+778|6022|London, UK

War Man wrote:

virgin nerds living in their bomb shelters.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7099|Great Brown North

Poseidon wrote:

i think everyone can agree that this post is the epitome of war man's fail
im not sure if it's the epitome of it... i would say it's a pretty good example though
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5803|Bolingbrook, Illinois
GameSpot Bad Company 2 Hands-on & Trailer
Gamespot posted up a video interview with Battlefield: Bad Company 2 producer, Patrick Bach. Also check out their hands-on article, new screenshots and the premier of a new trailer. Check back tomorrow for a high res version. … ideos;hd;1 … ideos;hd;2

Battlefield: Bad Company marked the first entry in DICE's first-person shooter series to be designed solely for consoles. As part of that transition, the franchise's trademark 64-player online matches were scaled down to 24 in an effort to keep things running smoothly on trickier network configurations. Despite this, Bad Company's online multiplayer managed to preserve a lot of that chaos by way of newly destructible buildings and the remaining presence of vehicles. Now, after going hands-on with Bad Company 2 at a press event held at EA's Los Angeles offices, we've got a good idea of what to expect out of the sequel's online offerings. While the max number of players remains the same, a host of enhancements should make the combat even more frenetic.

What we played was the Rush gameplay mode on a snowy Alaskan map dubbed Port Valdez. Rush, if you recall from Bad Company, is a mode that divides players into attacking and defending teams and has them fight over a series of crates. The attacking team is out to destroy these crates in order to push the defending team deeper into their own territory, whereas the defending team's job is to withstand the onslaught until the attacking team runs out of respawns. Like in the Conquest mode featured in the earlier games, momentum is a big factor in Rush.

Although Rush is a familiar feature for those who played Bad Company, Port Valdez's snowy landscape is a marked departure from the green forests and brown desert maps that made up the first game's combat zones. But once again, vehicles are your best option for traversing the terrain. On this map, we spotted the tanks and helicopters that you'd expect, plus a new vehicle in the form of a four-wheel ATV. These zippy little quads are much quicker and nimbler than the vehicles seen in the first Bad Company, which seems to add a bit more unpredictability when you see one flying around the corner. They make it easier to get from point to point, but unlike taking a seat in an armored jeep, you're pretty much a sitting duck on one of these things.
Always ride quad ATVs with a buddy in tow. He'll help soften the crash.

Upping the pace of combat is one of the new goals for DICE. One way the company is seeking to do this is by making players a bit easier to kill, which in turn makes the flow of deaths and respawns a bit faster. The medic needle that was used to restore health in the first game has been done away with in favor of regenerating health, but when you take damage it takes a good, long while to restore yourself--noticeably longer than other shooters that sport regenerating health. You'll also see a streamlined control system that includes the ability to knife people with a dedicated melee button, keeping you from having to switch from gun to knife and back again.

The class system has been given a bit of a jumble, with the number of roles dropping from five to four. Those featured in Bad Company 2 will be Assault (traditional soldier class), Engineer (repair vehicles), Recon (sniper), and Medic (heal your teammates with a defibrillator). But despite the fact that the number of classes has been reduced, you're actually given quite a bit more flexibility with additional customizable kits. Not only can you mix and match primary and secondary weapons more easily across different classes, but you can also customize a good many parts of your gun such as the scope and grenade-launcher type.
Port Valdez is set against an industrial Alaskan backdrop.

During the course of battles, you'll notice that the game's destruction engine has been improved. In the first Bad Company, you could destroy the walls of a building to your heart's content, but no matter how many grenades you lobbed at it, the frame of the building would remain stubbornly intact. Now you can take down entire buildings with enough persistence, whereas on a smaller scale, cover will chip away more realistically if you continue hiding behind a small object for long enough while being fired on. This should help to further increase the frantic level of combat even as the maximum number of players remains at 24.

