Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5803|Bolingbrook, Illinois
Interview with BFBC2 Producers

First Video for BFBC2
http://ll-100.ea.com/nawp/na/u/f/GPO/ea … Teaser.wmv

BFBC2 Will Support 40 Players
http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/batt … irmed.html

+244|7008|arica harbour
DICE and EA can jump in a lake for all i care. but ill give some credit to BF BC because its a new start and a decent game.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5803|Bolingbrook, Illinois
Trailer: Circle of Death by Noken

specialistx2324 wrote:

DICE and EA can jump in a lake for all i care. but ill give some credit to BF BC because its a new start and a decent game.
I like DICE guys

HaiBai wrote:

Trailer: Circle of Death by Noken
that was epic
'Light 'em up!'

HaiBai wrote:

Trailer: Circle of Death by Noken
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5803|Bolingbrook, Illinois
!!!!!Spoiler's Announced in the OXM Article if you haven't Played BFBC Yet!!!!!

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Newsbits
PCGames.de released a new video interview with Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Senior Producer, Karl-Magnus Troedsson. Official Xbox Magazine also posted up a small preview on Bad Company 2.

Gaming's answer to the Dirty Dozen (the Filthy Foursome?) are back. B-Company, the rag-tag group of misfits first introduced in Battlefield: Bad Company, are about to become cannon fodder once again; and very much want to take you along for the ride.

Bad Company was not only an amazing game in its own right, but was also the game that finally and completely stole the inherent glory and free-form silliness of Battlefield away from the dull beige cage of the PC.

It also defied naysayers and traditionalists, by working out a way to add a viable single-player mode to what has been since time immemorial a multiplayer scramble in which five people attempt to climb into the same fighter jet.

Playing as one Preston Marlowe, you traversed various free-form battlefields in the pursuit of an elusive stash of gold while your squad of military misfits chirped at each other - Sweetwater, the chatty tech-knowing everyman; Redford the 'too old for this shit' retiree and Haggard the thoughtless-country-invading pyromaniac.

Spoiler (highlight to read):
Quite whether the gang have spent the truckload of gold they purloined at the close of the last game is as yet unknown - but you can be sure that you're off to places more exotic than the original game's Serdaristan, and that the leader of the ruthlessly efficient Legionnaires (last seen standing unscathed next to his wrecked helicopter and looking a little miffed) will be making a violent return.

If that wasn't enough, EA has promised treks through the dense green vegetation and humid atmosphere of jungles, as well as battles along snowy mountain vistas (Skidoos? Please let there be skidoos...) for the sequel, as well as slightly more boring dusty villages and arid plains. In short - we're excited.

The beast of an engine that it all runs on (that will also support the seemingly lower-tech Battlefield 1943 when it hits Xbox Live) remains the one called 'Frostbite' - an apt name given the frozen mountaintop battling we're promised.

A year on, however, the word is that it's been upgraded heavily. Could this mean that, rather than 92 per cent of the environment being sculpted with crushing, burning and exploding in mind, the destroyable tally might be rising up to the heady heights of 100 per cent? We're preparing our rocket launchers and aiming them at innocuous-looking outhouses and shrubberies already...


Last edited by HaiBai (2009-05-06 14:45:02)

+244|7008|arica harbour
Please make Battefield 3 not this stupid ass nonsense of a wannabe team fortress classic Battlefield heros and another bad company.
'Light 'em up!'

specialistx2324 wrote:

Please make Battefield 3 not this stupid ass nonsense of a wannabe team fortress classic Battlefield heros and another bad company.
What happened to the "BFBC was decent so I'll give this a chance?"

BFBC is still one of the best games for the PS3.
+3,936|6819|so randum

specialistx2324 wrote:

Please make Battefield 3 not this stupid ass nonsense of a wannabe team fortress classic Battlefield heros and another bad company.
BFBC was nothing like TF2 lol. stfu and come back when you've played it to any degree.


Fuck console haters, it was a very solid multi FPS.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Say wat!?

FatherTed wrote:

specialistx2324 wrote:

Please make Battefield 3 not this stupid ass nonsense of a wannabe team fortress classic Battlefield heros and another bad company.
BFBC was nothing like TF2 lol. stfu and come back when you've played it to any degree.


Fuck console haters, it was a very solid multi FPS.
gotta agree with ted here.

bad company was a solid shooter.
Hockey Nut
+243|6849|Boston, MA

FatherTed wrote:

specialistx2324 wrote:

Please make Battefield 3 not this stupid ass nonsense of a wannabe team fortress classic Battlefield heros and another bad company.
BFBC was nothing like TF2 lol. stfu and come back when you've played it to any degree.


