TK handling will never be perfect.  Yes it sucks when your teammate runs in front of you and gets cut down, but theres not a lot that can be done about it.  IMO, its best left to the server admins, give them a reasonably-flexible FF/TK filter (mines, clays, jet-on-runway etc), and players can still kickvote anybody who tards it up.

BF2 shows the number of punishes/forgives by a player, maybe it would be a good idea to include this in stats tracking?

More suggestions:
- Official mods - one modern warfare, one vietnam, one WW2.  Provided they have enough content, people will pay full game prices for them and it will keep everyone happy; WW2 fans can play the WW2 mod, modern day fans can play the modern mod etc...
- Bring back CTF!  Game modes are another, easy-to-implement form of content.
- Random maps.  I know I said it before, but I'll say it again.  With a few good algorithms it is possible...

Last edited by Pubic (2009-08-09 17:59:03)

Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6884|Area 51
Give me everything BF2 had, in patch 1.12 and better hitreg, some shinier graphics to give the impression that it is newer. Use the frostbite engine and done.
+163|6966|Odessa, Ukraine

Pubic wrote:

- Official mods - one modern warfare, one vietnam, one WW2.  Provided they have enough content, people will pay full game prices for them and it will keep everyone happy; WW2 fans can play the WW2 mod, modern day fans can play the modern mod etc...
Winner of "How to make a crappy game" contest. Bravo.

p/s if they will focus on 3 absolutely different modifications I'm 200% sure they will end up having all 3 suck.
BF3 would be awesome with more unlocks to choose from. In BF2 there is a lot of weapons we cannot unlock, so really those with special forces the multiplayer game "ends" for them because of no more weapons to unlock. A 3rd and 4th tier of weapons to unlock is nice. For example the euro forces weapons, some unavailable special forces ones. Obviously with the BF3 weapons but im using BF2 ones as an example.

A good hitreg would be nice but i really dont have any problems with it. Like someone in this thread posted i only have a problem with it when knifing but im adapting to that pretty nicely and are having fun with knife now.

A nice variety of upto date aircraft EG the PAK-fa sukhoi T-50 stealth from the russians, or the in progress J-XX from the chinese, also stealth.

More teams each with their own unique weapons and ranking system (eg. the british and US ranks are different, when you play US you play by US ranks, when you play british you play by british ranks etc...)

The M16A4!!! Im tired of the A2 version

Certainly only certain kits should get grenades, the assualt kit GL OR 1 Hand grenade and the medic kit should have 1 grenade. The rest do without.
I'm sure this will sort out the nade spam. Also make the 1 grenades resupply time as slow or slower than the smoke grenade in BF2, this will more eliminate the thread of trigger happy naders.

Snipers get only 1 claymore.

As for if they put ground attack aircraft in, like the A-10 Thunderbolt 2, the SU-39 etc like they did in armoured fury. On the A10 you can see rocket pods but you cannot use them. Perhaps add the weapons like that to ground attack aircraft.

But very important to me, keep the arcade/realism mix just right on the balance to keep it fun!!

DrunkFace wrote:

nickb64 wrote:

DrevdZanden wrote:

Also i do not like the team kill handling as it is now. If i am in a firefight and one of my teammates jumps right in front of my gun while i am firing it, then i get minus points for a team kill. Even though it is his fault. I would like to see the punish/forgive option to decide if you lose points yes or no.
Only problem with this is that many people will automatically punish even if it was their fault.

They seem to have their finger glued to the page down button...

That said, I agree with your idea, but I don't think it would be used effectively most of the time, sadly.
From experience if you don't want that to happen (as much).
Don't play IO servers.
Don't play 24/7 servers.
Don't play during school holidays.
Don't play with low ranked people unless you know who they are.
From my experience it doesn't matter who it is, its always punish even if they where the reason for it.

not sure how often I got forgiven but I sure as hell know I was punished more than forgiven. Community is not forgiving what I know since people like to statspad and all that shit to get the e-penis up.
Wherever you have a resupply of grenades, you will have nade spam.  It was bad in 42, but IMO worse in BF2 as the resupply became portable.

