Sleep Deprived
If you want to see more of this, this topic was actually originally dealt with here:

Ronball9 wrote:

If you want to see more of this, this topic was actually originally dealt with here:
I must have missed that...... guess that makes me a noob.
when Hell is full...
drake666 = jean francis drake... wort pirate ever 666= looks good ^^
have that nick since 6 years...
Usque Ad Finem
Sheep of War
<------- I get criticism all the time because of this name....even get constantly booted if i ever play on the Windy City Gamers server.  People constantly ask me why its just a bunch of numbers. The reason is because when you join the military you essentially become a serial number. Plain and simple. After that people either say its cool or say how stupid it is. Either way, people remember it. I really don't see why people feel the need to boot me for a "name violation." Besides the possibility that I'm romping all over the admin.
set your body ablaze

Mr.CobraKai wrote:

Cobra Kai was the name of the "bad boys" dojo in the first Karate Kid movie.  Yes, it is silly ("Strike first, strike hard, no mercy sir!) and it certainly dates me a bit, as I'm old enough to have watched the film in the theater.  I understand there is some European band or a band's song named Kobrakai, or something like that, but I assure you that's not what I'm referencing, as I don't, as a rule, keep up with new music -- new meaning originating this millenium.

Incidentally, the Mr. is on the front of it (Mr.CobraKai) because when I signed up, CobraKai was already taken by some guy who hasn't played since October.
I know the band Lostprophets has a song called Kobrakai. They're from Wales. Makes me want to go listen to it...
Ambitious but Rubbish

Because When I'm in game everybody seems to be after me.
all your base are belong to us
The name is from Counter Strike..

After I stop playing CS for a long period of time, I will normally change my name when I come back. So while I was trying to think of a new name, I was going through the standard CS sprays and randomly chose the no smoke nade spray and figured what the hell. Its stuck ever since.
To The Front
+4|7065|Columbus, Indiana
Mine is from my Navy days aboard the U.S.S. Elmer Montgomery FF1082 out of Mayport, Florida.
Texas Longhorns, the greatest college teams,
2X, from algebra
+2|7017|Victoria, Australia
My nickname is Toons, I've had it since I started primary school. Its derivied from my surname Looney, ie: Warner Bros. Looney Tunes.

The ox----xo part of my name was so I could have toons.
I'm a member of the clan Deadly Recon, so in game my name looks like =[DR]= oxToonSxo. I am getting sick of people calling me "Doctor Ox Toons"!!!
<......figure it out..
+28|7045|Houston, TX

MrKamikaze wrote:

<......figure it out..
Is it your dancing name? Are you the one that was at my ex-wife bachelorette party. Homewrecker!!!!!! LOL!

StaticBlue means nothing. I just wanted something original, easy for people to remember/spell, doesn't sound gee or, cheesy. I have only gone by 3 names in all my online games. So if you know or knew a Ryxx, StaticBlue, or DaKrynn it was probably me.

Last edited by staticblue (2006-03-31 15:20:13)

I attend BF2 Anonymous Meetings
Book by Tom Clancy that goes into special operations(Rangers,Special Forces,SEALs,Force Recon,etc) and the 18D is the U.S Army Special Forces Military Occupational Specialty 18 Delta which the medic.
I'll sleep when i'm dead
Infest was the name of one Papa Roach's albums, I fell in love with that cd so hence the name.
Ha ha ha! I have different alts, and Quacki is not my favorite when it comes to playing online. It has the virtue of being short, though. I play as heinz_genannt_klaus, which is two common german names that are a bit old fashioned, and "genannt" is "known as". But what I really wanted to be known as is "Panzerfahrer Klaus".
Well, thats too easy. In Germany, we had a show called "Der Siebte Sinn", which is a short programme about traffic and how to behave correctly in it (cars and roads, mind you!). It is (or was) well known, and there is a spoof of it around, called "Staplerfahrer Klaus". In it, we see a forklift driver called "Klaus" new to his business and getting everything wrong. Very sarcastic, and very funny. Well, Panzerfahrer Klaus seemed to be fitting to me back when I started BF2, I hate tanks (=Panzer) now, but when I play BF42, you will know you found me when there is a "Panzerfahrer Klaus" around.

