
GravyDan wrote:

5000 B.C. era.  Everyone gets pointy sticks, while snipers get rocks to throw.  Unlocks include pointy-er sticks and dual pronged sticks for the assault class. Medic class just comes along and fucks you up worse than you were before.  Mountable dinosaurs and mammoths.
-An engine that helps modders and not limit them.
formerly from OC (it's EXACTLY like on tv)[truth]
+77|5930|Greatest Nation on Earth(USA)


(for the lulz)

EDIT: added 2nd pic

Last edited by nickb64 (2009-07-25 21:25:26)

Care [ ] - Don't care [x]

DrunkFace wrote:

WWII era
Yeah but done properly for once. We need a really good large scale final WW2 game.

A game where all the major factions are in; England, Japan, (China), United States, France, Germany, Italy, Russia!!!

I want to see some epic maps and MP modes.
+947|6831|Gold Coast
More European forces. I'd like some pwnage with EU vs Russia or China vs EU or even Russia vs China

Can we see Australia some time soo-
Fuck it. We'll never be in video games unless we make it ourselves 
If it's anything like PR I won't even consider purchasing it.

I'll take no clays, less nades, better weapon/class balance, and better hit reg over realism any day.

edlT wrote:

If it's anything like PR I won't even consider purchasing it.

I'll take no clays, less nades, better weapon/class balance, and better hit reg over realism any day.
lol, come on, what makes you think the DICE developers will make a hardcore realistic game?
Well no jets in Bf3 is what I wanna see, should be support power, to much power to a single vehicle is gonna make the other side just bitching and they who fly are just gonna tell us to learn how to shot it down. Unless we get some damn good AA shit those jets are gonna rock the sky again and that's what put me of in BF2 and maybe the reason many preferred infantry maps over vehicle maps.

firebolt5 wrote:

edlT wrote:

If it's anything like PR I won't even consider purchasing it.

I'll take no clays, less nades, better weapon/class balance, and better hit reg over realism any day.
lol, come on, what makes you think the DICE developers will make a hardcore realistic game?
The whole fact that we have an entire community of PR players begging them to do so? Quite frankly its sad to think that they might be pressured into doing something like that.

Last edited by edlT (2009-07-26 10:04:01)

Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5803|Bolingbrook, Illinois
Just a question, why do you guys hate PR so much?
got any popo lolo intersting?

HaiBai wrote:

Just a question, why do you guys hate PR so much?
Because it is slow-paced and boring. Those who prefer it can play it and leave BF3 for those who enjoy the BF series as they are.
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6950|New Hampshire, USA
Idk why everyone hated jets so much, I never had a problem with them.  Tbh, I thought airplanes were one of the things that really set the battlefield franchise apart from others.  When I first played BF1942, I was floored that you could drive jeeps, tanks, artillery, fighters, bombers, subs, destroyers, even a damn aircraft carrier.  Then add a solid shooter aspect, and you have a great formula.  Somewhere along the way they've kinda lost that and are moving towards generic shooters with under powered vehicles.  I miss the old balance

Last edited by -=]NS[=-Eagle (2009-07-26 12:02:39)

DeathUnlimited wrote:

HaiBai wrote:

Just a question, why do you guys hate PR so much?
Because it is slow-paced and boring. Those who prefer it can play it and leave BF3 for those who enjoy the BF series as they are.
Not only that but it's full of 40 year old men taking it incredibly serious, yelling at teammates through VOIP and raging. I played it once and after 10 minutes of hearing them trying so hard I started tking just to see what they'd do.

What followed can never be repeated again.
formerly from OC (it's EXACTLY like on tv)[truth]
+77|5930|Greatest Nation on Earth(USA)
For the lulz- BF: Civil War or something crazy and old(would probably suck though.

WW1 would be cool, since it's not really been done other than BF1942 mod, but would probably suck/be very graphics intensive to get the full effect = massive minimum requirements

edlT wrote:

DeathUnlimited wrote:

HaiBai wrote:

Just a question, why do you guys hate PR so much?
Because it is slow-paced and boring. Those who prefer it can play it and leave BF3 for those who enjoy the BF series as they are.
Not only that but it's full of 40 year old men taking it incredibly serious, yelling at teammates through VOIP and raging. I played it once and after 10 minutes of hearing them trying so hard I started tking just to see what they'd do.

What followed can never be repeated again.
The majority age of PR players are about 18-25. … ys-42.html

firebolt5 wrote:

edlT wrote:

DeathUnlimited wrote:

Because it is slow-paced and boring. Those who prefer it can play it and leave BF3 for those who enjoy the BF series as they are.
Not only that but it's full of 40 year old men taking it incredibly serious, yelling at teammates through VOIP and raging. I played it once and after 10 minutes of hearing them trying so hard I started tking just to see what they'd do.

