anyone watch this show? just started it last week and am already on s4. check it out
I've seen a little.
It's not the sort of show you can get high to, tbh.
It's not the sort of show you can get high to, tbh.
Whats it about?
milf weedSEREVENT wrote:
Whats it about?
You ever see the show weeds?
My gf loves that show so I watch it with her sometimes. Andy is the funniest character on the show imo.
doug ftw
kevin nealon is my idol
kevin nealon is my idol
So you've watched the one's with Doug and his mermex right? That was some funny shit.ph1shman420 wrote:
doug ftw
kevin nealon is my idol
ha that just happened 5 mins ago
"El andy is a good man. He will not die today, you will die! "
This show has been my Sopranos replacement.
This show has been my Sopranos replacement.
the wire was my sopranos replacement
Mmh, liked it till this season, season 5. It's nothing like the "old" weeds. Looks like its more about mexicans than weed.
Watched season 1. I hated all the characters but I hated Doug the least.
I liked the first two seasons, but it's definitely become more drama-y and less comedy. Doug used to be the shit but now he's just a douchebag. I'm still watching every episode though.
Bump for CapnNismo
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
last season wasnt that good. when is the new one coming out?
I just finished season 2. I'm so late to the party. So far I think it's fucking
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
I really didnt like this show
Tu Stultus Es
I'm only on like ep 6 from the first season, but it's nice, I like it so far. Doesn't beat Desperate Housewives, but it's still neat in its own way.
i saw the first two seasons then forgot about it.
I love weeds.
ummmCapnNismo wrote:
I'm only on like ep 6 from the first season, but it's nice, I like it so far. Doesn't beat Desperate Housewives, but it's still neat in its own way.
The first few seasons are pretty great...after that it starts to go downhill.
You should just watch it. I think it's one of the best series on tv nowadays.whaaaaaaaaaat wrote:
ummmCapnNismo wrote:
I'm only on like ep 6 from the first season, but it's nice, I like it so far. Doesn't beat Desperate Housewives, but it's still neat in its own way.
its ok if you wanna watch a drug related show check out' breaking bad' lol