+3,936|6819|so randum
clothes hardly make a person
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Actually Saggers in my business don't do so bad, they have a hustle to them and usually can turn that into a profit.. And yes I'm talking about Urban Youth in the banking industry, so as long as they don't have criminal records and can dress responsibly at work I say fine..

I'm not exactly the prim and proper type but I do that for a reason and most the time it works out better then not.
+302|7055|Salt Lake City

Lowing, let me ask you something.  When you see a group of bikers on the road in their thick black leather boots, well worn levis, a t-shirt, a bandanna, and a jacket with their moniker, do you automatically assume they are drug dealing drifters?  Sure some are, but many of these modern day bikers are weekend recreation riders, and professionals during the week.  I'm talking doctors, lawyers, police officers and many other professions; I know several personally.  You are automatically assuming, based on what some one wears in their off time is what they wear all the time, including their work...or lack there of.

So while your comments aren't racist, they certainly are prejudice in nature.  You have painted an entire group based strictly on what they wear.  It's a clothing style, and nothing more.  While some likely do belong to the group you mentioned, it certainly isn't all of them.  Back in the '80s it was big hair and pants so tight you could tell if a guy had been circumcised.  It's a fad that will pass, just like every other fad.

Varegg wrote:

lowing wrote:

AussieReaper wrote:

And avoid the airports, so as not to offend lowing.
I don't have a right not to be offended, I assume so since you still have not schooled me on the Bill of Rights like you asked if you should. You also have proven yourself a hypocrite regarding this issue, I am not allowed to have a negative opinion on this life style ( makes me a racist) yet you endorse legislating another form of the same thing negative and destructive behavior, and why? Because YOU are now offended.

I am offended, they are fools and it is a negative and destructive life style. My only concern with it however ( outside of me being offended) is I see no reason to support people like this, which, generally, the tax payer eventually does, in one form or another, regardless if you like it or not.
Destructive lifestyle?

How exactly does your tax dollars find their way to a sagger lowing?

It is an image that was founded by prison inmates, and worn by gangstas, or is that a positive life style in your eyes?

Look at who is sagging, then look at how they live. How does my tax dollars pay? Because if I am not paying for social services for people in this category, I am paying for prison terms or will. This life style will not get you hired so you can sustain your own life, and since we now live in a country that it is not necessary for you to so, the tax payer, eventually, will flip the bill.

lets call this for what it is...

sagging was made popular around the hip hop culture because thats what you did in prison, so it made you look like a thug i guess.

white people do it because it makes them think they are cool and hip

nlsme1 wrote:

Being a taxpayer myself, I can understand not wanting tax dollars going to things that make ME uncomfortable. That is why I am calling on the government to stop spending money on the infrastructure that keeps the internet functioning. That way, I won't be bothered with the dribble that spews from your mind. Or, I can accept the fact you have every right to constantly spew irrational thoughts however you wish, and if I feel uncomfortable, it is MY RIGHT not to pay you any mind. To let you go about your life in the way you had planned. A way that does not effect any part of me (save for the part that thinks I am better then you) and get the fuck on with my day. All this dribble shows you think you are better then someone based on the way they dress. Get a clue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, I could go on and on, on how I think the government wastes money. If you really wanted me to I would point out how much money was wasted on hiring private aircraft mechanics.
I can tell you now, that you do not have to be exposed with my dribble, here is how. When you see my name, don't read it and look it didn't cost the tax payer a single penny.

Yes please, explain to me why the govt. ( who owns alot of aircraft) does not need aircraft mechanics.

Oh and lastly................Pull your fuckin' pants up

FatherTed wrote:

clothes hardly make a person
I disagree to a point, it is a reflection of your personality and your attitude. Saggers want to emulate gang affiliation, or street cred in some capacity. Why not focus that attention in a more positive that oh I dunno, you can build a quality life on.

