So, I decided to change up my comp set up while installing my new mobo and PSU. One of the main things I wanted to do was mount my 3x120 radiator inside my case, preferably with intake air instead of exhaust air. And I wanted to run 3/8 ID tubing instead of 1/2 ID tubing, so I had to modify my pump as well... some pics so far, I still havent finished the side panel, so its off for now.
I chopped the ends off the pump and threaded them to fit G1/4 fittings, Using this guide: … p?t=178965
Next up was covering up the holes left by my former mounting bracket on the top of the case, I cut a piece of the mesh siding from an old case I had, screwed it on and filled in the gaps with bondo, later painted flat black:

After that, I made some mounting brackets for inside my case, where I finally figured out I could install this inside my Thermaltake Armor. I had to cut out the top 3 drive bays to make this work, A worthwhile trade imo:

With rad mounted:

tubing run and filled:

My oh so sweet cable management...:

Finished product up and running:

Still to come... side door, gonna be a bit lazy about getting that done though.
Last edited by Nic (2009-07-06 01:15:13)