Fuck console haters, it was a very solid multi FPS.
He was comparing Battlefield HEROS to TF2....
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7033|Purplicious Wisconsin

M.O.A.B wrote:

specialistx2324 wrote:

Please make Battefield 3 not this stupid ass nonsense of a wannabe team fortress classic Battlefield heros and another bad company.
What happened to the "BFBC was decent so I'll give this a chance?"

BFBC is still one of the best games for the PS3.
For xbox 360 as well, it ain't a PS3 exclusive.

Oh and, fuck all console haters and specialist. Give BC2 a chance guys snd quit whining for BF3, what makes you think BF3 will be any good if you don't like BC2 anyway?
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
+1,411|7061|FUCK UBISOFT

War Man wrote:

M.O.A.B wrote:

specialistx2324 wrote:

Please make Battefield 3 not this stupid ass nonsense of a wannabe team fortress classic Battlefield heros and another bad company.
What happened to the "BFBC was decent so I'll give this a chance?"

BFBC is still one of the best games for the PS3.
For xbox 360 as well, it ain't a PS3 exclusive.

Oh and, fuck all console haters and specialist. Give BC2 a chance guys snd quit whining for BF3, what makes you think BF3 will be any good if you don't like BC2 anyway?
people just want depth, and console games tend to lack depth to their gameplay. BFBC was a perfect example.

I personally have pretty much given up on dice, unless they follow through with the stuff they were saying about making BC2 better on PC, I doubt I'll end up getting it.

And do you understand why we dislike consoles when the Official Xbox Magazine bitches about PCs like 6 year olds?
Bad Company was not only an amazing game in its own right, but was also the game that finally and completely stole the inherent glory and free-form silliness of Battlefield away from the dull beige cage of the PC.

Last edited by Miggle (2009-05-07 17:44:47)

+1,411|7061|FUCK UBISOFT

War Man wrote:

I don't read magazines so how would I know? Also, no one -except your disciple flamingmaniac- gives a shit about your opinion, so fuck off.
Who's the disciple? You're copying poseidon word for word...

Poseidon wrote:

but seeing as how FM takes pretty much everything Miggle ever said in the OT section as gospel, doesn't surprise me
And the article was posted earlier on this page fyi.

Last edited by Miggle (2009-05-07 18:04:35)

War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7033|Purplicious Wisconsin

Miggle wrote:

War Man wrote:

I don't read magazines so how would I know? Also, no one -except your disciple flamingmaniac- gives a shit about your opinion, so fuck off.
Who's the disciple? You're copying poseidon word for word...
I don't give a fuck for hippie Jr, where as flaming maniac does for you.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5803|Bolingbrook, Illinois
Submit Your BF1943 & BFBC2 Questions Now
If you have a Battlefield 1943 or Bad Company 2 question send us a message on twitter or leave it in the comments.

Thanks for all the questions. Event is over.

Last edited by HaiBai (2009-05-07 20:34:06)

'Light 'em up!'

War Man wrote:

M.O.A.B wrote:

specialistx2324 wrote:

Please make Battefield 3 not this stupid ass nonsense of a wannabe team fortress classic Battlefield heros and another bad company.
What happened to the "BFBC was decent so I'll give this a chance?"

BFBC is still one of the best games for the PS3.
For xbox 360 as well, it ain't a PS3 exclusive.

Oh and, fuck all console haters and specialist. Give BC2 a chance guys snd quit whining for BF3, what makes you think BF3 will be any good if you don't like BC2 anyway?
I know it wasn't a PS3 exclusive, but as I own a PS3, its one of the best games for the PS3.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7033|Purplicious Wisconsin

M.O.A.B wrote:

War Man wrote:

M.O.A.B wrote:

What happened to the "BFBC was decent so I'll give this a chance?"

BFBC is still one of the best games for the PS3.
For xbox 360 as well, it ain't a PS3 exclusive.

Oh and, fuck all console haters and specialist. Give BC2 a chance guys snd quit whining for BF3, what makes you think BF3 will be any good if you don't like BC2 anyway?
I know it wasn't a PS3 exclusive, but as I own a PS3, its one of the best games for the PS3.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6857|Long Island, New York

Miggle wrote:

War Man wrote:

I don't read magazines so how would I know? Also, no one -except your disciple flamingmaniac- gives a shit about your opinion, so fuck off.
Who's the disciple? You're copying poseidon word for word...

Poseidon wrote:

but seeing as how FM takes pretty much everything Miggle ever said in the OT section as gospel, doesn't surprise me
And the article was posted earlier on this page fyi.
that's not word for word Miggle, l2phrase
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5803|Bolingbrook, Illinois
Battlefield 1943 & Bad Company 2 at EA3
EA held an E3 pre-show yesterday called EA3, which we were lucky enough to attend. Included in the many games showcased were Battlefield 1943 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2. The event was a great opportunity to meet many of the devs and get some hands-on time with the game.

