big air time. love this shit
Best Trick tomorrow is going to be ridiculous. Pastrana is the balls.
danny way is the fucking man
I love shit like this, dunno what channel it's being shown on here though
Best trick time!
theyre replaying the skateboard big air rail jam right now. check it out
X games is nasty and has been for years....
X games are awesome, have watched it for years, prefer the winter X tho

yeah cause when they did snowler-blading that was awesome! Hey guys lets create a lame sport and see how ratings go!TPM-J45P3R- wrote:
X games are awesome, have watched it for years, prefer the winter X tho
<3 this shit
bmx big air is
Can't believe pastrana broke his leg
Edit - I also hope that they don't completely fuck rally this year, last year was a fucking joke.
Edit - I also hope that they don't completely fuck rally this year, last year was a fucking joke.
Last edited by iceman785 (2011-07-28 23:56:35)
ya that sucks big time
shaun white is a sicko
Rally later today! Stoked!
Just got done watching Rally Cross. Quite frankly, Deegan is a douche. He goes on to say he's had a rough weekend with his car n shit, yet Travis still almost gets bronze with a broken ankle? Travis would've had that shit if his foot wasn't fucked. Still an amazing race from him though.
Gonna watch the rest of the stuff tomorrow, haven't gone to bed for 20 hours =/
Gonna watch the rest of the stuff tomorrow, haven't gone to bed for 20 hours =/
This guy:
lives like an hour away from me.
lives like an hour away from me.
That front flip was sick, wish Travis had pulled off the Rodeo 720, prolly woulda won with it.