Maybe having to press or hold down the kit pickup key from resupply cabinets/crates would help?  eg. >ABC< Johny-nade-a-lot is next to an ammo crate.  He throws his nades at the approaching troops, but before he can resupply he has to face the crate and hold his kit pickup key (G) while he is being resupplied - he can not resupply while he isn't holding the pickup key.

Also, removing nade resupply from support supplies would help - and would make supply crates (or whatever they are replaced with) a more strategic option)

ANOTHER way to limit this would be to re-introduce static resupply cabinets/cases like in BF1942, but make them destructible.
Germans did 911
+427|7000|Disaster Free Zone
Lets be serious about nade spam, in 1942 it really only happened on Berlin, Stalingrad, Omaha Beach and a little in Market Garden. In BF2 it really only happens on karkand, Jalalabad and parts of Sharqi. When both games offer well over 15 maps why try and change something that only effects a small proportion of the game to the detriment of the majority. I don't mind Pubics idea of having to 'pick up' grenades by using G, but limiting the number of grenades held to 1 or not being able to resupply them is just stupid imo.
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6884|Area 51

DrunkFace wrote:

Lets be serious about nade spam, in 1942 it really only happened on Berlin, Stalingrad, Omaha Beach and a little in Market Garden. In BF2 it really only happens on karkand, Jalalabad and parts of Sharqi. When both games offer well over 15 maps why try and change something that only effects a small proportion of the game to the detriment of the majority. I don't mind Pubics idea of having to 'pick up' grenades by using G, but limiting the number of grenades held to 1 or not being able to resupply them is just stupid imo.
Indeed. And to be honest, I think that they did a proper job on the nades in BF1943. Even though that ammo is limitless, you only carry 2 nades at a time, instead of 4 and the splash damage is far lower. They ought to implement the same in any future BF.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7009|Tampa Bay Florida
i'd like the classes to be set up kinda like in BF Heroes

1. Spec-Ops

2. Assault

3. Support

THEN you have different specializations which apply to all three.  If you waant to be a marksman, you unlock a sniper for commando and a scoped AR for assault.  If you want heavier equipment you get a grenade launcher on AR and one of those huge ass gatling shotguns for support.

Then each class would have its own unique set up as well... commando gets a silenced carbine, assault gets some super kickass rifle with lots of mods on it, and support gets a medic kit and drugs and all that shit.

Also it probably wouldnt be too hard to have 3 or 5 different models as well as different headgear and maybe som variations in camo (like multicam as opposed to ACU) and body armor and stuff like that.

Anyone like this?

Spearhead wrote:

i'd like the classes to be set up kinda like in BF Heroes

1. Spec-Ops

2. Assault

3. Support

THEN you have different specializations which apply to all three.  If you waant to be a marksman, you unlock a sniper for commando and a scoped AR for assault.  If you want heavier equipment you get a grenade launcher on AR and one of those huge ass gatling shotguns for support.

Then each class would have its own unique set up as well... commando gets a silenced carbine, assault gets some super kickass rifle with lots of mods on it, and support gets a medic kit and drugs and all that shit.

Also it probably wouldnt be too hard to have 3 or 5 different models as well as different headgear and maybe som variations in camo (like multicam as opposed to ACU) and body armor and stuff like that.

Anyone like this?
So sort of a tree structure for classes?  I like this idea!
Was ist Loos?

Zefar wrote:

Well no jets in Bf3 is what I wanna see, should be support power, to much power to a single vehicle is gonna make the other side just bitching and they who fly are just gonna tell us to learn how to shot it down. Unless we get some damn good AA shit those jets are gonna rock the sky again and that's what put me of in BF2 and maybe the reason many preferred infantry maps over vehicle maps.
No Jets = CoD...

Jets yes, balanced jets? no. Bc jets arent balanced about realistic performance?

