and another pic

the 2 psitols are just bb guns. But the 2 shotguns are mint
Remington 1100 and a double barrel. Originally my fathers but he's finished with them.
Oh yeah the knives and swords are kinda piss (except 1 or 2) but i love them still
If you can read this, your already dead
+33|7002|Stillwater, Ok

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Tyferra? a .303 for hunting rabbits? OMG There will be nothing left of it.

I wont post pics(Big brothers watching) But here it goes.

2- Ruger 10/22's Both custom with 40 hours or more in each.

1- Savage .243 sniper rifle, accurate out to 950 yards (last woodchuck i shot in the head was that far)

1- mossberg 20Ga with 2 barrels and scope. (shotgun)

1- Remington 870 20Ga with deer barrel.

1- Ruger P89 9mm Pistol with 2 15 round clips (i carry this one)

1- Raven .25 Pistol  carry this in my boot.

1- Ruger Mini 14 .223  with 3 shot burst (ranch Model.)

1- Ruger super blackhawk .44mag (use for deer hunting)

1- Remingtom 700  8mm With 24x scope (extreme deer hunting)

Assorted Others from WW2 and Korea.

I Do have a carry Permit for NY, And we also require Hunter education courses here also.  But unlike some, I do keep my 9mm Fully loaded, What good is it when you have to tell the intruder, "WAIT, Please dont shoot, I have to go get my ammo from the other room"

Lol if you noticed i did say i kept one magazine for my Ar-15 in my room with that gun.  So its right there if i ever need it.  Takes not even a second to load, charge, and be ready to fire.
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|7013|San Francisco
Hey Headstone, have you ever used a Ruger RedHawk?  I was thinking of trying one out at the shooting range the next time I go, and was just wondering what it was like.  The HK USP was a lot of fun to shoot, but I saw the Redhawk and just said, "I'm using that one next time!"
Horseman 77
I know I have 37 rifles alone but this is all I can remember. gota look in that closet.
SMLE No. 3 mk 4
SMLE No. 4 mk 3
SMLE No. 4 mk 3
SMLE No. 4 mk 3(T)
SMLE No. 5
M1 Garand
MP 40
Mosberg Milspec 12 ga.
Smith & Wesson 12 ga.
Smith & Wesson 12 ga.
C96 Broomhandle Mauser
C96 Bolo Mauser
K98 Mauser 7.92
K98 Mauser .308
Fn 39
Smith & Wesson M76
M1 Carbine
M2 Carbine
Webly .455
Browning BDA .380

I have some hunting stuff too.
GunSlinger OIF II
anyone here got a FFL?
Horseman 77

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

anyone here got a FFL?
woof ! dont get one it aint worth the work, besides David Koresh had an FFL
+255|6956|Westminster, California

SharkyMcshark wrote:

You people all make me sick with your arsenals.


You cant tell me that you all own ak 47s, and sniper rifles and m16s for home defense
mini 14
ruger 10/22
ruger 22/45
ruger p90 (45)
winchester 1300 12 gage
winchester 30-06

but the only one I keep handy for home defense is my 37 mm grenade launcher ( I'm not kidding )
Your just jealous that you don't have any scary looking black weapons with lights and optics mounted.
+3|7034|Evanston, WY
Here are just a few of my lead slingers.  No wuss-ass airsoft toys. 

Rock River Arms
Rock River Arms Upper/Lower
LaRue Tactical 7.0
Rock River Arms Eotech Dominator Mount/BUIS
Eotech 552 (NVG)
Magpul MIAD Pistol Grip
Magpul M93B Stock
Magpul Enhanced Trigger Guard
PRI Gasbuster Charging Handle
Knight's Armory Vertical Foregrip
Tango Down Rail Covers

Bushmaster Upper/Lower
Knight's Armory RAS
LaRue Tactical M68 CCO
Lewis Machine Tool BUIS
Aimpoint CompM2 (M68)
Magpul MIAD Pistol Grip
Vltor Clubfoot Stock
Maqpul Enhanced Trigger Guard
Tango Down Vertical Foregrip
Magpul XT Rail Covers
Daniel Defense Offset Light Mount
Pentagonlight x3 9v Flashlight

