No, they store stats locally.Obiwan wrote:
I like the new stuff added, but no one really plays bf2 anymore and I was wondering if it would be possible to had other game stat options like cod4,world at war ect.
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
Aight, I didn't know if it was easy or not to do that but thought I should ask. thanks for the quick reply.
Fabulous work geeeeeza
Wow, just came back from a trip, was scared to see the site was changed
Is' nice
Is' nice
eese preetty.
I like it.
EDIT: oh man this is really cool!
I like it.
EDIT: oh man this is really cool!
Last edited by RoosterCantrell (2009-07-28 19:47:46) wrote:
I like the new stuff added, but no one really plays bf2 anymore and I was wondering if it would be possible to had other game stat options like cod4,world at war ect.
People do still play BF2, and according to this one set of stats, more so than COD5: World at War
Thanks chuy! Much appreciated, love your work
whaawhooo.... you got some get up and go back.....nIcE
looks cool.
looks cool.
I like this new design a lot. Worked out better than I hoped for!
3930K | H100i | RIVF | 16GB DDR3 | GTX 480 | AX750 | 800D | 512GB SSD | 3TB HDD | Xonar DX | W8
Spell check still doesn't work. It worked for like 1 day after I cleared the cache. Now, that doesn't do the trick.
Fixed again. Don't even need to clear your cache. Sorry, fix got lost in a shuffle.
No worries. I just stink at spelling.chuyskywalker wrote:
Fixed again. Don't even need to clear your cache. Sorry, fix got lost in a shuffle.
forums looks good
Wowza, I leave for 3 days, come back to a whole new site. Good job Chuy, looks great.
Wow people play CoD 2 more than CoD WaW!jsnipy wrote: wrote:
I like the new stuff added, but no one really plays bf2 anymore and I was wondering if it would be possible to had other game stat options like cod4,world at war ect.
People do still play BF2, and according to this one set of stats, more so than COD5: World at War
CoD WaW is a much better WW2 game than 2, hands down. The weapons are better, more recoil, the gameplay is less noobish, less grenade spam. I'd say out of all the CoD games, WaW comes the closest to UO, which was the least faggot out of all the CoD MP games.
Wait, I guess I just answered my own statement as to why more people play 2 than WaW
Still, nothing beats Red Orchestra as my favourite WW2 FPS. Sometimes I wish I would get a new PC so I could at least revisit all my old PC games like BF2 and Red Orchestra
Last edited by Mekstizzle (2009-07-30 07:34:21)
So once I upload an image, what exactly am I to do with it?

Is it like an in forum photobucket or something?

Is it like an in forum photobucket or something?
Last edited by Doctor Strangelove (2009-07-30 13:42:37)
Link to it like that.
If you click the little diamond next to an item, and then on "BBCode" it will make the bbcode you need to copy/paste.
I might make that bbcode a bit more accessible.
If you click the little diamond next to an item, and then on "BBCode" it will make the bbcode you need to copy/paste.
I might make that bbcode a bit more accessible.
Uploading images?!!?!?!?
Whoever is responsible must have my babies
Whoever is responsible must have my babies

must be blocked by the firewall. imma getting a white square with a red x.
is it video, video related?
is it video, video related?
If you delete a file it's deleted. The upload service, while looking slickly integrated, is completely separate from the forums. Acting upon files doesn't affect the posts here in anyway.
Of course, if you've linked to an image and delete it, when someone tries to load said image, it will fail.
Of course, if you've linked to an image and delete it, when someone tries to load said image, it will fail.
I like how Jeff is logged in 24/7. It's kind of like that speed trap where the cop car is empty sometimes, but other times it actually has a cop in it.