They fixed the awsm smiley, no more stupid teeth!
what mek
its great.
I cant work out why they/you have had to go and change it, it was working well before wasn't it? Im sure in time I will get used to the change, but why did it have to be done?
Fair enough Im only a member, I dont even donate but would if I had a paypal and a bank account so perhaps Im being a cheeky fucker, but I thought it was perfect before. I have never built a website or had to worry about one so maybe Im talking outta my depth.
Fair enough Im only a member, I dont even donate but would if I had a paypal and a bank account so perhaps Im being a cheeky fucker, but I thought it was perfect before. I have never built a website or had to worry about one so maybe Im talking outta my depth.
Looks good Chuy & Co. , well done!
I don't like the new forum layout... (no breaks between forums, etc) and would like maybe a couple subforums in the Other Titles section (GTA, Fallout, etc) but other than that, it's good.
Do the darker colours not do enough?Poseidon wrote:
I don't like the new forum layout... (no breaks between forums, etc) and would like maybe a couple subforums in the Other Titles section (GTA, Fallout, etc) but other than that, it's good.
(I had to do a hard refresh to get it working)
Yeah, I had to do a hard refresh to get 'em too.Snake wrote:
Do the darker colours not do enough?Poseidon wrote:
I don't like the new forum layout... (no breaks between forums, etc) and would like maybe a couple subforums in the Other Titles section (GTA, Fallout, etc) but other than that, it's good.
(I had to do a hard refresh to get it working)
Much better.
Ooooooooh that explains it.Poseidon wrote:
Yeah, I had to do a hard refresh to get 'em too.Snake wrote:
Do the darker colours not do enough?Poseidon wrote:
I don't like the new forum layout... (no breaks between forums, etc) and would like maybe a couple subforums in the Other Titles section (GTA, Fallout, etc) but other than that, it's good.
(I had to do a hard refresh to get it working)
Much better.
So pwetty
Poseidon wrote:
Yeah, I had to do a hard refresh to get 'em too.Snake wrote:
Do the darker colours not do enough?Poseidon wrote:
I don't like the new forum layout... (no breaks between forums, etc) and would like maybe a couple subforums in the Other Titles section (GTA, Fallout, etc) but other than that, it's good.
(I had to do a hard refresh to get it working)
Much better.
That had me going for a while too
Hm, I can't seem to get my Steam link working however
Never mind
Never mind
Last edited by SplinterStrike (2009-07-27 08:26:34)
I say you take away the "guests online." The hell with those wankers.
Username login is now case sensitive. Took me 5 min to login because I didn't realize it was changed
Everything else looks good so far!
Everything else looks good so far!
Love it already. And the bf forums have merged, FUCK YEAH!!!
menzo wrote:
i'm glad i could help test this
Last edited by War Man (2009-07-27 09:05:26)
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
This just blew my mind:
There's passive refreshing every 15 seconds O.o
There's passive refreshing every 15 seconds O.o
Anyway on the user side to change the time stamps back to x minutes/hours/days? Otherwise looks good.
Huh?Macbeth wrote:
Anyway on the user side to change the time stamps back to x minutes/hours/days? Otherwise looks good.
Oh god friggin dammit I just checked my gmail and saw the invite to test. My bad man. I am so bad at checking my personal email.
Lol ok um. You know where it puts the time you posted right above your username in the post? It used to be be posted X minutes/hours etc ago. Now it shows as a date and time. Is it stuck like that or can we change it back to how it was before through our preferances?
Woot! an idea I said happened!!chuyskywalker wrote:
Online Indicators with Xfire!

Try clearing your cache.Macbeth wrote:
Lol ok um. You know where it puts the time you posted right above your username in the post? It used to be be posted X minutes/hours etc ago. Now it shows as a date and time. Is it stuck like that or can we change it back to how it was before through our preferances?
Also: What do you see at this url?
Ugh stupid stupid Macbeth on my blackberry. Clearing the cache should do it. As for the url my BB says it can't display the page. Disregard me -_-
/*chuyskywalker wrote:
Also: What do you see at this url?
* jQuery JavaScript Library v1.3.2
* Copyright (c) 2009 John Resig
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
* Date: 2009-02-19 17:34:21 -0500 (Thu, 19 Feb 2009)
* Revision: 6246
window=this,undefined,_jQuery=window.jQuery,_$=window.$,jQuery=window.jQuery=window.$=function(selector,context){return new jQuery.fn.init(selector,context);},quickExpr=/^[^<]*(<(.|\s)+>)[^>]*$|^#([\w-]+)$/,isSimple=/^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/;jQuery.fn=jQuery.prototype={init:function(selector,context){selector=selector||document;if(selector.nodeType){this[0]=selector;this.length=1;this.context=selector;return this;}
if(typeof selector==="string"){var match=quickExpr.exec(selector);if(match&&(match[1]||!context)){if(match[1])
very long

yo clock is slow dude
Last edited by SamBo:D (2009-07-27 09:45:44)