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Bradt3hleader wrote:

Did I say something wrong ?

BTW history is my favorite subject. It's awesome! Oh, and I love it when my teacher has to tell me to shut up because I talk too much about it when she's giving the lesson, I'm telling her students what REALLY happened
You're a faggot.
Care [ ] - Don't care [x]

Jestar wrote:

Bradt3hleader wrote:

Did I say something wrong ?

BTW history is my favorite subject. It's awesome! Oh, and I love it when my teacher has to tell me to shut up because I talk too much about it when she's giving the lesson, I'm telling her students what REALLY happened
You're a faggot.
So what else is new?
+33|6676|the Great British Queendom :)
I got my medals the other day for being a beta tester, since then I haven't played as it really sucks! Perhaps thats because I play BF2 too much by far and Heroes is lame compared! Perhaps I would play if I had a mental age of 12 or something, unfourtunatley my mental age is about 14!
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6467|San Antonio, Texas
I think this is like the Wii. Drag in more gamers that wouldn't dish out money for the more serious Battlefield games, or may find those online games too "hardcore." But if they find this freebie to be interesting enough, they'll buy 2, 2142, BC, 1943 and so on.

Dressing up your hero ain't too much. And some clothes need real cash to use. All weapons as of now are free to buy using game currency. Not too many weapons yet.

Wingclipping's fun, tank smashing is satisfying with the bunnyhopping infantry with TNT in their hands.

It's a silly BF. That's made clear by that 80s-inspired trailer they made on soft release day; reminded me of Pork Chop Sandviches.

Last edited by Cyrax-Sektor (2009-07-09 15:23:54)

Surprisingly enough, it's a pretty fun game to play with some friends when you're all on the same side. The casual lulz of the game makes most things funny so it's hard to rage.. and its free been keeping me entertained for a few days now.
"Heroes is third-person, it's more a casual thing, with lots of unlocks. It's almost like Battlefield meets World of Warcraft" -Patrick Liu, Lead Producer of BF1943

They aren't even defending this shit anymore
Parcel of ol' Crams

Fat_Swinub wrote:

"Heroes is third-person, it's more a casual thing, with lots of unlocks. It's almost like Battlefield meets World of Warcraft" -Patrick Liu, Lead Producer of BF1943

They aren't even defending this shit anymore
is that quote suppose to be a negative thing?
french canadians suck

Tehremos wrote:

Fat_Swinub wrote:

"Heroes is third-person, it's more a casual thing, with lots of unlocks. It's almost like Battlefield meets World of Warcraft" -Patrick Liu, Lead Producer of BF1943

They aren't even defending this shit anymore
is that quote suppose to be a negative thing?
It's the most negative thing I've ever heard a producer say about a game.

TrashBlinD wrote:

Tehremos wrote:

Fat_Swinub wrote:

"Heroes is third-person, it's more a casual thing, with lots of unlocks. It's almost like Battlefield meets World of Warcraft" -Patrick Liu, Lead Producer of BF1943

They aren't even defending this shit anymore
is that quote suppose to be a negative thing?
It's the most negative thing I've ever heard a producer say about a game.
why would comparing your game to the current most played multiplayer game on the market be a bad thing?
brb grinding for my SS pie-shooting shotgun
that i get to keep for a whole FOUR days
*clucks like a chicken*

this is the future of gaming
+1,411|7061|FUCK UBISOFT

Fat_Swinub wrote:

*clucks like a chicken*

this is the future of gaming
if you cluck enough you get the chicken as a pet.

Fat_Swinub wrote:

brb grinding for my SS pie-shooting shotgun

artofsurvival wrote:

I got my medals the other day for being a beta tester, since then I haven't played as it really sucks! Perhaps thats because I play BF2 too much by far and Heroes is lame compared! Perhaps I would play if I had a mental age of 12 or something, unfourtunatley my mental age is about 14!
It's ok, you can say it, you have to be absolutely retarded to play this game. I can't imagine anyone playing this game over even solitaire.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5803|Bolingbrook, Illinois
One Million Battlefield Heroes Players
EA announced today that Battlefield Heroes has 1 million players.