Based on our initial look, there's a lot to like about where the multiplayer is headed with this collection of clever tweaks and enhancements. EA and DICE still have some tricks up their sleeves in the form of a new multiplayer mode and what's said to be vastly expanded persistence and stat-tracking, so a few more drastic upgrades could still be around the corner. Until we get a look at that, you can expect Bad Company 2 to arrive in the first few months of 2010.
'Light 'em up!'

That's Marlowe!
stephen brule
Thank god their not rushing it.

They said the release is around Q1, 2010.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7033|Purplicious Wisconsin
Woohoo!!! Customizable kits and a bit more different classes than in BC1.

Last edited by War Man (2009-05-21 19:44:30)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7033|Purplicious Wisconsin
I've been doing some thinking and I wonder about a few things. The rumored modern warfare battlefield game was supposed to have 5 classes -Sniper, Assault, Engineer, Medic, and Support- and the classes BC2 will have are very much the same as these except without the Support class, which makes me wonder did they decide to get rid of it or did they combine it with the medic or assault classes? Another thing, seeing as there doesn't seem to be a specops class did they combine it with the recon class like in bf2142 or did they finally make the Engineer the demolitions class as it should be, and will the engineer have a choice between shotgun or smg? One last question, did they give the assault class the option to have a rocket launcher in place of the grenade launcher as I would love to happen or did they just give it to the Engineer?

Last edited by War Man (2009-05-22 12:41:51)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5803|Bolingbrook, Illinois
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Preview Roundup
Many sites are releasing Battlefield: Bad Company 2 hands-on articles today. Check this post throughout the day for an updated list.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5803|Bolingbrook, Illinois
Bad Company 2 Trailer & EA3 Video
EA officially released the second Battlefield: Bad Company 2 trailer today along with four new screenshots.

We also had some hands-on time a couple weeks ago with both BF1943 and BFBC2 at EA3 and spoke with Karl-Magnus Troedsson, Patrick Liu, and Gordon Van Dyke. A short video from the event is posted below.

HD 720p Streaming | HD Download (51 MB) … bps_ST.flv
Gordon Van Dyke playing Bad Company 2
Download Video (129 MB)

Notes on Battlefield: Bad Company 2
  • Simultaneous PC & console release
  • Gold Rush game mode has been renamed to just “Rush”
  • Snowy map in screens and video called Port Valdez
  • Medic class can revive teammates with a defibrillator within 5 (10?) seconds of them dying. Defibrillator is an unlock
  • Health injector removed. Health regenerates on its own.
  • Highly improved squad system. 4 person squads with your squad mates names viewable in the lower HUD
  • No user controllable jets
  • More spread out achievements tied to unlocks
  • Highly customizable weapons
  • More gadgets
  • 6-8 crates per map
  • More game modes coming in addition to Rush and Conquest
  • No mod support since there are no tools for the Frostbite engine
  • Details on PC version will be released later
  • New vehicles such as very fast 4-wheelers. Holds 2.
  • More blood, more serious Battlefield game
  • There will be a type of artillery
  • Destruction 2.0 allows you to chip away at cover and completely destroy buildings
  • Spotting enemies works a little differently. To spot you press the back button (on Xbox 360) and the enemy will show up on your squad’s mini map.
  • Ammo crates have been removed. You must now get ammo packs from an engineer.
  • 4 kits - assault, recon, medic, engineer
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7033|Purplicious Wisconsin
Ammo from engineers, that mean it's gonna be the support class and will have the lmg? Also, even though you can revive teammates I see no need for medic if it's not gonna be healing teammates, although it might end up being the shotgun class coming to think of it. Thanks for the extra info by the way Haibei.

Last edited by War Man (2009-05-22 18:28:56)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.

HaiBai wrote:

Health regenerates on its own.
squad mates names viewable in the lower HUD
No user controllable jets
Destruction 2.0 allows you to chip away at cover and completely destroy buildings
Ammo crates have been removed.
+1,411|7061|FUCK UBISOFT

HaiBai wrote:

Bad Company 2 Trailer & EA3 Video
EA officially released the second Battlefield: Bad Company 2 trailer today along with four new screenshots.