LaidBackNinja wrote:

I'd love to see someone use 'Slartibartfast'
hey! i've seen a guy with it in this forum, but dunno if it was his in-game name.

mine is the name of a character in pynchon's novel gravity's rainbow. 'oberst' is (roughly) german for colonel, and enzian is the actual name. i wanted to just have enzian, but some guy who hasn't played since last september (and only played for 25 hours) took it
WCR official whiner
+6|7037|Madrid, Spain
Stratocaster is a guitar model by Fender, not difficult

I have been lead guitar for several years and always loved to play on my japanese 1968' reissue stratocaster, how beautiful .... with its large headstock, just like Ritchie Blackmore...
Mass Media Casualty

My name arose from a cartoon character I drew when I was thirteen. I was good at that stage for thinking up random names that sounded kind of cool but didn't really mean anything, mostly from playing "Neopets", (a stage I'd rather forget,) and refusing to put numbers along side names that were taken.

The name stuck and is my 'nickname' as such. However, I refuse to be called Tyferra in public, so my mates opt for the shortened version - 'Ty.' that means people think that it's short for 'Tyler' or something so I don't get weird looks. One of my mates dosn't even know my real name.

My real name is Peter though.

Also see, for me dismissing a commonly believed myth.

Edit: @ Strat, I've found that I like Telecasters more than Stratocasters. Once I'm rich I'll buy myself one.

Last edited by Tyferra (2006-03-31 22:59:42)

[Blinking eyes thing]
+255|6946|Westminster, California
The name is yerded. Your dead. Its whats gonna happen next time I see you.
Got Milk?
well ||3RB|| is the clan tag, and the earljohnson came after playing bf1942, me and my friends came up with the most plain sounding names we could, and the results were, frank stevens, james gibson, earl johnson, dale miller, good times ....i know boring....BUT YOU ASKED...stop looking at me like im a freak

Last edited by ||3RB||earljohnson (2006-03-31 23:20:59)

want to go heads up?
+11|7044|cairns australia
mine's self explanatory
its my job

Last edited by pokerplaya (2006-03-31 23:22:04)

when Hell is full...

Quacki wrote:

Ha ha ha! I have different alts, and Quacki is not my favorite when it comes to playing online. It has the virtue of being short, though. I play as heinz_genannt_klaus, which is two common german names that are a bit old fashioned, and "genannt" is "known as". But what I really wanted to be known as is "Panzerfahrer Klaus".
Well, thats too easy. In Germany, we had a show called "Der Siebte Sinn", which is a short programme about traffic and how to behave correctly in it (cars and roads, mind you!). It is (or was) well known, and there is a spoof of it around, called "Staplerfahrer Klaus". In it, we see a forklift driver called "Klaus" new to his business and getting everything wrong. Very sarcastic, and very funny. Well, Panzerfahrer Klaus seemed to be fitting to me back when I started BF2, I hate tanks (=Panzer) now, but when I play BF42, you will know you found me when there is a "Panzerfahrer Klaus" around.
staplerfahrer klausi owns!  :> order @ EMP! hrhr
Usque Ad Finem
StormEye: Eye of a storm is calm regardless of the chaos around it. I am a sniper and I find inner peace amongst the battlefield in front of me while I am lining up my shots.
chosuyoung: thats just my real name... simple. StormEye was taken by some random guy who doesn't even play on the account. I want to find that guy who created it and punch him around until he says he will cut his own 3rd leg off along with his balls.

Last edited by StormEye (2006-04-01 00:36:02)

bad touch

---hates you
+1,137|7066|Hell, p.o box 666

Stratocaster wrote:

Stratocaster is a guitar model by Fender, not difficult

I have been lead guitar for several years and always loved to play on my japanese 1968' reissue stratocaster, how beautiful .... with its large headstock, just like Ritchie Blackmore...
A real good guitar. I dont own a strat by now but it is still a excellent guitar.


First of all Slayer is my favourite Band and I´m a great fan of those guys. During a Lanparty in my hometown I´ve killed three mosquitos with one stroke and my nickname was born by some friends. fon is the tag of my clan forceofnoobs

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