Hey guys I have a small problem every time I try to make thread on my site it spits out this error
ANy help please?
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ] Duplicate entry '23273' for key 1 [1062] SQL INSERT INTO phpbb_posts (forum_id, poster_id, icon_id, poster_ip, post_time, post_approved, enable_bbcode, enable_smilies, enable_magic_url, enable_sig, post_username, post_subject, post_text, post_checksum, post_attachment, bbcode_bitfield, bbcode_uid, post_postcount, post_edit_locked, topic_id) VALUES (30, 2, 0, '', 1231640088, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', 'jhskjhd', 'sadasdasbkjdaskjdbj lksahdjklashd', '99d7823afca60945a1f04be4baefac73', 0, '', 'ianxkgay', 1, 0, 21707) BACKTRACE FILE: includes/db/mysql.php LINE: 174 CALL: dbal->sql_error() FILE: includes/functions_posting.php LINE: 1871 CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query() FILE: posting.php LINE: 1001 CALL: submit_post()