Remington 870
Remington 870 12ga Police Pump Action Shotgun
Cavarms SST-870 Stock Adaptor
Wilson Combat Magazine Spring
Wilson Combat Hi-Vis Follower
Wilson Combat 4 Round Side-Saddle
Surefire 618FA 6V Foregrip Light
LaRue Tactical M68 CCO
Aimpoint CompM2 (M68)
Magpul MIAD Pistol Grip
Colt Collapsable Stock

Also pictured is an Eagle Industries Plate Carrier with Cummerbund. 
4x DBT Tactical Tiered M4 Double Magazine Carriers
2x Eagle Industries MLCS 9mm Magazine Carriers
DBT Tactical Admin/Flashlight Pouch
Eagle Industries IFAK Pouch
Maxpedition MM RollyPolly
Blue Force Gear MVS
HSGI Shoulder Pads
Paraclete Armor Level IIIa Soft Armor Panels
Kejo Level IV Hard Plates

From left to right: Glock 17 with Surefire X-200 Weaponlight, Glock 22 (gen 2), Glock 19 (CCW)

+2,382|6997|The North, beyond the wall.
I don't live in America but i want to ask you what is allowed.

1.Can you have small explosives like a hand grenade or a type of mine.
2.Can you have light machine guns such as the saw.The automatic one not semi.
3.Can you have a rocket launcher like a rpg or sraw?

From England im stuck with my air rifle and bb guns.Oh well.
Moving Target

jord wrote:

I don't live in America but i want to ask you what is allowed.

1.Can you have small explosives like a hand grenade or a type of mine.
2.Can you have light machine guns such as the saw.The automatic one not semi.
3.Can you have a rocket launcher like a rpg or sraw?

From England im stuck with my air rifle and bb guns.Oh well.
for all three, No.

Depends on state regulations really, but for the most part, no.  Not with out special liscense.
GunSlinger OIF II

Burning_Monkey wrote:

jord wrote:

I don't live in America but i want to ask you what is allowed.

1.Can you have small explosives like a hand grenade or a type of mine.
2.Can you have light machine guns such as the saw.The automatic one not semi.
3.Can you have a rocket launcher like a rpg or sraw?

From England im stuck with my air rifle and bb guns.Oh well.
for all three, No.

Depends on state regulations really, but for the most part, no.  Not with out special liscense.
i think you can have certain MG's if you have a license(except in california, you cant buy a sling shot without a 15+ day wait and background check)

i love bullets

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2006-04-07 09:33:28)

+110|6907|United States of America
First ever post and had ot get in on this one

To the people who live in England Australia and soon to be canada I feel really sorry for you

Air guns will be outlawed too.   Knives cannot be carried for self defense  Oh ya self defense is not allowed

in England and Australia.  If someone breaks into your house in england and you shoot him you will go to jail.

The Government will tell you you should have ran away or called for help IN YOUR OWN HOUSE.

The have even given criminals money to sue the homeowner that shot them.  The man that went to prision

was denied parole because the board told him he would be a threat to anyone else that broke into his home.

As to denying law abiding citizens the right to self protection just look at how the gun laws were used againts

the black population before the civil rights movement in the United States.

I think Germany Instituted a Gun registration in the earlu to middle 30's  which was then used for the gun

confiscation right before they tried to take over the world for the second time.  No offense to any germans

they took away your guns so you couldn't overthrow your government before it was too late.

Just to make this related to the topic I only have .22 rifle  2 .40cal pistols 9mm rifle and a 30-30

Last edited by JG1567JG (2006-04-15 19:14:27)

She looked 18 to me officer

crusaderop50 wrote:

M1 Garand, M16A1 A2, M4, BAR, Thompson, AK47, and my personal fav G36.  don't worry its all BB n paint round.
M1, lucky.  I want one.  Just own a glock 40 at the moment.
+60|6977|South West England
Me personaly got a 9mm M92F Beretta with a laser sight, S&W M639, .50AE Desert Eagle, AK-47 and a M16A1, for now i'm good but may look into buying a shotgun or big boy soon like the Saw or M95 :p

JG1567JG wrote:

The have even given criminals money to sue the homeowner that shot them.  The man that went to prision was denied parole because the board told him he would be a threat to anyone else that broke into his home.
Lmao...that's like being banned for SRAWing an APC that's spawncamping an uncap.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-04-17 15:35:40)

+60|6977|South West England

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

JG1567JG wrote:

The have even given criminals money to sue the homeowner that shot them.  The man that went to prision was denied parole because the board told him he would be a threat to anyone else that broke into his home.
Lmao...that's like being banned for SRAWing an APC that's spawncamping an uncap.
Yes its the same thing lol :p
Bushmaster XM-15m4 carbine .223 (target) with y-comp break
Armalite AR-10A4 Carbine .308 w/stainless heavy barrel (target)
Glock 17 9mm 911 edition (target/security)
Beretta Silver Pigeon 12guage over/under (sporting/trap/skeet/hunting)
Stevens .22 (target)
x2 Winchester model 94 30/30 carbine rifles (pre-1964) (hunting)
Ruger carbine 30-06 (hunting)
+165|6954|South Jersey
yeah i pimp it out with airsoft guns....MP5 A4, S&W 4505, AK-47, and something that kinda looks like a G36K there is nothing better then shooting someone with an airsoft or paintball gun.  oh, and damn youse guys' houses  must be frigging fortresses with all of those weapons.

Last edited by -Gunsmoke- (2006-04-17 16:01:56)

=|A mere Shadow|=
The Anarchist
+121|6945|Britain and Damn proud of it!
Meh, all i got is a .22 underlever air-rifle with scope i use it for hunting Birds, squirrels, the odd Chav that decides he wants to driveby in his pimped ride with its windows open blaring that techno-rap crap or whatever....
i also got several daggers, a old arabic dagger, a knife that could do some serious damage inthat its hooked so you could probably not pull it out of someone.. prehaps i'll save it for a special occasion..

asbad wrote:

and another pic

the 2 psitols are just bb guns. But the 2 shotguns are mint
Remington 1100 and a double barrel. Originally my fathers but he's finished with them.
Oh yeah the knives and swords are kinda piss (except 1 or 2) but i love them still
My friend has the sword that is under the shotgun. We were cutting up melons with it!
Horseman 77
I know the state of Vermont has the most " legally owned Full Auto Weapons " Lowest crime rate too.

They average 3 shootings a Year all are as follows

Ex husband beats the shit out of wife. Wife calls police. police fill out report.

Ex husband beats the shit out of wife again. Wife calls police again. police fill out report again.

Ex husband beats the shit out of wife till she almost dies. Neighbors calls police. police fill out report again.

Ex wife buys pistol.

Widow gets arrested.

Hillary clinton asks for ban on pistols
Horseman 77

howler_27 wrote:

Bushmaster XM-15m4 carbine .223 (target) with y-comp break
Armalite AR-10A4 Carbine .308 w/stainless heavy barrel (target)
Glock 17 9mm 911 edition (target/security)
Beretta Silver Pigeon 12guage over/under (sporting/trap/skeet/hunting)
Stevens .22 (target)
x2 Winchester model 94 30/30 carbine rifles (pre-1964) (hunting)
Ruger carbine 30-06 (hunting)
The " pre 64 " only applies to the model 70 becuase they changed the Bolt and feed  on that Rifle in that year.

Model 94 stayed the same.

Ps I got to get a 94 30 30  myself I have 2 32 specials looks the same.
So glad i live in England, reading this gives me the feeling I could get shot so easily. no probs with BBs or paintballs. Don't like air rifles though, I remember once when some nice drunks decided that they would take pot shots at peoples windows with an air rifle :\ however i did learn that an air rifle can't penertrate double glazing lol
+6|6948|St.Petersburg, Fl.
I have 4 9mm all the same model one 45 one 7mag rifle one 30/06 rifle one MP5 and they are all legal

JG1567JG wrote:

First ever post and had ot get in on this one

To the people who live in England Australia and soon to be canada I feel really sorry for you

Air guns will be outlawed too.   Knives cannot be carried for self defense  Oh ya self defense is not allowed

in England and Australia.  If someone breaks into your house in england and you shoot him you will go to jail.

The Government will tell you you should have ran away or called for help IN YOUR OWN HOUSE.

The have even given criminals money to sue the homeowner that shot them.
not quite true if they have a gun and you shoot them then you don't go to jail, you just have to own the gun legally, you can defend yourself in a way that is equal to the force being used against you but you cannot use to much force. So if they have a gun you can have a gun, if they have a knife you can have knife, if they are unnarmed and are of the same or of weaker build then you have to be unnarmed as well. you can still lie and say it was dark and they looked bigger so you hit them with a frying pan or whatever.

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