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Lowing, let me ask you something.  When you see a group of bikers on the road in their thick black leather boots, well worn levis, a t-shirt, a bandanna, and a jacket with their moniker, do you automatically assume they are drug dealing drifters?  Sure some are, but many of these modern day bikers are weekend recreation riders, and professionals during the week.  I'm talking doctors, lawyers, police officers and many other professions; I know several personally.  You are automatically assuming, based on what some one wears in their off time is what they wear all the time, including their work...or lack there of.

So while your comments aren't racist, they certainly are prejudice in nature.  You have painted an entire group based strictly on what they wear.  It's a clothing style, and nothing more.  While some likely do belong to the group you mentioned, it certainly isn't all of them.  Back in the '80s it was big hair and pants so tight you could tell if a guy had been circumcised.  It's a fad that will pass, just like every other fad.
Yes I know of the bikers you speak of, they are called posers, and I am not offended by them ya know why, because they dress like that when they ride, go into biker bars, or go to their functions.

Saggers woddle around everywhere, with their hands on their crotch holding their pants up.

If you and I were walking down the street together, and we passed a group of saggers acting all "gangsta", I would gladly make a wager with you about their lifes status. I would even let you choose winner or loser in the game of life. Where will you put your paycheck?

Now again please, tell me, since you know biker posers, how many sagger posers do you know, where they are a doctor, lawyer, police officers etc. in the day and walk the streets at night being all gangsta? (I asked before and no one touched it.)
Fodder Mostly

lowing wrote:

FatherTed wrote:

clothes hardly make a person
I disagree to a point, it is a reflection of your personality and your attitude. Saggers want to emulate gang affiliation, or street cred in some capacity. Why not focus that attention in a more positive that oh I dunno, you can build a quality life on.
Selective memory eh? I mentioned organized crime and you asked me wtf that had to do with this. Honestly lowing I'm gonna stop responding to threads created by you.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|6021|College Park, MD

lowing wrote:

how many sagger posers do you know, where they are a doctor, lawyer, police officers etc. in the day and walk the streets at night being all gangsta? (I asked before and no one touched it.)
Someone's gonna say they know a couple, even if they don't, just to try and prove ya wrong

Honestly if saggers want to not be judged poorly they should try and improve the image they have. First impressions are everything, and most people's first impressions when they see a sagger is that he/she's a troublemaker. That's the stereotype associated with them and it was NOT made out of thin air.

Narupug wrote:

lowing wrote:

FatherTed wrote:

clothes hardly make a person
I disagree to a point, it is a reflection of your personality and your attitude. Saggers want to emulate gang affiliation, or street cred in some capacity. Why not focus that attention in a more positive that oh I dunno, you can build a quality life on.
Selective memory eh? I mentioned organized crime and you asked me wtf that had to do with this. Honestly lowing I'm gonna stop responding to threads created by you.
and I answered your organized crime comment. What you are doing is affiliating sagging with organize crime ( gangstas ) and I will let you run with it.

Choices are made and organized crime is not a positive choice, this leads to a young death or prison. and yes the tax payers pay.

lowing wrote:

nlsme1 wrote:

Being a taxpayer myself, I can understand not wanting tax dollars going to things that make ME uncomfortable. That is why I am calling on the government to stop spending money on the infrastructure that keeps the internet functioning. That way, I won't be bothered with the dribble that spews from your mind. Or, I can accept the fact you have every right to constantly spew irrational thoughts however you wish, and if I feel uncomfortable, it is MY RIGHT not to pay you any mind. To let you go about your life in the way you had planned. A way that does not effect any part of me (save for the part that thinks I am better then you) and get the fuck on with my day. All this dribble shows you think you are better then someone based on the way they dress. Get a clue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, I could go on and on, on how I think the government wastes money. If you really wanted me to I would point out how much money was wasted on hiring private aircraft mechanics.
I can tell you now, that you do not have to be exposed with my dribble, here is how. When you see my name, don't read it and look it didn't cost the tax payer a single penny.

Yes please, explain to me why the govt. ( who owns alot of aircraft) does not need aircraft mechanics.