We also had some hands-on time a couple weeks ago with both BF1943 and BFBC2 at EA3 and spoke with Karl-Magnus Troedsson, Patrick Liu, and Gordon Van Dyke. A short video from the event is posted below.

HD 720p Streaming | HD Download (51 MB) … bps_ST.flv
Gordon Van Dyke playing Bad Company 2
Download Video (129 MB)

Notes on Battlefield: Bad Company 2
  • Simultaneous PC & console release
  • Gold Rush game mode has been renamed to just “Rush”
  • Snowy map in screens and video called Port Valdez
  • Medic class can revive teammates with a defibrillator within 5 (10?) seconds of them dying. Defibrillator is an unlock
  • Health injector removed. Health regenerates on its own.
  • Highly improved squad system. 4 person squads with your squad mates names viewable in the lower HUD
  • No user controllable jets
  • More spread out achievements tied to unlocks
  • Highly customizable weapons
  • More gadgets
  • 6-8 crates per map
  • More game modes coming in addition to Rush and Conquest
  • No mod support since there are no tools for the Frostbite engine
  • Details on PC version will be released later
  • New vehicles such as very fast 4-wheelers. Holds 2.
  • More blood, more serious Battlefield game
  • There will be a type of artillery
  • Destruction 2.0 allows you to chip away at cover and completely destroy buildings
  • Spotting enemies works a little differently. To spot you press the back button (on Xbox 360) and the enemy will show up on your squad’s mini map.
  • Ammo crates have been removed. You must now get ammo packs from an engineer.
  • 4 kits - assault, recon, medic, engineer
lol, are they kidding? trying to piss people off?
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7099|Great Brown North
customizable weapons?
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7033|Purplicious Wisconsin

krazed wrote:

customizable weapons?
Yep, you can choose what scope and grenade launcher you want on your gun, maybe a few other things too.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6857|Long Island, New York

HaiBai wrote:

Notes on Battlefield: Bad Company 2
  • Simultaneous PC & console release - good
  • Gold Rush game mode has been renamed to just “Rush” - good
  • Snowy map in screens and video called Port Valdez - very good
  • Medic class can revive teammates with a defibrillator within 5 (10?) seconds of them dying. Defibrillator is an unlock - VERY good
  • Health injector removed. Health regenerates on its own. - BAD
  • Highly improved squad system. 4 person squads with your squad mates names viewable in the lower HUD - very, very good
  • No user controllable jets - /wrists
  • More spread out achievements tied to unlocks - good
  • Highly customizable weapons - very good
  • More gadgets - very very good
  • 6-8 crates per map - good
  • More game modes coming in addition to Rush and Conquest - sounds good
  • No mod support since there are no tools for the Frostbite engine - it'll come eventually
  • Details on PC version will be released later - cool?
  • New vehicles such as very fast 4-wheelers. Holds 2. - also necessary, i hated driving in a Vodnik or whatever they were all across the map
  • More blood, more serious Battlefield game -
  • There will be a type of artillery - good, but you know there'll be TKing for it...although it was pretty fun...
  • Destruction 2.0 allows you to chip away at cover and completely destroy buildings - thank god
  • Spotting enemies works a little differently. To spot you press the back button (on Xbox 360) and the enemy will show up on your squad’s mini map. - good
  • Ammo crates have been removed. You must now get ammo packs from an engineer. - just like BF2 then. Sounds good.
  • 4 kits - assault, recon, medic, engineer - good
The only thing I don't like is regenerating health. I liked stabbing myself in the chest A La "The Rock" with Nick Cage. Oh, and no jets. Other than that, everything sounds amazing.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7033|Purplicious Wisconsin
Yeah, health regenerating is not right for this game. It makes the medic only useful for reviving which pisses me off. EA/Dice, use your fucking brains and stop with the health regenerating mania before it takes over the gaming world.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
got any popo lolo intersting?