Like U.S. gets one super cool/good f35 JSF, but the other team gets a few medium class jets.
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6884|Area 51

destruktion_6143 wrote:

Zefar wrote:

Well no jets in Bf3 is what I wanna see, should be support power, to much power to a single vehicle is gonna make the other side just bitching and they who fly are just gonna tell us to learn how to shot it down. Unless we get some damn good AA shit those jets are gonna rock the sky again and that's what put me of in BF2 and maybe the reason many preferred infantry maps over vehicle maps.
No Jets = CoD...

Jets yes, balanced jets? no. Bc jets arent balanced about realistic performance?

Like U.S. gets one super cool/good f35 JSF, but the other team gets a few medium class jets.
Yeah, that won't work now will it?

destruktion_6143 wrote:

Zefar wrote:

Well no jets in Bf3 is what I wanna see, should be support power, to much power to a single vehicle is gonna make the other side just bitching and they who fly are just gonna tell us to learn how to shot it down. Unless we get some damn good AA shit those jets are gonna rock the sky again and that's what put me of in BF2 and maybe the reason many preferred infantry maps over vehicle maps.
No Jets = CoD...

Jets yes, balanced jets? no. Bc jets arent balanced about realistic performance?

Like U.S. gets one super cool/good f35 JSF, but the other team gets a few medium class jets.
CoD have smaller maps than BF2, so it doesn't really become CoD when there are still choppers in the game and tanks.

Now about jets, since the start, they have roamed the sky for years with no fear off being blasted away from the sky. This is not a good gameplay balance. There was one patch that they started bitching and made everyone on the ground really happy because jets where cheap to use. Sure it was a glitch making the rockets seek them out no matter where you shot. But we had our fun during that time.

Amount of enemies they have is very little,
1 Other jets (Yeah right like they care about the jets)
2 AA tower (VERY FEW on the map)
3 AA apc (Also few on the map)

All those where few on the map and everyone had weak armor that could easily be destroyed by any explosive stuff. And getting a lock on was a death trap consider they pretty much know where you are because their friking jet have a detection on vehicles and tanks before you are in range of them. Giving them long enough time to aim at the location and blast you away before you have a chance of returning fire. You could but you would die right after you fired the missiles.

If we waited to aim at them after they passed they just drop flares and use boost to go for the skies. Resulting we fail.

So if they are gonna be in I wanna see a weapon that can blast them away from the sky because we have the technology to do it. They are not the ones that are gonna sit on nukes up in the air the entire round without having to worry about being blasted away.
Vietnam war era, nuff said.
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5708|Fuck this.
Mobile AA needs radar, nuff said.
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
Wrench turnin' fool

Zukabazuka wrote:

destruktion_6143 wrote:

Zefar wrote:

Well no jets in Bf3 is what I wanna see, should be support power, to much power to a single vehicle is gonna make the other side just bitching and they who fly are just gonna tell us to learn how to shot it down. Unless we get some damn good AA shit those jets are gonna rock the sky again and that's what put me of in BF2 and maybe the reason many preferred infantry maps over vehicle maps.
No Jets = CoD...

Jets yes, balanced jets? no. Bc jets arent balanced about realistic performance?

Like U.S. gets one super cool/good f35 JSF, but the other team gets a few medium class jets.
CoD have smaller maps than BF2, so it doesn't really become CoD when there are still choppers in the game and tanks.

Now about jets, since the start, they have roamed the sky for years with no fear off being blasted away from the sky. This is not a good gameplay balance. There was one patch that they started bitching and made everyone on the ground really happy because jets where cheap to use. Sure it was a glitch making the rockets seek them out no matter where you shot. But we had our fun during that time.

Amount of enemies they have is very little,
1 Other jets (Yeah right like they care about the jets)
2 AA tower (VERY FEW on the map)
3 AA apc (Also few on the map)

All those where few on the map and everyone had weak armor that could easily be destroyed by any explosive stuff. And getting a lock on was a death trap consider they pretty much know where you are because their friking jet have a detection on vehicles and tanks before you are in range of them. Giving them long enough time to aim at the location and blast you away before you have a chance of returning fire. You could but you would die right after you fired the missiles.