Oh and lastly................Pull your fuckin' pants up
The same goes for you, you see "saggers" look away, didn't cost the taxpayers anything. As far as mechanics, please explain why you need PRIVATE ones paid for by TAX dollars? And there is taxpayer money making it possible for you to post, even on this private forrum!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And telling me to pull my pants up just shows IGNORANCE, you don't know me, and you don't know what my sense of fasion is. Ignorance is what the word you really wanted to use means. Pot/kettle?
+3,936|6819|so randum

lowing wrote:

FatherTed wrote:

clothes hardly make a person
I disagree to a point, it is a reflection of your personality and your attitude. Saggers want to emulate gang affiliation, or street cred in some capacity. Why not focus that attention in a more positive that oh I dunno, you can build a quality life on.
No it's not.

Example, my sister is going out with someone who dresses like a chav. Applying your logic, he'd be an undesirable and not worth your time. You're stereotyping. When you actually take the time to speak to him, he's a rather well balenced young man.

People follow trends, and they have done since...forever. Trends don't define the person.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

lowing wrote:

how many sagger posers do you know, where they are a doctor, lawyer, police officers etc. in the day and walk the streets at night being all gangsta? (I asked before and no one touched it.)
Someone's gonna say they know a couple, even if they don't, just to try and prove ya wrong

Honestly if saggers want to not be judged poorly they should try and improve the image they have. First impressions are everything, and most people's first impressions when they see a sagger is that he/she's a troublemaker. That's the stereotype associated with them and it was NOT made out of thin air.
Yup I know, and so do they. Not accepting the truth, when you hate it, is a hard thing to do I guess.

nlsme1 wrote:

lowing wrote:

nlsme1 wrote:

Being a taxpayer myself, I can understand not wanting tax dollars going to things that make ME uncomfortable. That is why I am calling on the government to stop spending money on the infrastructure that keeps the internet functioning. That way, I won't be bothered with the dribble that spews from your mind. Or, I can accept the fact you have every right to constantly spew irrational thoughts however you wish, and if I feel uncomfortable, it is MY RIGHT not to pay you any mind. To let you go about your life in the way you had planned. A way that does not effect any part of me (save for the part that thinks I am better then you) and get the fuck on with my day. All this dribble shows you think you are better then someone based on the way they dress. Get a clue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, I could go on and on, on how I think the government wastes money. If you really wanted me to I would point out how much money was wasted on hiring private aircraft mechanics.
I can tell you now, that you do not have to be exposed with my dribble, here is how. When you see my name, don't read it and look it didn't cost the tax payer a single penny.

Yes please, explain to me why the govt. ( who owns alot of aircraft) does not need aircraft mechanics.

Oh and lastly................Pull your fuckin' pants up
The same goes for you, you see "saggers" look away, didn't cost the taxpayers anything. As far as mechanics, please explain why you need PRIVATE ones paid for by TAX dollars? And there is taxpayer money making it possible for you to post, even on this private forrum!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And telling me to pull my pants up just shows IGNORANCE, you don't know me, and you don't know what my sense of fasion is. Ignorance is what the word you really wanted to use means. Pot/kettle?
Already explained how sagging eventually costs the tax payer, if not in social services, then in prison services.

I have never been a "private mechanic" not even sure what one is, maybe you can explain. As far as the rest of your question about aircraft mechanics, I think I already explained, the govt. has a vast assortment of aircraft and yes, even the govts. aircraft require maintenance, so they hire aircraft mechanics to perform it. If you have a problem with it ( the FAA, NTSB etc.) then maybe you should not support aviation by flying. Also if you have ever flown in your life, you are welcome, you landed safely.

FatherTed wrote:

lowing wrote:

FatherTed wrote:

clothes hardly make a person
I disagree to a point, it is a reflection of your personality and your attitude. Saggers want to emulate gang affiliation, or street cred in some capacity. Why not focus that attention in a more positive that oh I dunno, you can build a quality life on.
No it's not.