Might be fun for the first month. An MP FPS has to be more arcadish than this seems to be, like BF2 is, to attract for a longer time

Last edited by DeathUnlimited (2009-05-23 08:11:44)

main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
french canadians suck

EA wrote:

Medic class can revive teammates with a defibrillator within 5 (10?) seconds of them dying. Defibrillator is an unlock
More spread out achievements tied to unlocks
Health injector removed. Health regenerates on its own.
No mod support since there are no tools for the Frostbite engine
I give up.
'Light 'em up!'

Poseidon wrote:

HaiBai wrote:

Notes on Battlefield: Bad Company 2
  • Simultaneous PC & console release - good
  • Gold Rush game mode has been renamed to just “Rush” - good
  • Snowy map in screens and video called Port Valdez - very good
  • Medic class can revive teammates with a defibrillator within 5 (10?) seconds of them dying. Defibrillator is an unlock - VERY good
  • Health injector removed. Health regenerates on its own. - BAD
  • Highly improved squad system. 4 person squads with your squad mates names viewable in the lower HUD - very, very good
  • No user controllable jets - /wrists
  • More spread out achievements tied to unlocks - good
  • Highly customizable weapons - very good
  • More gadgets - very very good
  • 6-8 crates per map - good
  • More game modes coming in addition to Rush and Conquest - sounds good
  • No mod support since there are no tools for the Frostbite engine - it'll come eventually
  • Details on PC version will be released later - cool?
  • New vehicles such as very fast 4-wheelers. Holds 2. - also necessary, i hated driving in a Vodnik or whatever they were all across the map
  • More blood, more serious Battlefield game -
  • There will be a type of artillery - good, but you know there'll be TKing for it...although it was pretty fun...
  • Destruction 2.0 allows you to chip away at cover and completely destroy buildings - thank god
  • Spotting enemies works a little differently. To spot you press the back button (on Xbox 360) and the enemy will show up on your squad’s mini map. - good
  • Ammo crates have been removed. You must now get ammo packs from an engineer. - just like BF2 then. Sounds good.
  • 4 kits - assault, recon, medic, engineer - good
The only thing I don't like is regenerating health. I liked stabbing myself in the chest A La "The Rock" with Nick Cage. Oh, and no jets. Other than that, everything sounds amazing.
Yeah same, I liked being in a fight and having to quickly switch to the autoinjector, dunno just made it more frantic.

Game still looks awsm though, and first BF game with blood it would seem
Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6759|Brisbane, Australia

HaiBai wrote:

Bad Company was not only an amazing game in its own right, but was also the game that finally and completely stole the inherent glory and free-form silliness of Battlefield away from the dull beige cage of the PC.'d at that.

What a bunch of cunts. Battlefield 2 is and will always be better than any console game.

Regenning health. Nice.

No mod support since there are no tools for the Frostbite engine

EA really just gradually fit even more cocks in over time dont they.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5803|Bolingbrook, Illinois
BF1943 & BFBC2 Banners at E3
Kotaku has some of the first pictures from E3. Among them are some of the BF1943 and BFBC2 banners hanging around the LA Convention Center. The BF1943 banner reads "Free Copies Available Daily* While supplies last. Intersection of West Lobby & Concourse Walkway"
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7099|Great Brown North
what kind of weapon customization?
+303|6313|The pool
No mods, no jets and now regenerating health?
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7033|Purplicious Wisconsin

krazed wrote:

what kind of weapon customization?
Different scope choices and some other stuff.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6467|San Antonio, Texas

War Man wrote:

krazed wrote:

what kind of weapon customization?
Different scope choices and some other stuff.
To add, short or long underslung grenade launchers.

According to IGN, we can even take dogtags. Learned that from Wiki today.

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