Ok people watch this, lets see if we can maybe just maybe keep the, "I'm an american, and i have no opinion of my own" down to a mild scream shall we.
I and i am sure most of the rest of the world dont give a damn about you.
Watch this, think for a moment, turn your TV off and think.
All those women and children, killed for what? dying painful deaths just because you all believed a lie.
There flesh burnt from there bodies, so that you can drive around in you SUV's, talk about your feelings and watch you reality TV, all the while basking in your crack pot greatness.
If you watch this and think, oh well they had a chance to get out, they had it coming. If you are a heartless american that is but a drone of the red, white and blue. I hope that you and your family fall prey to some sort of terrorist attack, so that you may feel what these poor people have to live with.
I know there are loads of great americans, americans that still believe in what america is about. Which upon reading about america. What the founding fathers said, did and got done. You are truely americans and the world waits with baited breath for you to change america. From a money and oil hungrey country into something that even i cant imagine.
If i have offended the good people in america, i am sorry. If i offended those for the war before and during. I dont give a shit.
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … mp;pl=true
I and i am sure most of the rest of the world dont give a damn about you.
Watch this, think for a moment, turn your TV off and think.
All those women and children, killed for what? dying painful deaths just because you all believed a lie.
There flesh burnt from there bodies, so that you can drive around in you SUV's, talk about your feelings and watch you reality TV, all the while basking in your crack pot greatness.
If you watch this and think, oh well they had a chance to get out, they had it coming. If you are a heartless american that is but a drone of the red, white and blue. I hope that you and your family fall prey to some sort of terrorist attack, so that you may feel what these poor people have to live with.
I know there are loads of great americans, americans that still believe in what america is about. Which upon reading about america. What the founding fathers said, did and got done. You are truely americans and the world waits with baited breath for you to change america. From a money and oil hungrey country into something that even i cant imagine.
If i have offended the good people in america, i am sorry. If i offended those for the war before and during. I dont give a shit.
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … mp;pl=true