Example, my sister is going out with someone who dresses like a chav. Applying your logic, he'd be an undesirable and not worth your time. You're stereotyping. When you actually take the time to speak to him, he's a rather well balenced young man.

People follow trends, and they have done since...forever. Trends don't define the person.
I see, so by your statement of "When you actually take the time to speak to him, he's a rather well balenced young man." I am left assuming you had this guy pre-judged BEFORE you took time to get to know him. Shame on you.

Now here is a question for you. How many people that dress and act like "chavs" ( don't even know what that is) are actully chavs? and would you take a bet that when you saw one, he really isn't?

lowing wrote:

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

lowing wrote:

how many sagger posers do you know, where they are a doctor, lawyer, police officers etc. in the day and walk the streets at night being all gangsta? (I asked before and no one touched it.)
Someone's gonna say they know a couple, even if they don't, just to try and prove ya wrong

Honestly if saggers want to not be judged poorly they should try and improve the image they have. First impressions are everything, and most people's first impressions when they see a sagger is that he/she's a troublemaker. That's the stereotype associated with them and it was NOT made out of thin air.
Yup I know, and so do they. Not accepting the truth, when you hate it, is a hard thing to do I guess.
I have colleagues who fit the description. I know a lawyer who has both ear lobes stretched far enough to pass a quarter through. I also know a guy who dresses the way you have a problem with at work. Yankees cap tilted to the side, baggy jeans with the oversized shirt. He has a huge diamond in his ear, and on occasion wears a white gold GRILL. He also happens to be VERY knowlidgeable in his field. So much so he is actually the best performing sales rep in an aerospace company that saw $14,000,000 in revenue last year. He will do just fine in his CAREER, and the company will be better off WITH him.

nlsme1 wrote:

lowing wrote:

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

Someone's gonna say they know a couple, even if they don't, just to try and prove ya wrong

Honestly if saggers want to not be judged poorly they should try and improve the image they have. First impressions are everything, and most people's first impressions when they see a sagger is that he/she's a troublemaker. That's the stereotype associated with them and it was NOT made out of thin air.
Yup I know, and so do they. Not accepting the truth, when you hate it, is a hard thing to do I guess.
I have colleagues who fit the description. I know a lawyer who has both ear lobes stretched far enough to pass a quarter through. I also know a guy who dresses the way you have a problem with at work. Yankees cap tilted to the side, baggy jeans with the oversized shirt. He has a huge diamond in his ear, and on occasion wears a white gold GRILL. He also happens to be VERY knowlidgeable in his field. So much so he is actually the best performing sales rep in an aerospace company that saw $14,000,000 in revenue last year. He will do just fine in his CAREER, and the company will be better off WITH him.
Sorry, I am not going to buy it. I am in aviation, and I have seen no one that goes to work dressed like a gangsta, and wearing a grill.

and even if you are telling the truth, which I am guessing you are not, your one example hardly defines this stereotype.

lowing wrote:

nlsme1 wrote:

lowing wrote:

I can tell you now, that you do not have to be exposed with my dribble, here is how. When you see my name, don't read it and look it didn't cost the tax payer a single penny.

Yes please, explain to me why the govt. ( who owns alot of aircraft) does not need aircraft mechanics.

Oh and lastly................Pull your fuckin' pants up
The same goes for you, you see "saggers" look away, didn't cost the taxpayers anything. As far as mechanics, please explain why you need PRIVATE ones paid for by TAX dollars? And there is taxpayer money making it possible for you to post, even on this private forrum!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And telling me to pull my pants up just shows IGNORANCE, you don't know me, and you don't know what my sense of fasion is. Ignorance is what the word you really wanted to use means. Pot/kettle?
Already explained how sagging eventually costs the tax payer, if not in social services, then in prison services.