If we waited to aim at them after they passed they just drop flares and use boost to go for the skies. Resulting we fail.

So if they are gonna be in I wanna see a weapon that can blast them away from the sky because we have the technology to do it. They are not the ones that are gonna sit on nukes up in the air the entire round without having to worry about being blasted away.
Cry moar, and L2Drive.
"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"
I and many others have always said shoulder-mounted AA as an AT unlock would help fix the balance.

Taking Spearhead's tree idea a bit further/on a tangent:

Specops -> ( Sniper | Commando ) commando gets a silencer for their rifle, or maybe a SF-style grappling hook
Assault -> ( AT | AA ) AA gets Stinger/SA7/etc and an SMG
Support -> ( Engineer | Medic ) no explanation needed, maybe swap them around

Alternatively, as theres the potential to imbalance the game by having 15-20 AA per side, you could introduce it as a kit which spawns as an object and can't be selected.  That way you could control the number of AA kits in play.  Could also add in other kits this way too, eg. a light mortar kit.  DC did this with some kits.

Last edited by Pubic (2009-08-18 02:07:31)

Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6884|Area 51

Pubic wrote:

I and many others have always said shoulder-mounted AA as an AT unlock would help fix the balance.

Taking Spearhead's tree idea a bit further/on a tangent:

Specops -> ( Sniper | Commando ) commando gets a silencer for their rifle, or maybe a SF-style grappling hook
Assault -> ( AT | AA ) AA gets Stinger/SA7/etc and an SMG
Support -> ( Engineer | Medic ) no explanation needed, maybe swap them around

Alternatively, as theres the potential to imbalance the game by having 15-20 AA per side, you could introduce it as a kit which spawns as an object and can't be selected.  That way you could control the number of AA kits in play.  Could also add in other kits this way too, eg. a light mortar kit.  DC did this with some kits.
To be honest, AA in BF2 was fine, however the range was fubar. Choppers could outgun AA, simply make it the other way around and the game is balanced fine. Though, being a chopper whore, I pretty much like it the way it was
+163|6966|Odessa, Ukraine

RDMC wrote:

To be honest, AA in BF2 was fine, however the range was fubar. Choppers could outgun AA, simply make it the other way around and the game is balanced fine. Though, being a chopper whore, I pretty much like it the way it was
Imo AA vs chopers was always fine. The problem is AA vs Jet capability.
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6884|Area 51

Longbow wrote:

RDMC wrote:

To be honest, AA in BF2 was fine, however the range was fubar. Choppers could outgun AA, simply make it the other way around and the game is balanced fine. Though, being a chopper whore, I pretty much like it the way it was
Imo AA vs chopers was always fine. The problem is AA vs Jet capability.
Meh true, but a good chopper crew would always outgun mobile AA.
Germans did 911
+427|7000|Disaster Free Zone

RDMC wrote:

Longbow wrote:

RDMC wrote:

To be honest, AA in BF2 was fine, however the range was fubar. Choppers could outgun AA, simply make it the other way around and the game is balanced fine. Though, being a chopper whore, I pretty much like it the way it was
Imo AA vs chopers was always fine. The problem is AA vs Jet capability.
Meh true, but a good chopper crew would always outgun mobile AA.
As they should.
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6884|Area 51

DrunkFace wrote:

RDMC wrote:

Longbow wrote:

Imo AA vs chopers was always fine. The problem is AA vs Jet capability.
Meh true, but a good chopper crew would always outgun mobile AA.
As they should.
Maybe so, but a bit unbalanced in terms of gameplay, now isn't it?

Last edited by RDMC (2009-08-20 03:14:06)

Germans did 911
+427|7000|Disaster Free Zone
I don't think so.
Wrench turnin' fool
I would love shoulder fired AA. This is mostly because I hate pilots. Has anybody said more unlocks, because bf3 should have more unlocks than 2142.
"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"
pro medick
+3|5694|Baltimore, MD
i want thsi game to be like cod. i want customizable weopens rather than premade kits. Hit reg would also be nice.

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