What followed can never be repeated again.
The majority age of PR players are about 18-25. … ys-42.html
thats not the point
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6979|The darkside of Denver

-=]NS[=-Eagle wrote:

Idk why everyone hated jets so much, I never had a problem with them.  Tbh, I thought airplanes were one of the things that really set the battlefield franchise apart from others.  When I first played BF1942, I was floored that you could drive jeeps, tanks, artillery, fighters, bombers, subs, destroyers, even a damn aircraft carrier.  Then add a solid shooter aspect, and you have a great formula.  Somewhere along the way they've kinda lost that and are moving towards generic shooters with under powered vehicles.  I miss the old balance
OMG, spoke so eloquently.  +1
Wrench turnin' fool
More splash damage + stronger armor for tanks, and stronger pistols please.
"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"
Germans did 911
+427|7000|Disaster Free Zone

KuSTaV wrote:

More European forces. I'd like some pwnage with EU vs Russia or China vs EU or even Russia vs China

Can we see Australia some time soo-
Fuck it. We'll never be in video games unless we make it ourselves 
They don't do it, cause if they did we'd make everyone else look so shit.

Zefar wrote:

Well no jets in Bf3 is what I wanna see, should be support power, to much power to a single vehicle is gonna make the other side just bitching and they who fly are just gonna tell us to learn how to shot it down. Unless we get some damn good AA shit those jets are gonna rock the sky again and that's what put me of in BF2 and maybe the reason many preferred infantry maps over vehicle maps.
Never play 1942 or Vietnam?
Planes though powerful were also very weak.

Last edited by DrunkFace (2009-07-27 23:11:39)

- Battlecraft 3
- LOTS of static objects
- "Modular" static objects; instead of a tower being one object, its made of say, three different floors and a top & bottom.  That way you could change the layout of buildings while keeping the number of static objects down.
- LOTS of vehicles
- This will make EA lots more money.
- Automatic downloads of maps which you don't have, when you go to play them.  Quake 2 had this feature.
- Randomly-generated maps on multiplayer servers.  Good algorithms could help here.
- The ability to customise kits as part of a map/mod - say create a kit with only a knife and an AK, which you could have spawn inside a building for example.

- A better anti-cheat system than BF2.
- Ban all macros - that means not releasing G15s etc in BF3 livery (GRR!!)
- Any stats older than a month don't count towards your rank - you want those stars?  You better keep playing.
- Better balance than BF2; planes are too dominant.
- Less awards, but more levels within the awards.
- If its going to be modern warfare, a full re-make of BF1942 as a mod.  If its faithful to the original, I won't have any qualms about buying it.

- Points for doing lots of different stuff.  I've played BF1942 since 2002, BFV and BF2.  BF2 has far better teamwork than BF1942/V because it rewards people for teamwork.

Last edited by Pubic (2009-07-28 03:37:45)


Pubic wrote:


- Points for doing lots of different stuff.  I've played BF1942 since 2002, BFV and BF2.  BF2 has far better teamwork than BF1942/V because it rewards people for teamwork.
And here you are wrong..

The  skill level of Bf1942 was quit higher then BF2..
People shouldn't be rewarerd to help team mate at all.

They they would only do it for there points. Most people aren't even aware when I need a medic... or ammo.

Krysiss wrote:

Pubic wrote:


- Points for doing lots of different stuff.  I've played BF1942 since 2002, BFV and BF2.  BF2 has far better teamwork than BF1942/V because it rewards people for teamwork.
And here you are wrong..

The  skill level of Bf1942 was quit higher then BF2..
People shouldn't be rewarerd to help team mate at all.

They they would only do it for there points. Most people aren't even aware when I need a medic... or ammo.
At least points are a mild motivation to help spin some level of teamwork. I remember in 1942/DC I was lucky to ever see a group on my team larger than three.

I might agree limiting point rewards to aiding you squad might be a better idea.

jsnipy wrote:

Krysiss wrote:

Pubic wrote:


- Points for doing lots of different stuff.  I've played BF1942 since 2002, BFV and BF2.  BF2 has far better teamwork than BF1942/V because it rewards people for teamwork.
And here you are wrong..

The  skill level of Bf1942 was quit higher then BF2..
People shouldn't be rewarded to help team mate at all.

They they would only do it for there points. Most people aren't even aware when I need a medic... or ammo.
At least points are a mild motivation to help spin some level of teamwork. I remember in 1942/DC I was lucky to ever see a group on my team larger than three.

I might agree limiting point rewards to aiding you squad might be a better idea.
I think about teamwork you are right, but the teamwork was still better in Bf1942 and you even hadn't squad system did you know that! you could add friends so ^^

But it's about the quality of the fight.
the avarge joe would just run like rambo in BF2 . where BF1942 people alteast know what to do when they saw tank or plane coming.