I have never been a "private mechanic" not even sure what one is, maybe you can explain. As far as the rest of your question about aircraft mechanics, I think I already explained, the govt. has a vast assortment of aircraft and yes, even the govts. aircraft require maintenance, so they hire aircraft mechanics to perform it. If you have a problem with it ( the FAA, NTSB etc.) then maybe you should not support aviation by flying. Also if you have ever flown in your life, you are welcome, you landed safely.
Private as in NON MILITARY, so the condescending tone implied by you is just pathetic. Sure thank you for fixing very few aircraft that I can guarantee you I have never been on. And now how about a thank you to me for doing more in the aerospace industry then you could do by being a mechanic for three lifetimes. BTW, I have done a lot of work for a supplier that has numerus contracts with just about every company in the commercial aviation world(save for airbus since 07, when boeing paid them to cut ties), and plenty of military contracts as well.

lowing wrote:

nlsme1 wrote:

lowing wrote:

Yup I know, and so do they. Not accepting the truth, when you hate it, is a hard thing to do I guess.
I have colleagues who fit the description. I know a lawyer who has both ear lobes stretched far enough to pass a quarter through. I also know a guy who dresses the way you have a problem with at work. Yankees cap tilted to the side, baggy jeans with the oversized shirt. He has a huge diamond in his ear, and on occasion wears a white gold GRILL. He also happens to be VERY knowlidgeable in his field. So much so he is actually the best performing sales rep in an aerospace company that saw $14,000,000 in revenue last year. He will do just fine in his CAREER, and the company will be better off WITH him.
Sorry, I am not going to buy it. I am in aviation, and I have seen no one that goes to work dressed like a gangsta, and wearing a grill.

and even if you are telling the truth, which I am guessing you are not, your one example hardly defines this stereotype.
Dude you are a mechanic, that is like saying a car mechanic knows the ins and outs of the supply chain for GM.

nlsme1 wrote:

lowing wrote:

nlsme1 wrote:

The same goes for you, you see "saggers" look away, didn't cost the taxpayers anything. As far as mechanics, please explain why you need PRIVATE ones paid for by TAX dollars? And there is taxpayer money making it possible for you to post, even on this private forrum!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And telling me to pull my pants up just shows IGNORANCE, you don't know me, and you don't know what my sense of fasion is. Ignorance is what the word you really wanted to use means. Pot/kettle?
Already explained how sagging eventually costs the tax payer, if not in social services, then in prison services.

I have never been a "private mechanic" not even sure what one is, maybe you can explain. As far as the rest of your question about aircraft mechanics, I think I already explained, the govt. has a vast assortment of aircraft and yes, even the govts. aircraft require maintenance, so they hire aircraft mechanics to perform it. If you have a problem with it ( the FAA, NTSB etc.) then maybe you should not support aviation by flying. Also if you have ever flown in your life, you are welcome, you landed safely.
Private as in NON MILITARY, so the condescending tone implied by you is just pathetic. Sure thank you for fixing very few aircraft that I can guarantee you I have never been on. And now how about a thank you to me for doing more in the aerospace industry then you could do by being a mechanic for three lifetimes. BTW, I have done a lot of work for a supplier that has numerus contracts with just about every company in the commercial aviation world(save for airbus since 07, when boeing paid them to cut ties), and plenty of military contracts as well.
Well, I can no longer stand the suspense, what do you do in aviation?

Did you mention govt. contracts? I ask because I worked for a company that handles govt. contracts, so I am left to wonder what your problem is with me working for a company that handles them, at the same time you seem to be doing so.

nlsme1 wrote:

lowing wrote:

nlsme1 wrote:

I have colleagues who fit the description. I know a lawyer who has both ear lobes stretched far enough to pass a quarter through. I also know a guy who dresses the way you have a problem with at work. Yankees cap tilted to the side, baggy jeans with the oversized shirt. He has a huge diamond in his ear, and on occasion wears a white gold GRILL. He also happens to be VERY knowlidgeable in his field. So much so he is actually the best performing sales rep in an aerospace company that saw $14,000,000 in revenue last year. He will do just fine in his CAREER, and the company will be better off WITH him.
Sorry, I am not going to buy it. I am in aviation, and I have seen no one that goes to work dressed like a gangsta, and wearing a grill.

and even if you are telling the truth, which I am guessing you are not, your one example hardly defines this stereotype.
Dude you are a mechanic, that is like saying a car mechanic knows the ins and outs of the supply chain for GM.
Yes a licensed aircraft mechanic, how degrading when compared to the highly responsible and prestigious position of supplying parts.

