground here and there just to stamp down the old-school elite authority .
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Smithereener wrote:

haffeysucks wrote:

Smithereener wrote:

Also, Heroic Deadmines? lol They should introduce a super-elite Hogger along with that, just for shits and giggles. I remember getting owned by Hogger with two other friends when we first started, wondering why the picture had a little gold dragon around its frame.
Hogger was an elite that was out in the goldshire woods, not in VC
Nono, I realize that. I'm just saying a buffed up Hogger would be nostalgic just like having new H DM.
ah my b

p.s. - DM is dire maul, VC is deadmines (to avoid confusion)

Last edited by haffeysucks (2009-08-24 08:08:39)

"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
I played the WoW free trial. It was pretty meh, but then I got to do the deadmines dungeon run, and even though that was supposed to be the n00b dungeon, it was really fun and took allot of strategy and planning on behalf of my party.

Stuff like that was worth playing through the grindy bits (which often aren't so bad) but I wouldn't pay $15 a month for it.

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

I played the WoW free trial. It was pretty meh, but then I got to do the deadmines dungeon run, and even though that was supposed to be the n00b dungeon, it was really fun and took allot of strategy and planning on behalf of my party.

Stuff like that was worth playing through the grindy bits (which often aren't so bad) but I wouldn't pay $15 a month for it.
you don't really have to grind though...even though i've been playing for 3 weeks i'm only at 49, leisurely doing some bg here, questing there, exploring over yonder, instances...

everyone says the game begins at 80, but i'm having a hell of a time at 49.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Aah, 'tis true. Although I've never experienced it, I can see the appeal in pre expansion raiding. The only 40man raids I've been in were for Wintergrasp and thats just a bunch of unorganized idiots running amok whilst bumping into the other group of unorganized idiots. I actually wouldn't mind that sort of hardcore-ness coming back, if only a little bit. It's a little sad to see these 40-man Raid bosses getting solo farmed for the gold and never being able to experience even a bit of that. Nowadays, its hard to find groups for any instances that aren't in BC or Northerend, so doing quests is pretty much the only way to level up until BC.

And yeah, goblins... eh. At least it brings some equality to both sides. Two really, really short races. Should be fun. But these new class combos. A taruen pally? Makes no sense to me lore-wise, but I suppose neither does a NE mage.

haffeysucks wrote:

p.s. - DM is dire maul, VC is deadmines (to avoid confusion)
Ah is that so, didn't know that. I just saw Westfall general chat going "lf dm run" every now and then so I assumed it was deadmines.

Last edited by Smithereener (2009-08-24 08:17:15)

Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

haffeysucks wrote:

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

I played the WoW free trial. It was pretty meh, but then I got to do the deadmines dungeon run, and even though that was supposed to be the n00b dungeon, it was really fun and took allot of strategy and planning on behalf of my party.

Stuff like that was worth playing through the grindy bits (which often aren't so bad) but I wouldn't pay $15 a month for it.
you don't really have to grind though...even though i've been playing for 3 weeks i'm only at 49, leisurely doing some bg here, questing there, exploring over yonder, instances...

everyone says the game begins at 80, but i'm having a hell of a time at 49.
Well the not instanced quests were pretty grindy. "Kill X amount of A monster" or "Get Y amount of C item, which only drops from B moster", and C item doesn't drop off of every B monster.

I know the later quests do get better but there was allot of monotony before you could have real fun.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7027|Purplicious Wisconsin
This makes me wish I wasn't banned from WoW. Oh and it is about time they add Goblins. Also what is this Race/Class combinations? Does this mean you can have 2 races or 2 classes?
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.

War Man wrote:

This makes me wish I wasn't banned from WoW. Oh and it is about time they add Goblins. Also what is this Race/Class combinations? Does this mean you can have 2 races or 2 classes?
o-o banned from wow?

There are going to be new race/class combinations, meaning that the current races will now have expanded class options. For instance, you can't have a human hunter right now, but with Cataclysm, you can. Same with the Dwarf Shaman, Tauren Paladin, etc etc.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7093|Great Brown North
how did you get banned from wow?
jizzed in mai pants

krazed wrote:

how did you get banned from wow?

Smithereener wrote:

haffeysucks wrote:

p.s. - DM is dire maul, VC is deadmines (to avoid confusion)
Ah is that so, didn't know that. I just saw Westfall general chat going "lf dm run" every now and then so I assumed it was deadmines.
then they're probably making that mistake too

Last edited by haffeysucks (2009-08-24 08:27:58)

"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"

War Man wrote:

This makes me wish I wasn't banned from WoW. Oh and it is about time they add Goblins. Also what is this Race/Class combinations? Does this mean you can have 2 races or 2 classes?
No, it means that the class-combinations that were previously deemed 'impossible', because of lore or game balance, are now a bit more relaxed.

E.g. Tauren Paladins - Taurens are a race concerned only with nature, doesn't make sense that they discover 'the Light' and become Holy. Night-elf mages are another lore-ruining combination as well, because according to the story of Warcraft, night-elves hate everything arcane (i.e. magical), because addiction to arcane power was what caused the giant war and the origins of the blood-elves. I don't really care much for lore, in fact I don't give a shit about the fantasy-story side of things... my only concern is how it will affect the actual gameplay and balance. I suppose it won't make much of a difference, overall.

DM = Dead-Mines, especially when in the LFG chat for Westfall. Level 20's won't be looking for a group to a level 52+ instance . Typically, Dire Maul runs have 'East/West' or the specific-instance name associated with them, just to clear up the ambiguity between Dead-Mines and Dire-Maul. The old 40 man raids aren't really comparable to a chaotic and tactless Wintergrasp raid, either .
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Looks pretty interesting.. i just cant bring myself to play wow again as I don't see a point in playing endgame unless im raiding atleast three times a week, which takes up waaay too much time.

maybe next summer if it's out i'll give it a go
Fulltime end-game raiding in WoW has been a pointless waste of time since the first expansion pack, imo. If I play it again it will only be for casually experiencing the new content, getting my characters that have been continuously toiled over for the past 3-4 years to max level, and just having the odd occasional arena/battleground match, to stay competitive. The PvE aspect of WoW is far too easy now to demand full-time weekly raiding... you're just pulverizing your own social life and health for the sake of epic-item rewards that anyone can get .
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Real Хорошо
+826|6833|Adelaide, South Australia

Uzique wrote:

Smithereener wrote:

haffeysucks wrote:

Hogger was an elite that was out in the goldshire woods, not in VC
Nono, I realize that. I'm just saying a buffed up Hogger would be nostalgic just like having new H DM.
Dead Mines is still the best instance of all time!
SFK is way more fun. Granted, seeing the Dreadnought ship being built for the first time was pretty impressive (and somewhat nostalgic), but everything, from music to atmosphere to satisfaction of completion, was overshadowed by SFK.

For me, anyway.
I do find it very easy to get nostalgic about WoW... not ashamed to admit at all that playing through the original content when the game was first released was some of the most fun I have ever had in a computer game. That feeling of a true 'massive multiplayer online' experience, when everything was vast and unexplored and not-completely-understood. Some of the memories from doing my epic-PvP grind and constant raiding are great to remember, as well as all of the guild e-dramaz and shit-talk that makes other games such as EVE so much damn fun.

Really hope this expansion pack shapes up into something promising over the next few weeks/months of information.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+59|6955|Los Angeles
Goblins looked kickass in Warcraft 2, they should have made them like that.
Well at least they look slightly better than the NPC Goblins. Goblins in full-gear could look pretty neat... especially rogues.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

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