Smithereener wrote:
I'm going to get ridiculed for this but...
Quite frankly, I'm excited. I used to play Guild Wars (which was constantly compared with WoW), but never got quite into it as I did with wow, mostly because I was already familiar with the lore and story behind it all from playing the previous Warcraft RTS games. Not sure if the stuff that happens in wow is considered canon or not, but it's still pretty interesting to me. I'm happy that the undiscoverable parts of the Pre-BC map are going to be opened up, especially Hyjal; it's nice to be able to revisit that last battle from the WCIII campaign, but I've wanted to see what happens after, and this new expansion allows that. Playing as a Worgen should be pretty sick too.
With that said, I get the feeling it might be a while before we see this content. Just like SC2... and D3.
Speculation suggests mid-2010. The delay will be caused just as much by Blizzard trying to make the most out of WotLK/Icecrown - they aren't adding that much content, in regards of development and testing-time required. I'm excited about seeing something new happening, because the last two expansions - The Burning Crusade & Wrath of the Lich King - completely failed to keep me entertained and subscribed. TBC was just a big sci-fi lorefuck, and WotLK seemed like nothing to me other than a Viking-themed homogenous bore-fest. The original Azeroth was the only continent that I ever found repeatedly fun, probably because it was the 'old school' new feeling, but I hope that they'll pay a lot more attention to detail over the course of the extra 5 levels.
The bonus services that allows you to change your Faction/Race for a fee will be cool as well. Completely ruins any lore or continuity, but still. I'd love to switch from Horde<->Alliance and to change the race of some of my old characters to give them new life. I have a Blood-Elf Mage that I created and power-leveled when TBC was launched that I would love to switch to a Gnome Mage-- that way I would
actually play him. If I do buy into the hype and give this a try though, I'll be sticking with my classic, original R14 Gnome Rogue
. With them reintroducing the classic PvP-Ranks in the upcoming expansion, I'll be able to cruise around as a member of the true veteran elite, haha!