Think about it.Bradt3hleader wrote:
Because a PPSH is overpowered?Finray wrote:
That's because everyone who uses it is skilless and needs an over-powered gun to make them average.Bradt3hleader wrote:
I think I've raped everybody who's come up against me with a PPSH.
More like Type 100 or Thompson if anything!
With the Drum Mag it has X amount of bullets (unsure, not unlocked it yet, but it's alot), fastest fire rate out of any of the SMGs, little to no recoil, high motability (time switching to it/from it/picking it up) fast reload time and very narrow hip-crosshairs. Now tell me that isn't overpowered.
To fix it you need to reduce the power, increase the recoil - a lot, and increase the hip-shot crosshairs immensely.
Same thing applies to the P90. If they made it the same damage as the Skorp, with the crosshairs of the SAW and the recoil of, say, the RPD, it'd be a lot more balanced and you'd see a much wider variety of SMG usage in public, in both games.