I would blame the stats.

I think the stats system should be reworked that should award individual skill that promotes actions that has effective on the battlefield.

Instead giving him ribbon or medal for how much houres he sit in tank why not instead promote it how much tanks he killed. or how much people he killed.

camping with tank and killing 40 people inround is quit effective even if you less flags and have bleed

Second example

People who ask for ammo and you would do it 100 times ( requested by player ) you should be awared.
And I really don't mind if people can stats pad this. If I play that I want good team mates around me. who know what to do.
Stats should be learning curve for the player how to be effective on the battlefield.

Last edited by Krysiss (2009-07-28 05:34:32)


Krysiss wrote:

Pubic wrote:


- Points for doing lots of different stuff.  I've played BF1942 since 2002, BFV and BF2.  BF2 has far better teamwork than BF1942/V because it rewards people for teamwork.
And here you are wrong..

The  skill level of Bf1942 was quit higher then BF2..
People shouldn't be rewarerd to help team mate at all.

They they would only do it for there points. Most people aren't even aware when I need a medic... or ammo.
I'm not talking about overall skill, just teamwork.  I agree 100% that BF1942 players are more skilled than BF2 players - you learn to make do without UAVs, heaps of mobile spawns etc - just that the teamwork aspect is better in BF2, it was something people often talked about in "BF2 wishlist" threads.

People of all skill levels are point whores, and BF2 takes advantage of this as a mechanism for encouraging teamwork.
Goodbye :)
+399|6799|Somewhere else

FLIGHT queue!!!!!!!!!!!!!- Round starts, click on an in-game menu button that reserves a spot in line.   When it is your turn, you will "die" but not lose points, or the team won't lose a ticket.  You instantly respawn in the aircraft.  IF you die, you can re-enter the Queue at the end of the line.  EVEN IF YOU BAIL OUT-you must wait until you die, THEN you can enter the queue.  YOUR QUEUE will freeze if you are the driver of ANY VEHICLE, so you can't leave people in a lurch in a jeep, tank, boat, etc.

Server options to allow "clan" members to reserve every....5thslot in the queue.  (gives an incentive for people to pay for servers) so you can sorta cut in line,  but the 5th slot is only ONE slot that all ALLOWED clan members can fill, by jumping in, or being nearest to the empty slot in the QUEUE.

This above Idea is a bit, offensive to some people I think, but SOMETHING needs to be done about the Jet/Chopper TK/Theft/Crowding/stupidity.

MORE TANKS Slightly weaker against AT, better splash damage. OBSTRUCTED areas where armor cannot go.  Making it partial Infantry, partial vehicle maps. 

AA Radar Commander Asset-  Any AA near Friendly Cap points becomes more powerful/Accurate (or something Similiar)  making certain areas of the map dangerous to anything airborne, while other areas dangerous to drive through without AA suport of some sort.  Or, Engineers have better Accuracy with AA and TOW.

UNDERGROUND! cap points;  Bunkers, Tunnels, etc. where vehicles CANNOT reach

SPec-Ops have UAV DETECTION = Spec Ops know when they are under UAV and if the player stops moving (running/walking) they will not show up on UAV

Snipers DO NOT show up on UAV BUT cap flags at 1/4 Speed

Engineers carry AT Mines OR C4 OR Claymore-type explosives.

Kits More customizable like 2142.

Various kits give unique perks while commander
Spec-Ops: commanders are invisible to UAV, radar sweeps, and cannot be "pointed out"  Commander Assets 2X damage resistance
Support: commanders fire longer/more artillery shots,  quicker Supply drop timers.
Engineer: Commanders have longer UAVs,  All vehicles Repair faster on the TEAM, +5% damage
Medic: Squad Leaders have +15% hit points, Supply Crates heal 2X fast
Assault:  All Players have more Ammo and +3 Grenades

etc. etc.

AA Rocket (weaker than Standard AA) for Support, Engineer, AS A KIT OPTION. (I think 2142 had that? Yes?)

Some not so realistic options, but better for gameplay.

Attrition damage for uncaps.

SERVER OPTION- Cannot Steal Enemy Vehicles.

SERVER OPTION- Support CANNOT resupply Grenades.

C-RAM with weak armor-  Basically, aircraft are done for near it, but one AT round and it's destroyed (for better aircraft/troop teamwork)

FOR TK Bullshit.
Do Not Resuscitate button on keyboard.
Flashbangs, etc.  Do not team damage/disorientation.
Auto-kick for TKs, but for TKing ONE person repeatedly.

:::::::::::::::::::::Other Ideas::::::::::::::::
Method/Keyboard button for Planes to LAND TO RELOAD. (counter with MUCH great splash damage with bombs, and/or more armaments to them.

MORE DIVERSE PLANES on Zatar sized levels.


More Ticket options.


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