Hello this a topic that I just descused in school today and found it intresting, but yet discusting at the same time. My view on this subject is gun control is commen sense. I am not the smartest person but I am not the dumbest eitheir. I hunt every fall when season comes around and I fish. Hunting and shooting for recreation is much enjoyed by me and my whole family. I think to say that guns are killers you are wrong. Just about all the killing (not all) are illegaly bought guns, and the ones that are legal and registerd are somtimes stolen or brought into the wrong hands. I know every one say what about the other guns that are legaly owned and purchased, well my friends you have got me on that one.
If you look at the states with he conceld carry law, they have less crime with burgralys and other things like that then for say then Wisconsin or NewYork. If a criminal really wanteds a gun all he has to do is go to the guy siting on a corner or somthing like that and say "I want a gun". Do you think he will accutally go into a store and pass all his background checks and go waltzing out and then go kill every one, the answer my friends is no. All this Police officers is go into the files (if they found the gun) find a match at go catch the guy. Taking away guns or making it ilegal to own one is fucking insane, sorry for the langueage but look at it. they made Pot, Acid, Cocaine, ICP and just about all other drugs illegal, but people still get it.
Knives and car accidents are two of the most commen killers, out there beside guns. But do you see anyone else trying to make a ban on knives and cars...no that is what I thought. I know how it feels to lose a loved one, my cousin was shot by a gang all under the age of 18... how do you think they bought there guns, not from the local gun store, they bought them of the streets. From and illegal dealer. All I am trying to do is to try and let you see the other side of the story, me I have seen both. When I grow up get married and have a kid or two I will raise them to shoot hunt and fish if they want to, and if they don't I will not make them.
All I want to get from this thread is a reponse from all of you guys and girls out there , on your opinions. If your gonna flame anyone i don't realy want to hear about it. If I can get so good ideas from you people i might find it in my and a bunch of others to respect you as humans. Peace out Eric
(P.S. for all you PETA fags out there go fuck your self's, you Basterds!)
If you look at the states with he conceld carry law, they have less crime with burgralys and other things like that then for say then Wisconsin or NewYork. If a criminal really wanteds a gun all he has to do is go to the guy siting on a corner or somthing like that and say "I want a gun". Do you think he will accutally go into a store and pass all his background checks and go waltzing out and then go kill every one, the answer my friends is no. All this Police officers is go into the files (if they found the gun) find a match at go catch the guy. Taking away guns or making it ilegal to own one is fucking insane, sorry for the langueage but look at it. they made Pot, Acid, Cocaine, ICP and just about all other drugs illegal, but people still get it.
Knives and car accidents are two of the most commen killers, out there beside guns. But do you see anyone else trying to make a ban on knives and cars...no that is what I thought. I know how it feels to lose a loved one, my cousin was shot by a gang all under the age of 18... how do you think they bought there guns, not from the local gun store, they bought them of the streets. From and illegal dealer. All I am trying to do is to try and let you see the other side of the story, me I have seen both. When I grow up get married and have a kid or two I will raise them to shoot hunt and fish if they want to, and if they don't I will not make them.
All I want to get from this thread is a reponse from all of you guys and girls out there , on your opinions. If your gonna flame anyone i don't realy want to hear about it. If I can get so good ideas from you people i might find it in my and a bunch of others to respect you as humans. Peace out Eric
(P.S. for all you PETA fags out there go fuck your self's, you Basterds!)