I don't give a shit about the ins and outs of supply as long as the part, when handed to me, has a paper trail and is not an illegal or unserviceable part. ( uhhh NOT like a car mechanic)

Last edited by lowing (2009-06-29 09:40:05)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6901|SE London

lowing wrote:

I see, so tell me, just how many professionals do you know that "sags on their own time". Dress like gangstas, and act like fools?
Loads (though with acting like fools you are bringing a new and rather subjective element in, so I'll ignore that). But then I know loads of people working in creative industries like advertising, publishing, TV and film making as well as in the music industry. Loads of them do and hold down well paid, fairly high powered jobs.

One guy I know always dresses like that, even at work - and he's a creative director on nearly £1000/hour. The argument that people who choose to dress one way are more of a drain on the economy is just silly. Maybe there is a trend towards those who dress that way earning less, but if you look at specific industries, you'll find loads of people like that. Obviously in many industries that sort of atire is inappropriate, but not in lots of others. Loads of the more junior guys at Apple Europe are "saggers".

By your logic everyone should be forced to wear suits because on average those who wear suits earn more (and are in turn less likely to be "undesireables").

lowing wrote:

AussieReaper wrote:

lowing wrote:

I guess I do, which right guarantees me never to be offended?
Maybe you should look at which right guarantees an individuals freedom to live as they choose.
lol, yeah so where does the banning the swastika thing come in?
Also, who banned the swastika? Do you live in Germany or something?

Last edited by Bertster7 (2009-06-29 09:42:21)

There are plenty of CAREERS where these saggers THRIVE. Entertainment would be a big one, but really any one would be ideal as long as the person was marketable. You are not what you are based on what you look like. You did not just throw on a jumpsuit, and grab an aircraft manual to become succesful. Chances are, when you interviewed for your job you did not wear what you wear on a daily basis on your leisure time. Even better chances are, you did not wear wear what your normal attire is for work either. Hell, I would even venture as to say that you even went out and bought something new to wear just for said interview.

Bertster7 wrote:

lowing wrote:

I see, so tell me, just how many professionals do you know that "sags on their own time". Dress like gangstas, and act like fools?
Loads (though with acting like fools you are bringing a new a rather subjective element in, so I'll ignore that). But then I know loads of people working in creative industries like advertising, publishing, TV and film making as well as in the music industry. Loads of them do and hold down well paid, fairly high powered jobs.

One guy I know always dresses like that, even at work - and he's a creative director on nearly £1000/hour. The argument that people who choose to dress one way are more of a drain on the economy is just silly. Maybe there is a trend towards those who dress that way earning less, but if you look at specific industries, you'll find loads of people like that. Obviously in many industries that sort of atire is inappropriate, but not in lots of others. Loads of the more junior guys at Apple Europe are "saggers".

By your logic everyone should be forced to wear suits because on average those who wear suits earn more (and are in turn less likely to be "undesireables").

lowing wrote:

AussieReaper wrote:

Maybe you should look at which right guarantees an individuals freedom to live as they choose.
lol, yeah so where does the banning the swastika thing come in?
Also, who banned the swastika? Do you live in Germany or something?
No, by my logic, everyone should be respectful enough to wear fuckin pants OVER their underwear and not on the outside of them when in public.

Yes the saggers in the entertainment industry. Here is the thing, I am speaking of the sheeple that follow the entertainment industrys' bullshit trends. ya know the very few that are not music producers or hip hop artists.

Also, I do not live in Europe, I have seen the way the youth in Germany dress for example. Now, it is not sagging, but what is your opinion on the multi colored spiked hair with the dog collars, and shit?

Re-read, Aussie is the one with the banning the swastika thing.

Last edited by lowing (2009-06-29 09:48:26)

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