STOCKHOLM - Calling all soldiers! Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ:ERTS) today announced that Battlefield Heroes™, the unique Play 4 Free third-person shooter, has already recruited one million players to sign up for the game. With no barriers to entry, Battlefield Heroes is EA’s most recent title under the web-based free to download, free to play business model which generates revenue through advertising and in-game item sales. Recently going live in June, tens of thousands of new players are joining the battle daily.

Battlefield Heroes is easy to pick up and delivers all of the award-winning signature Battlefield sandbox multiplayer gameplay. The game features robust character customisation and a deep ability and mission system where gamers can spend hours building up their characters. Now anyone can be a hero on the battlefield.

Players can now quickly download and easily launch the game from Before going into battle across four intense maps, gamers can create a number of personalized characters. Battlefield Heroes features a non-traditional third-person camera view so players can admire their one-of-a-kind hero while taking out the enemy. Character customisation items are available for Valor Points (points earned by playing the game) or with Battlefunds (a fictional currency bought with a credit card or PayPal) so players can update or change their hero’s style at any time.

Battlefield Heroes is a new EA title that is offered completely for free* and with its fun cartoon-style graphics, the game caters to players of all skill levels. It also features a built-in matchmaking system to ensure that each gamer in the 16-player matches are of equal skill and paired together for fair play.

“The team is really proud to have hit 1 million registrations at this early stage,” said Ben Cousins, General Manager, Battlefield Heroes Team. “Creating a character and gameplay experience that is totally yours is what sets this game apart – your hero can be anything from a bazooka-toting pirate, a grenade-throwing ninja or even a mime assassin!”

+244|7008|arica harbour
Battlefield hero's, and there making Bad company 2 and a new bf3 game. obviously more trash coming out of DICE's anus like always again. was hoping BF3 would be out by now.. Its better for the BF community and DICE to have them just make BF3, but i guess they have the notion of thinking there going to make money out of people's stupidity again.

Bring on COD Modern warfare 2......
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

specialistx2324 wrote:

Battlefield hero's, and there making Bad company 2 and a new bf3 game. obviously more trash coming out of DICE's anus like always again. was hoping BF3 would be out by now.. Its better for the BF community and DICE to have them just make BF3, but i guess they have the notion of thinking there going to make money out of people's stupidity again.

Bring on COD Modern warfare 2......
No one thinks you're cool.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6857|Long Island, New York

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

specialistx2324 wrote:

Battlefield hero's, and there making Bad company 2 and a new bf3 game. obviously more trash coming out of DICE's anus like always again. was hoping BF3 would be out by now.. Its better for the BF community and DICE to have them just make BF3, but i guess they have the notion of thinking there going to make money out of people's stupidity again.

Bring on COD Modern warfare 2......
No one thinks you're cool.
I swear to fucking god, every single one of his posts are damn near identical to each other.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Battlefield [name] is so bad. DICE can't do anything without screwing up because they fail and suck. They should stop supporting their games cuz they're old and I don't play them anymore. They should also have made BF3 by now instead of making games that are actually cool and unique. Also CoD4 is soooooooo much better than Battlefield. CoD4 is really awesome and all the cool people play it. I mean sure the MP is repetitive and not even that good in the first place, but it doesn't have as many bugs as BF2. Also BF2 1.5 will never get released, oh wait but it did. Never mind then, but BF2 1.5 will suck, oh wait it fixed allot of the major problems with the game and even added a new map. Never mind, since I don't play BF2 anymore I don't care if it gets patched or not. I do like to play CoD4 allot though as that game KICKS ASS!! I mean sure it hasn't been patched in over a year despite having awful balance and more exploits and bugs than I like to pretend there are, but IW are awesome unlike DICE and know that supporting old titles is for suckers so they are releasing a new game so that I give them another $60 (it used to be $50 for me but then I upgraded to a Sexy-Bawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwcks, and I still use the term upgrade even though my PC is faster than the Sexy-Bawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwcks even could be) for another game. MW2 is going to be the best game ever, did you see the awesome Ice-climbing gameplay? That was so intense. I mean, I was totally scared at the part where the guy's picks start sliding down, Spoiler (highlight to read):
I could never has guessed that Soap would save the guy and I thought that the game would end right there. Now where was I? Oh yeah, Battlefield. DICE is just sholving trash down our throats. I mean sure they have like 100 employees, and already have a good game engine to base their games around but they are making too many games. They should just make BF3, even though I stopped caring about Battlefield a while ago. Also DICE should have released BF2 1.5 years ago, and because it took them so long, the patch sucks. I don't care if it makes the game a million times better, I stopped caring about BF2 and so anything that DICE does to help the game is fail.

Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5803|Bolingbrook, Illinois
Battlefield Heroes Release Trailer
Last month DICE posted up a trailer similar to the one below, although this one features a different intro explaining the crazy Battlefield Heroes story. This goes along with the press release from yesterday announcing one million BFH players.
HD 720p Stream | HD Download (55 MB)

HaiBai wrote:

Battlefield Heroes Release Trailer
Last month DICE posted up a trailer similar to the one below, although this one features a different intro explaining the crazy Battlefield Heroes story. This goes along with the press release from yesterday announcing one million BFH players.
HD 720p Stream | HD Download (55 MB)
best trailer ever!!!
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5803|Bolingbrook, Illinois
NVIDIA ION Case Mod Contest
NVIDIA announced a new contest today challenging people to come up with a creative case idea for their ultra small ION gaming platform. All you have to do is come up with a creative idea for a case mod. From there they will narrow it down to the top 30 and 5 professional case modders will select one to actually build.

What does this have to do with Battlefield? Semi-finalists in the contest will win 1400 Battlefield Heroes Battlefield funds among some other great prizes.

Yes, that actually is an NVIDIA ION computer in the vase below.


NVIDIA ION™ is changing the industry with unprecedented performance in small, energy efficient PCs. Now ION is going to transform the shape of PCs too, with help from enthusiasts like you.

Starting Monday, July 13th, residents of the United States and Canada can submit ideas for an NVIDIA ION platform-based case mod in the ION mod forums on Modders-Inc, CPU Magazine, and NVIDIA will narrow down the list to the top 30.

Five professional modders will then select their five favorite ideas from the list of 30, and build ION-based case mods inspired by those ideas.

The modders along with their creations will be featured in the November issue of CPU Magazine, and the winning mod will be featured on the cover of the December issue. Judging will be based on overall design, creativity, compact size, and functionality.

The winning mod will be awarded as a prize to the person who conceived the original idea. The four runners-up whose ideas were also built into actual mods will win a Zotac ION motherboard, a copy of The Sims 3, and 1400 Battle funds for Battlefield Heroes. All 30 individuals whose ideas were selected will receive a free subscription to CPU Magazine.

The contest is open to residents of the United States and Canada who are 13 years and older. Entries must be submitted between July 13th and August 10th. For more information and ongoing updates go to or follow @nvidiaion on Twitter.

+1,230|7162|Alberta, Canada

When will DICE and EA realize that Battlefield has passed the point of no return? The series was finished with BF2142 in my opinion. They are just pushing it with Bad Company, 1943, and Heroes. Give it up already.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5803|Bolingbrook, Illinois
IGN Reviews Battlefield Heroes
IGN posted an updated review of Battlefield Heroes giving it an 8 / 10. Remember Battlefield Heroes is free and available now on


Naturally, the vehicles are always popular and you'll run into the standard Battlefield frustration of players racing off by themselves in vehicles designed to hold two or three people. The ="I Need a Ride" emote comes in handy in those situations, as does the Battlefield standby of simply shooting the vehicle you want to join until the driver notices you. The jeeps are obviously great for getting from A to B quickly, and the option to carry a few passengers makes them excellent for drive-bys. The tank is remarkably powerful but can definitely be taken out by a concentrated infantry effort. The plane is definitely one of the most fun vehicles. The controls are a bit dodgy, but strafing ground units and dogfighting in the sky are definite high points in the game. Best of all, you can carry two allies on the wings who can parachute down onto enemy bases.

On top of the overall class system, there's the opportunity for players to spend hero points and valor points to upgrade their abilities and purchase new weapons and boosts. Experience points are earned through regular play so they'll accumulate over time even if you're not a power player. Earn enough and you'll level up and gain the option to increase one of your class's core abilities. The nice thing about the system is that you can refund your points at any time and try out different specialties. If, for instance, you find that the Gunner's keg bomb is lame (which it is) you can happily trade in those points to try out the frenzy fire power. Read the rest...


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