Unfortunately we can't release any new information just yet, but keep checking back these next couple weeks leading up to E3.

Meanwhile, check out these pictures EA put up on their Flickr.


EA offered a pre-show glimpse of the E3 titles at the Los Angeles campus today, offering up a wide selection of Wii, Xbox and other game titles for the media to play. It was also an opportunity to show off titles not yet publicly announced, in secret conference rooms that contained blackout curtains and stern looking guards.

The 8 hour event started at 11:30 am today, with media check-in, followed by a special barbecue lunch for the E3 Game Critic Award judges. Once lunch was done, the show began and members of the media were whisked to various gaming stations to jump, shoot, race and create. Special game presentations were given in the Mann’s Chinese theater, a large room with stadium seating and high tech screens. E3 Game Critic Award judges received the red carpet treatment and given the opportunity to play games that EA wanted to be considered for the “Best of E3” nominations.

Matt Leone of 1UP said he had been attending pre-E3 events all week and that EA’s was by the far the biggest. He was waiting for his appointment to see one of EA’s newest games. “It’s a chance to get a sneak peek at some of the titles,” he said.


t was also a chance for some good food and drink.  There was food available all day, with fresh brownies, cookies, fruit and snacks available post lunch. At 4:30, the cocktail party kicked off with a mashed potato bar – 5 different types of mashed potatoes and 25 different toppings, all served in martini glasses.  A full service bar was also available, along with dinner and music.

Upstairs, on the second floor above the main lobby, the loud sounds of guns, planes and comraderie reverbverated throughout the floor. "I can't believe how loud it is," said one new EA employee. "It's so cool that we get to see the games."

This is the third year the event has been held at EA Los Angeles. Preparations began two months ago and culminated in the set up of 40 consoles and HDTVs and dozens of couches and chairs. EA worked with Tekamaki, a technical services team that handled set up and equipment rentals. Tekamaki is also designing EA’s booth at E3 this year.

“This event really allows us to show off what we have here as far as the location, campus and facilities,” said Tim Sabourin, Facilities Director. “It gives us an opportunity to be at the center of the EA universe for a bit.”

Check out all of the pictures from the Event at EA's Flickr Photo Stream.







+1,411|7061|FUCK UBISOFT

Poseidon wrote:

Miggle wrote:

War Man wrote:

I don't read magazines so how would I know? Also, no one -except your disciple flamingmaniac- gives a shit about your opinion, so fuck off.
Who's the disciple? You're copying poseidon word for word...

Poseidon wrote:

but seeing as how FM takes pretty much everything Miggle ever said in the OT section as gospel, doesn't surprise me
And the article was posted earlier on this page fyi.
that's not word for word Miggle, l2phrase
I'm not sure why you're helping him "hippie Jr", as he clearly doesn't give a fuck for you.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6857|Long Island, New York

Miggle wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Miggle wrote:

War Man wrote:

I don't read magazines so how would I know? Also, no one -except your disciple flamingmaniac- gives a shit about your opinion, so fuck off.
Who's the disciple? You're copying poseidon word for word...

And the article was posted earlier on this page fyi.
that's not word for word Miggle, l2phrase
I'm not sure why you're helping him "hippie Jr", as he clearly doesn't give a fuck for you.
(I think he thinks "hippie Jr" is an insult towards me)

and i don't give a fuck about either of you

everybody sucks

fuck the world

on topic: HaiBai do you work for EA or summin like that
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7033|Purplicious Wisconsin

Poseidon wrote:

Miggle wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

that's not word for word Miggle, l2phrase
I'm not sure why you're helping him "hippie Jr", as he clearly doesn't give a fuck for you.
(I think he thinks "hippie Jr" is an insult towards me)

and i don't give a fuck about either of you

everybody sucks

fuck the world

on topic: HaiBai do you work for EA or summin like that
I don't think Hippie Jr insults you if you can stand Jewish jokes, it's just a nickname I came up for you. You're right that everyone sucks though, eventually that is unless they're virgin nerds living in their bomb shelters.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6857|Long Island, New York

War Man wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Miggle wrote:

I'm not sure why you're helping him "hippie Jr", as he clearly doesn't give a fuck for you.
(I think he thinks "hippie Jr" is an insult towards me)

and i don't give a fuck about either of you

everybody sucks

fuck the world

on topic: HaiBai do you work for EA or summin like that
I don't think Hippie Jr insults you if you can stand Jewish jokes, it's just a nickname I came up for you. You're right that everyone sucks though, eventually that is unless they're virgin nerds living in their bomb shelters.
i think everyone can agree that this post is the epitome of war man's fail

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