The photo I linked to was the canyons one actually lol, but I like the farmers market as well.
my bad Ghetto - that's the 450d with the kit lense, 18-55mm. i've retired that lense to my pack, i can't see using anything but the 17-85 as a walking around lense . . .
Haha, that always happens when you get a new lens, you stop using everything else.
Got two tonight, finally got around to getting a tripod so I've been playing around with night shots and long shutter times. Nothing special, but I couldn't be bothered to go down into the street to get anything interesting. Both are f5.6 10sec.

Got two tonight, finally got around to getting a tripod so I've been playing around with night shots and long shutter times. Nothing special, but I couldn't be bothered to go down into the street to get anything interesting. Both are f5.6 10sec.

i like what the shutter time did for the lights . . .
Yeah, I noticed that afterwords.justice wrote:
Dust on your sensor my friend!RAIMIUS wrote:
Some stuff from Alaska and the academy … G_1707.jpg
Cool pics though.
My friend in the AF sent me this pick of a plane that kinda skidded...

and some random very amateur pics i took

Colorado near Breckenridge

Colorado also

Wyoming Colorado border

Virginia carnival

and some random very amateur pics i took

Colorado near Breckenridge

Colorado also

Wyoming Colorado border

Virginia carnival
Last edited by [TUF]Catbox (2009-08-08 23:32:32)
Love is the answer
Yeah, I spent like half an hour waiting for someone to ride by to get that, lol. My neighbourhood was unusually quiet last night.burnzz wrote:
i like what the shutter time did for the lights . . .
That's a really cool shot.[TUF]Catbox wrote:
My friend in the AF sent me this pick of a plane that kinda skidded... … 1R_001.jpg
this is straight out of camera, from near our Heber City office;

another from today, for the bf2s flickr group

Didn't realise it had that much noise from my camera's screen.
EDIT: I think I fucked it up with noise reduce filter in PS.
Last edited by NooBesT (2009-08-11 17:28:12)

Resized one of the photos I had taken from Kenya for my desktop.

AW HEEEEEELL NAWburnzz wrote:
FarCry2 ftwNooBesT wrote:
Resized one of the photos I had taken from Kenya for my desktop.

my wifes 18-200mm IS. i like her lense, <3 mine . . .

You may not karma the same person in a 24 hour period.burnzz wrote:
my wifes 18-200mm IS. i like her lense, <3 mine . . . … 8-6309.jpg

my first attempt at see through hood

pretty cool but what's that red line there?ghettoperson wrote:
Haha, that always happens when you get a new lens, you stop using everything else.
Got two tonight, finally got around to getting a tripod so I've been playing around with night shots and long shutter times. Nothing special, but I couldn't be bothered to go down into the street to get anything interesting. Both are f5.6 10sec. … 5e13_b.jpg … 00fe_b.jpg
That's a really cool idea, I like it!SealXo wrote:
my first attempt at see through hood … /050-1.jpg
It's the light from a scooter that drove by. Because of the length of the shutter time, you'll only see the light as the rest of it is dark. Done intentionally..Sup wrote:
pretty cool but what's that red line there?ghettoperson wrote:
Haha, that always happens when you get a new lens, you stop using everything else.
Got two tonight, finally got around to getting a tripod so I've been playing around with night shots and long shutter times. Nothing special, but I couldn't be bothered to go down into the street to get anything interesting. Both are f5.6 10sec. … 5e13_b.jpg … 00fe_b.jpg
thanks! I'm planning on redoing it when i get my higher tripod and get a more appropriate location besides my garage.... I just used that for practice to see if i could do itghettoperson wrote:
That's a really cool idea, I like it!SealXo wrote:
my first attempt at see through hood … /050-1.jpg
niagara falls

Last edited by SealXo (2009-08-19 11:39:57)
Crappy but cool video taken today of a Humpback and her calf north of Provincetown, Ma. I know it's not a picture. Pictures later. I'm off to see District 9
La Jolla